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Hospital in Locarnese e Vallemaggia (Region)

: 30 Entries

Hospital in Locarnese e Vallemaggia (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Rating 4.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings


Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano

Ophthalmology today allows almost all evaluation and treatment to be performed on an outpatient basis. For this reason, our outpatient eye clinic has been established for you in Lugano since 1987. Our activities and services: » General ophthalmologic diagnosis » Cataract surgery » Glaucoma treatment and surgery » Treatment of retinal diseases » Plastic eyelid surgery » Children’s Ophthalmology » Orthoptic diagnosis and treatment » Refractive surgery » Excimer- laser-treatment We recommend eye checks » For children, generally between the ages of two and four » Regularly for children and teenagers with eye problems » Regularly for adults with vision problems » Regularly for adult patients with general medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, and certain drug therapies » After forty years of age, every 1 to 2 years Ophthalmic surgery allows » For cataracts, the removal of the opaque lens and correction with an artificial lens » For glaucoma, the intraocular pressure-reduction by surgery » For many refractive errors, as an alternative to traditional corrections like eye glasses or contact lenses (Excimer-laser) » Reconstruction of the eyelids after accidents, tumors and for cosmetic reasons Using the Excimer-Laser good corrections are possible » For myopia up to 10 dioptres » For hyperopia up to 6 dioptres » For astigmatism » For presbyopia in the early to intermediate stages, also in combination with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism A complete correction cannot be guaranteed, however, for daily needs most patients with incomplete correction have sufficient vision and don’t need any supplementary correction.

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Eye centerOphthalmic clinicsHospitalOphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryLaser medical treatmentLaserDoctors
Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano
Eye centerOphthalmic clinicsHospitalOphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryLaser medical treatmentLaserDoctors

Ophthalmology today allows almost all evaluation and treatment to be performed on an outpatient basis. For this reason, our outpatient eye clinic has been established for you in Lugano since 1987. Our activities and services: » General ophthalmologic diagnosis » Cataract surgery » Glaucoma treatment and surgery » Treatment of retinal diseases » Plastic eyelid surgery » Children’s Ophthalmology » Orthoptic diagnosis and treatment » Refractive surgery » Excimer- laser-treatment We recommend eye checks » For children, generally between the ages of two and four » Regularly for children and teenagers with eye problems » Regularly for adults with vision problems » Regularly for adult patients with general medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, and certain drug therapies » After forty years of age, every 1 to 2 years Ophthalmic surgery allows » For cataracts, the removal of the opaque lens and correction with an artificial lens » For glaucoma, the intraocular pressure-reduction by surgery » For many refractive errors, as an alternative to traditional corrections like eye glasses or contact lenses (Excimer-laser) » Reconstruction of the eyelids after accidents, tumors and for cosmetic reasons Using the Excimer-Laser good corrections are possible » For myopia up to 10 dioptres » For hyperopia up to 6 dioptres » For astigmatism » For presbyopia in the early to intermediate stages, also in combination with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism A complete correction cannot be guaranteed, however, for daily needs most patients with incomplete correction have sufficient vision and don’t need any supplementary correction.

Rating 4.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM
 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings


Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano

Cosa facciamo L’oftalmologia d’oggi permette di effettuare quasi tutti i chiarimenti ed i trattamenti in modo ambulatoriale; per questo motivo siamo presenti dal1987 come clinica oculistica diurna a Lugano. Le nostre attività ed i nostri servizi: » Diagnostica oftalmologica generale » Chirurgia di cataratta » Terapia e chirurgia del glaucoma » Trattamenti per problemi retinali » Chirurgia plastica della palpebra e delle vie lacrimali » Oftalmologia per bambini » Diagnostica e terapia ortottica » Chirurgia rifrattiva » Trattamento con laser di eccimeri • » Femtolaser • » Femtocataratta • » Cataratta con laser • » Lensar laser • » Femto Consigliamo un controllo dal medico oculista » A bambini tra il secondo ed il quarto anno d’età » regolarmente a bambini ed adolescenti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente ad adulti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente a pazienti con problemi internistici come diabete, ipertensione e malattie reumatiche come pure sotto terapie medicamentose specifiche » Ad adulti dopo il quarantesimo anno d’età con intervalli da 1 a 2 anni L’oftalmochirurgia permette di » Sostituire un cristallino opaco con un cristallino artificiale in caso di cataratta » Ridurre la pressione intraoculare in caso di glaucoma » Ridurre i difetti visivi come alternativa ad occhiali da vista o lenti a contatto (laser di eccimeri) » Ricostruire la palpebra mediante la chirurgia plastica in seguito ad incidenti, tumori o per ragioni estetiche Con il laser d’eccimeri si possono ottenere buoni risultati per » La miopia fino a 10 diottrie » L’ipermetropia fino a 6 diottrie » L’astigmatismo » La presbiopia nello stato iniziale e medio in combinazione con miopia, ipermetropia ed astigmatismo La correzione completa non è garantita. Indipendentemente da questo fatto, la maggior parte dei pazienti con una correzione incompleta sono soddisfatti per il loro fabbisogno quotidiano, senza la necessità di correzioni supplementari.

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OphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryClinicHospitalEye centerOphthalmic clinicsLaserDoctors
Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano
OphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryClinicHospitalEye centerOphthalmic clinicsLaserDoctors

Cosa facciamo L’oftalmologia d’oggi permette di effettuare quasi tutti i chiarimenti ed i trattamenti in modo ambulatoriale; per questo motivo siamo presenti dal1987 come clinica oculistica diurna a Lugano. Le nostre attività ed i nostri servizi: » Diagnostica oftalmologica generale » Chirurgia di cataratta » Terapia e chirurgia del glaucoma » Trattamenti per problemi retinali » Chirurgia plastica della palpebra e delle vie lacrimali » Oftalmologia per bambini » Diagnostica e terapia ortottica » Chirurgia rifrattiva » Trattamento con laser di eccimeri • » Femtolaser • » Femtocataratta • » Cataratta con laser • » Lensar laser • » Femto Consigliamo un controllo dal medico oculista » A bambini tra il secondo ed il quarto anno d’età » regolarmente a bambini ed adolescenti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente ad adulti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente a pazienti con problemi internistici come diabete, ipertensione e malattie reumatiche come pure sotto terapie medicamentose specifiche » Ad adulti dopo il quarantesimo anno d’età con intervalli da 1 a 2 anni L’oftalmochirurgia permette di » Sostituire un cristallino opaco con un cristallino artificiale in caso di cataratta » Ridurre la pressione intraoculare in caso di glaucoma » Ridurre i difetti visivi come alternativa ad occhiali da vista o lenti a contatto (laser di eccimeri) » Ricostruire la palpebra mediante la chirurgia plastica in seguito ad incidenti, tumori o per ragioni estetiche Con il laser d’eccimeri si possono ottenere buoni risultati per » La miopia fino a 10 diottrie » L’ipermetropia fino a 6 diottrie » L’astigmatismo » La presbiopia nello stato iniziale e medio in combinazione con miopia, ipermetropia ed astigmatismo La correzione completa non è garantita. Indipendentemente da questo fatto, la maggior parte dei pazienti con una correzione incompleta sono soddisfatti per il loro fabbisogno quotidiano, senza la necessità di correzioni supplementari.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM
 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 8:30 AM
Inches Geleta Architetti Sagl

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

Inches Geleta Architetti Sagl

Via della Pace 1B, 6600 Locarno
Inches Geleta Architetti

The context in which we operate influences our approach to the project in a decisive way. To produce appropriate design proposals, we believe it essential to take into account the urban fabric and the morphological properties of the landscape. By drawing on architectural models of the past, understood as typological references for formal and composition purposes, we identify a theme connecting the context to our design proposal. The basic idea behind each of our works always stems from the interpretation of a way of living and experiencing space in a given context, both physically and trough social interaction. Partners Matteo Inches dipl. usi sia otia reg a from 2013 . Scientific collaborator at Dipartimento del Territorio, Cantone Ticino 2011/13 . Project Assistant at USI, Accademia di Mendrisio from 2010 . Opening of studio inches architettura 2009/11 . Architect at BuzzieBuzzi architetti, Locarno (Svizzera) in 2009 . Master of Science in Architecture 10/10, Accademia Architettura Mendrisio Nastasja Geleta dipl. supsi vsi asai 2015/2016 . Project Assistant at SUPSI, DACD from 2014 . Partner at studio inches architettura 2014/2015 . Junior member for VSI ASAI Svizzera italiana committee in 2014 . Bachelor in Interior architecture (premio Talenthesis), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) List of Collaborators Marta Mascheroni . Alfonso Di Sabato . Matteo Lorenzini . Perica Kovac . Tommaso Pareschi Luca Suriano . Tommaso Fantini . Emilio Trevisiol . Alberto Rossi . Giovanni Lazzareschi Awards SIA Ticino 2024 Award . under40 >> best architect 23 << Award Architecture Prize BETON21 >> best architect 19 << Award Die Besten 2018 . Nominated >> best architect 18 << Award Swiss Art Award 2017 . finalist A+ Award 2017 . distinction Der Best Umbau 2016 . finalist A+ Award 2014 . finalist study Lakefront and City center . Lugano . 2021 . 1° place competition Seniors residence extension . Balerna . 2019 . 1° prize study Masterplan Ex Macello Ex Gas Area . Locarno . 2019 . 1° place competition Elementary school building . Melano . 2018 . 1° prize competition School extension . Viganello . 2017 . 1° prize competition Hospital EOC extension . Lugano . 2016 . 3° prize competition Elderly care home . Losone . 2014 . 6° prize competition Public safety headquarter “Cecal” . Bellinzona 2012 . 4° prize competition Parrish Centre . Giubiasco . 2012 . 6° premio competition Elementary school building . Savosa . 2011 . 3° prize Exhibitions “Schweizweit” . arc en rêve centre d’architecture . 14.12.2017 – 15.04.2018 . Bordeaux “Schweizweit” . Architetture recenti in Svizzera . 07.07.2017 – 29.07.2017 . Lugano “Swiss Art Award 2017” . Messe Basel, Hall 3 . 13.06.2017 – 18.06.2017 . Basel “Schweizweit” . SAM Architecture Museum Basel . 18.11.2016 – 07.05.2017 . Basel “Architektur0.16” . Maag Hallen. 28.10.2016 – 30.10.2016 . Zürich Lectures “Tendezen Reloaded” . 14.12.2023 . HM Fakultät für Architektur . München “Serata Ticinese” . 28.09.2022 . Architekturforum Zürich “Inches Geleta” . 07.09.2022 . Architekturforum Thun “Struttura: tra territorio e tettonica” . 03.11.2021 . Ferrara University “Frame Work” . 13.04.2021 . Syracuse University Florence “Sino-Swiss dialogue on Architecture and Structure” . 12.09.2020 . Webinar. Power Station of Arts . Shanghai “Inches Geleta” . 28.05.2020 . Mantova Architettura 2020 “Inches Geleta” . 04.12.2019 . Form & Structure . Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg “Inches Geleta 2009-2019” . 29.11.2019 . Ordine Architetti Como . Novocomum . Como “Das Bild als Referenz” . 21.09.2019 . Swisness Applied Exhibition . Kunsthaus Glarus “Inches Geleta” . 24.06.2019 . Faculty of Architecture . Technischen Universität München “Inches Geleta” . 16.05.2019 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Ghilotti . Piacenza “Inches Geleta” . 04.05.2018 . Nomad Hotel . WarmUp-Open House Basel 2018. Basel “Continuum” . 25.10.2017 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Scaramellini . Milano “Trasformazioni” . 1.11.2016 . Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio . Atelier Botta . prof. Canevascini “Metropoli Ticino?” . 23.06.2016 . Istituto i2a . Lugano “Il Piano direttore cantonale” . 02.02.2014 . USI – Accademia di architettura . Mendrisio

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Architectural firmInterior architecture
Via della Pace 1B, 6600 Locarno
Architectural firmInterior architecture
Inches Geleta Architetti

The context in which we operate influences our approach to the project in a decisive way. To produce appropriate design proposals, we believe it essential to take into account the urban fabric and the morphological properties of the landscape. By drawing on architectural models of the past, understood as typological references for formal and composition purposes, we identify a theme connecting the context to our design proposal. The basic idea behind each of our works always stems from the interpretation of a way of living and experiencing space in a given context, both physically and trough social interaction. Partners Matteo Inches dipl. usi sia otia reg a from 2013 . Scientific collaborator at Dipartimento del Territorio, Cantone Ticino 2011/13 . Project Assistant at USI, Accademia di Mendrisio from 2010 . Opening of studio inches architettura 2009/11 . Architect at BuzzieBuzzi architetti, Locarno (Svizzera) in 2009 . Master of Science in Architecture 10/10, Accademia Architettura Mendrisio Nastasja Geleta dipl. supsi vsi asai 2015/2016 . Project Assistant at SUPSI, DACD from 2014 . Partner at studio inches architettura 2014/2015 . Junior member for VSI ASAI Svizzera italiana committee in 2014 . Bachelor in Interior architecture (premio Talenthesis), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) List of Collaborators Marta Mascheroni . Alfonso Di Sabato . Matteo Lorenzini . Perica Kovac . Tommaso Pareschi Luca Suriano . Tommaso Fantini . Emilio Trevisiol . Alberto Rossi . Giovanni Lazzareschi Awards SIA Ticino 2024 Award . under40 >> best architect 23 << Award Architecture Prize BETON21 >> best architect 19 << Award Die Besten 2018 . Nominated >> best architect 18 << Award Swiss Art Award 2017 . finalist A+ Award 2017 . distinction Der Best Umbau 2016 . finalist A+ Award 2014 . finalist study Lakefront and City center . Lugano . 2021 . 1° place competition Seniors residence extension . Balerna . 2019 . 1° prize study Masterplan Ex Macello Ex Gas Area . Locarno . 2019 . 1° place competition Elementary school building . Melano . 2018 . 1° prize competition School extension . Viganello . 2017 . 1° prize competition Hospital EOC extension . Lugano . 2016 . 3° prize competition Elderly care home . Losone . 2014 . 6° prize competition Public safety headquarter “Cecal” . Bellinzona 2012 . 4° prize competition Parrish Centre . Giubiasco . 2012 . 6° premio competition Elementary school building . Savosa . 2011 . 3° prize Exhibitions “Schweizweit” . arc en rêve centre d’architecture . 14.12.2017 – 15.04.2018 . Bordeaux “Schweizweit” . Architetture recenti in Svizzera . 07.07.2017 – 29.07.2017 . Lugano “Swiss Art Award 2017” . Messe Basel, Hall 3 . 13.06.2017 – 18.06.2017 . Basel “Schweizweit” . SAM Architecture Museum Basel . 18.11.2016 – 07.05.2017 . Basel “Architektur0.16” . Maag Hallen. 28.10.2016 – 30.10.2016 . Zürich Lectures “Tendezen Reloaded” . 14.12.2023 . HM Fakultät für Architektur . München “Serata Ticinese” . 28.09.2022 . Architekturforum Zürich “Inches Geleta” . 07.09.2022 . Architekturforum Thun “Struttura: tra territorio e tettonica” . 03.11.2021 . Ferrara University “Frame Work” . 13.04.2021 . Syracuse University Florence “Sino-Swiss dialogue on Architecture and Structure” . 12.09.2020 . Webinar. Power Station of Arts . Shanghai “Inches Geleta” . 28.05.2020 . Mantova Architettura 2020 “Inches Geleta” . 04.12.2019 . Form & Structure . Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg “Inches Geleta 2009-2019” . 29.11.2019 . Ordine Architetti Como . Novocomum . Como “Das Bild als Referenz” . 21.09.2019 . Swisness Applied Exhibition . Kunsthaus Glarus “Inches Geleta” . 24.06.2019 . Faculty of Architecture . Technischen Universität München “Inches Geleta” . 16.05.2019 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Ghilotti . Piacenza “Inches Geleta” . 04.05.2018 . Nomad Hotel . WarmUp-Open House Basel 2018. Basel “Continuum” . 25.10.2017 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Scaramellini . Milano “Trasformazioni” . 1.11.2016 . Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio . Atelier Botta . prof. Canevascini “Metropoli Ticino?” . 23.06.2016 . Istituto i2a . Lugano “Il Piano direttore cantonale” . 02.02.2014 . USI – Accademia di architettura . Mendrisio

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 8:30 AM
 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM
Martini Water Sagl

Martini Water Sagl

Via Luserte Est 13, 6572 Quartino
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Hospital in Locarnese e Vallemaggia (Region)

Hospital in Locarnese e Vallemaggia (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Hospital in Locarnese e Vallemaggia (Region)

: 30 Entries
 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM

Rating 4.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings


Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano

Ophthalmology today allows almost all evaluation and treatment to be performed on an outpatient basis. For this reason, our outpatient eye clinic has been established for you in Lugano since 1987. Our activities and services: » General ophthalmologic diagnosis » Cataract surgery » Glaucoma treatment and surgery » Treatment of retinal diseases » Plastic eyelid surgery » Children’s Ophthalmology » Orthoptic diagnosis and treatment » Refractive surgery » Excimer- laser-treatment We recommend eye checks » For children, generally between the ages of two and four » Regularly for children and teenagers with eye problems » Regularly for adults with vision problems » Regularly for adult patients with general medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, and certain drug therapies » After forty years of age, every 1 to 2 years Ophthalmic surgery allows » For cataracts, the removal of the opaque lens and correction with an artificial lens » For glaucoma, the intraocular pressure-reduction by surgery » For many refractive errors, as an alternative to traditional corrections like eye glasses or contact lenses (Excimer-laser) » Reconstruction of the eyelids after accidents, tumors and for cosmetic reasons Using the Excimer-Laser good corrections are possible » For myopia up to 10 dioptres » For hyperopia up to 6 dioptres » For astigmatism » For presbyopia in the early to intermediate stages, also in combination with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism A complete correction cannot be guaranteed, however, for daily needs most patients with incomplete correction have sufficient vision and don’t need any supplementary correction.

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Eye centerOphthalmic clinicsHospitalOphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryLaser medical treatmentLaserDoctors
Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano
Eye centerOphthalmic clinicsHospitalOphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryLaser medical treatmentLaserDoctors

Ophthalmology today allows almost all evaluation and treatment to be performed on an outpatient basis. For this reason, our outpatient eye clinic has been established for you in Lugano since 1987. Our activities and services: » General ophthalmologic diagnosis » Cataract surgery » Glaucoma treatment and surgery » Treatment of retinal diseases » Plastic eyelid surgery » Children’s Ophthalmology » Orthoptic diagnosis and treatment » Refractive surgery » Excimer- laser-treatment We recommend eye checks » For children, generally between the ages of two and four » Regularly for children and teenagers with eye problems » Regularly for adults with vision problems » Regularly for adult patients with general medical problems such as diabetes, hypertension, rheumatism, and certain drug therapies » After forty years of age, every 1 to 2 years Ophthalmic surgery allows » For cataracts, the removal of the opaque lens and correction with an artificial lens » For glaucoma, the intraocular pressure-reduction by surgery » For many refractive errors, as an alternative to traditional corrections like eye glasses or contact lenses (Excimer-laser) » Reconstruction of the eyelids after accidents, tumors and for cosmetic reasons Using the Excimer-Laser good corrections are possible » For myopia up to 10 dioptres » For hyperopia up to 6 dioptres » For astigmatism » For presbyopia in the early to intermediate stages, also in combination with myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism A complete correction cannot be guaranteed, however, for daily needs most patients with incomplete correction have sufficient vision and don’t need any supplementary correction.

Rating 4.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM
 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings


Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano

Cosa facciamo L’oftalmologia d’oggi permette di effettuare quasi tutti i chiarimenti ed i trattamenti in modo ambulatoriale; per questo motivo siamo presenti dal1987 come clinica oculistica diurna a Lugano. Le nostre attività ed i nostri servizi: » Diagnostica oftalmologica generale » Chirurgia di cataratta » Terapia e chirurgia del glaucoma » Trattamenti per problemi retinali » Chirurgia plastica della palpebra e delle vie lacrimali » Oftalmologia per bambini » Diagnostica e terapia ortottica » Chirurgia rifrattiva » Trattamento con laser di eccimeri • » Femtolaser • » Femtocataratta • » Cataratta con laser • » Lensar laser • » Femto Consigliamo un controllo dal medico oculista » A bambini tra il secondo ed il quarto anno d’età » regolarmente a bambini ed adolescenti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente ad adulti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente a pazienti con problemi internistici come diabete, ipertensione e malattie reumatiche come pure sotto terapie medicamentose specifiche » Ad adulti dopo il quarantesimo anno d’età con intervalli da 1 a 2 anni L’oftalmochirurgia permette di » Sostituire un cristallino opaco con un cristallino artificiale in caso di cataratta » Ridurre la pressione intraoculare in caso di glaucoma » Ridurre i difetti visivi come alternativa ad occhiali da vista o lenti a contatto (laser di eccimeri) » Ricostruire la palpebra mediante la chirurgia plastica in seguito ad incidenti, tumori o per ragioni estetiche Con il laser d’eccimeri si possono ottenere buoni risultati per » La miopia fino a 10 diottrie » L’ipermetropia fino a 6 diottrie » L’astigmatismo » La presbiopia nello stato iniziale e medio in combinazione con miopia, ipermetropia ed astigmatismo La correzione completa non è garantita. Indipendentemente da questo fatto, la maggior parte dei pazienti con una correzione incompleta sono soddisfatti per il loro fabbisogno quotidiano, senza la necessità di correzioni supplementari.

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OphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryClinicHospitalEye centerOphthalmic clinicsLaserDoctors
Riva Antonio Caccia 1b, 6900 Lugano
OphthalmologyOphthalmic surgeryClinicHospitalEye centerOphthalmic clinicsLaserDoctors

Cosa facciamo L’oftalmologia d’oggi permette di effettuare quasi tutti i chiarimenti ed i trattamenti in modo ambulatoriale; per questo motivo siamo presenti dal1987 come clinica oculistica diurna a Lugano. Le nostre attività ed i nostri servizi: » Diagnostica oftalmologica generale » Chirurgia di cataratta » Terapia e chirurgia del glaucoma » Trattamenti per problemi retinali » Chirurgia plastica della palpebra e delle vie lacrimali » Oftalmologia per bambini » Diagnostica e terapia ortottica » Chirurgia rifrattiva » Trattamento con laser di eccimeri • » Femtolaser • » Femtocataratta • » Cataratta con laser • » Lensar laser • » Femto Consigliamo un controllo dal medico oculista » A bambini tra il secondo ed il quarto anno d’età » regolarmente a bambini ed adolescenti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente ad adulti con problemi agli occhi o di vista » Regolarmente a pazienti con problemi internistici come diabete, ipertensione e malattie reumatiche come pure sotto terapie medicamentose specifiche » Ad adulti dopo il quarantesimo anno d’età con intervalli da 1 a 2 anni L’oftalmochirurgia permette di » Sostituire un cristallino opaco con un cristallino artificiale in caso di cataratta » Ridurre la pressione intraoculare in caso di glaucoma » Ridurre i difetti visivi come alternativa ad occhiali da vista o lenti a contatto (laser di eccimeri) » Ricostruire la palpebra mediante la chirurgia plastica in seguito ad incidenti, tumori o per ragioni estetiche Con il laser d’eccimeri si possono ottenere buoni risultati per » La miopia fino a 10 diottrie » L’ipermetropia fino a 6 diottrie » L’astigmatismo » La presbiopia nello stato iniziale e medio in combinazione con miopia, ipermetropia ed astigmatismo La correzione completa non è garantita. Indipendentemente da questo fatto, la maggior parte dei pazienti con una correzione incompleta sono soddisfatti per il loro fabbisogno quotidiano, senza la necessità di correzioni supplementari.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 7:30 AM
 Closed – Opens tomorrow at 8:30 AM
Inches Geleta Architetti Sagl

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

Inches Geleta Architetti Sagl

Via della Pace 1B, 6600 Locarno
Inches Geleta Architetti

The context in which we operate influences our approach to the project in a decisive way. To produce appropriate design proposals, we believe it essential to take into account the urban fabric and the morphological properties of the landscape. By drawing on architectural models of the past, understood as typological references for formal and composition purposes, we identify a theme connecting the context to our design proposal. The basic idea behind each of our works always stems from the interpretation of a way of living and experiencing space in a given context, both physically and trough social interaction. Partners Matteo Inches dipl. usi sia otia reg a from 2013 . Scientific collaborator at Dipartimento del Territorio, Cantone Ticino 2011/13 . Project Assistant at USI, Accademia di Mendrisio from 2010 . Opening of studio inches architettura 2009/11 . Architect at BuzzieBuzzi architetti, Locarno (Svizzera) in 2009 . Master of Science in Architecture 10/10, Accademia Architettura Mendrisio Nastasja Geleta dipl. supsi vsi asai 2015/2016 . Project Assistant at SUPSI, DACD from 2014 . Partner at studio inches architettura 2014/2015 . Junior member for VSI ASAI Svizzera italiana committee in 2014 . Bachelor in Interior architecture (premio Talenthesis), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) List of Collaborators Marta Mascheroni . Alfonso Di Sabato . Matteo Lorenzini . Perica Kovac . Tommaso Pareschi Luca Suriano . Tommaso Fantini . Emilio Trevisiol . Alberto Rossi . Giovanni Lazzareschi Awards SIA Ticino 2024 Award . under40 >> best architect 23 << Award Architecture Prize BETON21 >> best architect 19 << Award Die Besten 2018 . Nominated >> best architect 18 << Award Swiss Art Award 2017 . finalist A+ Award 2017 . distinction Der Best Umbau 2016 . finalist A+ Award 2014 . finalist study Lakefront and City center . Lugano . 2021 . 1° place competition Seniors residence extension . Balerna . 2019 . 1° prize study Masterplan Ex Macello Ex Gas Area . Locarno . 2019 . 1° place competition Elementary school building . Melano . 2018 . 1° prize competition School extension . Viganello . 2017 . 1° prize competition Hospital EOC extension . Lugano . 2016 . 3° prize competition Elderly care home . Losone . 2014 . 6° prize competition Public safety headquarter “Cecal” . Bellinzona 2012 . 4° prize competition Parrish Centre . Giubiasco . 2012 . 6° premio competition Elementary school building . Savosa . 2011 . 3° prize Exhibitions “Schweizweit” . arc en rêve centre d’architecture . 14.12.2017 – 15.04.2018 . Bordeaux “Schweizweit” . Architetture recenti in Svizzera . 07.07.2017 – 29.07.2017 . Lugano “Swiss Art Award 2017” . Messe Basel, Hall 3 . 13.06.2017 – 18.06.2017 . Basel “Schweizweit” . SAM Architecture Museum Basel . 18.11.2016 – 07.05.2017 . Basel “Architektur0.16” . Maag Hallen. 28.10.2016 – 30.10.2016 . Zürich Lectures “Tendezen Reloaded” . 14.12.2023 . HM Fakultät für Architektur . München “Serata Ticinese” . 28.09.2022 . Architekturforum Zürich “Inches Geleta” . 07.09.2022 . Architekturforum Thun “Struttura: tra territorio e tettonica” . 03.11.2021 . Ferrara University “Frame Work” . 13.04.2021 . Syracuse University Florence “Sino-Swiss dialogue on Architecture and Structure” . 12.09.2020 . Webinar. Power Station of Arts . Shanghai “Inches Geleta” . 28.05.2020 . Mantova Architettura 2020 “Inches Geleta” . 04.12.2019 . Form & Structure . Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg “Inches Geleta 2009-2019” . 29.11.2019 . Ordine Architetti Como . Novocomum . Como “Das Bild als Referenz” . 21.09.2019 . Swisness Applied Exhibition . Kunsthaus Glarus “Inches Geleta” . 24.06.2019 . Faculty of Architecture . Technischen Universität München “Inches Geleta” . 16.05.2019 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Ghilotti . Piacenza “Inches Geleta” . 04.05.2018 . Nomad Hotel . WarmUp-Open House Basel 2018. Basel “Continuum” . 25.10.2017 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Scaramellini . Milano “Trasformazioni” . 1.11.2016 . Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio . Atelier Botta . prof. Canevascini “Metropoli Ticino?” . 23.06.2016 . Istituto i2a . Lugano “Il Piano direttore cantonale” . 02.02.2014 . USI – Accademia di architettura . Mendrisio

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Architectural firmInterior architecture
Via della Pace 1B, 6600 Locarno
Architectural firmInterior architecture
Inches Geleta Architetti

The context in which we operate influences our approach to the project in a decisive way. To produce appropriate design proposals, we believe it essential to take into account the urban fabric and the morphological properties of the landscape. By drawing on architectural models of the past, understood as typological references for formal and composition purposes, we identify a theme connecting the context to our design proposal. The basic idea behind each of our works always stems from the interpretation of a way of living and experiencing space in a given context, both physically and trough social interaction. Partners Matteo Inches dipl. usi sia otia reg a from 2013 . Scientific collaborator at Dipartimento del Territorio, Cantone Ticino 2011/13 . Project Assistant at USI, Accademia di Mendrisio from 2010 . Opening of studio inches architettura 2009/11 . Architect at BuzzieBuzzi architetti, Locarno (Svizzera) in 2009 . Master of Science in Architecture 10/10, Accademia Architettura Mendrisio Nastasja Geleta dipl. supsi vsi asai 2015/2016 . Project Assistant at SUPSI, DACD from 2014 . Partner at studio inches architettura 2014/2015 . Junior member for VSI ASAI Svizzera italiana committee in 2014 . Bachelor in Interior architecture (premio Talenthesis), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) List of Collaborators Marta Mascheroni . Alfonso Di Sabato . Matteo Lorenzini . Perica Kovac . Tommaso Pareschi Luca Suriano . Tommaso Fantini . Emilio Trevisiol . Alberto Rossi . Giovanni Lazzareschi Awards SIA Ticino 2024 Award . under40 >> best architect 23 << Award Architecture Prize BETON21 >> best architect 19 << Award Die Besten 2018 . Nominated >> best architect 18 << Award Swiss Art Award 2017 . finalist A+ Award 2017 . distinction Der Best Umbau 2016 . finalist A+ Award 2014 . finalist study Lakefront and City center . Lugano . 2021 . 1° place competition Seniors residence extension . Balerna . 2019 . 1° prize study Masterplan Ex Macello Ex Gas Area . Locarno . 2019 . 1° place competition Elementary school building . Melano . 2018 . 1° prize competition School extension . Viganello . 2017 . 1° prize competition Hospital EOC extension . Lugano . 2016 . 3° prize competition Elderly care home . Losone . 2014 . 6° prize competition Public safety headquarter “Cecal” . Bellinzona 2012 . 4° prize competition Parrish Centre . Giubiasco . 2012 . 6° premio competition Elementary school building . Savosa . 2011 . 3° prize Exhibitions “Schweizweit” . arc en rêve centre d’architecture . 14.12.2017 – 15.04.2018 . Bordeaux “Schweizweit” . Architetture recenti in Svizzera . 07.07.2017 – 29.07.2017 . Lugano “Swiss Art Award 2017” . Messe Basel, Hall 3 . 13.06.2017 – 18.06.2017 . Basel “Schweizweit” . SAM Architecture Museum Basel . 18.11.2016 – 07.05.2017 . Basel “Architektur0.16” . Maag Hallen. 28.10.2016 – 30.10.2016 . Zürich Lectures “Tendezen Reloaded” . 14.12.2023 . HM Fakultät für Architektur . München “Serata Ticinese” . 28.09.2022 . Architekturforum Zürich “Inches Geleta” . 07.09.2022 . Architekturforum Thun “Struttura: tra territorio e tettonica” . 03.11.2021 . Ferrara University “Frame Work” . 13.04.2021 . Syracuse University Florence “Sino-Swiss dialogue on Architecture and Structure” . 12.09.2020 . Webinar. Power Station of Arts . Shanghai “Inches Geleta” . 28.05.2020 . Mantova Architettura 2020 “Inches Geleta” . 04.12.2019 . Form & Structure . Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg “Inches Geleta 2009-2019” . 29.11.2019 . Ordine Architetti Como . Novocomum . Como “Das Bild als Referenz” . 21.09.2019 . Swisness Applied Exhibition . Kunsthaus Glarus “Inches Geleta” . 24.06.2019 . Faculty of Architecture . Technischen Universität München “Inches Geleta” . 16.05.2019 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Ghilotti . Piacenza “Inches Geleta” . 04.05.2018 . Nomad Hotel . WarmUp-Open House Basel 2018. Basel “Continuum” . 25.10.2017 . Politecnico di Milano . Lab. prof. Scaramellini . Milano “Trasformazioni” . 1.11.2016 . Accademia di architettura di Mendrisio . Atelier Botta . prof. Canevascini “Metropoli Ticino?” . 23.06.2016 . Istituto i2a . Lugano “Il Piano direttore cantonale” . 02.02.2014 . USI – Accademia di architettura . Mendrisio

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