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Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region)

: 142 Entries

Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region), top rated on local.ch

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 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:30
Malergeschäft Lemmel GmbH

Malergeschäft Lemmel GmbH

Axenstrasse 65, 6454 Flüelen
PremiumPremium Entry
PaintingRenovationsFacadesWallpaperRefurbishmentColor design
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:00
Diego Bauservice GmbH

Diego Bauservice GmbH

Rengglochstrasse 40, 6012 Obernau
PremiumPremium Entry
Construction companyRenovationsPlastererFloor coverings wall coveringsDemolition companies demolition equipmentExcavationDecorating business
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:00
Cerutti Hans AG

Cerutti Hans AG

Bertiswilstrasse 51, 6023 Rothenburg
PremiumPremium Entry
Construction companyRenovationsMasonryConstruction and civil engineeringRoad construction enterprisesRemodelling
Ruedy Polenz AG

Ruedy Polenz AG

Buochserstrasse 30, 6375 Beckenried
PremiumPremium Entry
TinsmithFlat roofsLightning protection equipmentRenovationsRoofing
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 08:00
Herzog Alois AG

Herzog Alois AG

Tribschenstrasse 72, 6005 Lucerne
PremiumPremium Entry
Sanitary facilitiesTinsmithSanitary emergency serviceBuilding equipment and appliancesRenovations
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:00
solum boden GmbH

solum boden GmbH

Bahnhofstrasse 10A, 6045 Meggen
PremiumPremium Entry
ParquetFloor coverings wall coveringsSurface treatmentSub-flooringRenovations
* No advertising material

Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region)

Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region), top rated on local.ch

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Renovations in Around Lake Lucerne (Region)

: 142 Entries
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:30
Malergeschäft Lemmel GmbH

Malergeschäft Lemmel GmbH

Axenstrasse 65, 6454 Flüelen
PremiumPremium Entry
PaintingRenovationsFacadesWallpaperRefurbishmentColor design
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:00
Diego Bauservice GmbH

Diego Bauservice GmbH

Rengglochstrasse 40, 6012 Obernau
PremiumPremium Entry
Construction companyRenovationsPlastererFloor coverings wall coveringsDemolition companies demolition equipmentExcavationDecorating business
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:00
Cerutti Hans AG

Cerutti Hans AG

Bertiswilstrasse 51, 6023 Rothenburg
PremiumPremium Entry
Construction companyRenovationsMasonryConstruction and civil engineeringRoad construction enterprisesRemodelling
Ruedy Polenz AG

Ruedy Polenz AG

Buochserstrasse 30, 6375 Beckenried
PremiumPremium Entry
TinsmithFlat roofsLightning protection equipmentRenovationsRoofing
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 08:00
Herzog Alois AG

Herzog Alois AG

Tribschenstrasse 72, 6005 Lucerne
PremiumPremium Entry
Sanitary facilitiesTinsmithSanitary emergency serviceBuilding equipment and appliancesRenovations
 Closed – Opens lunedì alle 07:00
solum boden GmbH

solum boden GmbH

Bahnhofstrasse 10A, 6045 Meggen
PremiumPremium Entry
ParquetFloor coverings wall coveringsSurface treatmentSub-flooringRenovations
* No advertising material