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Doctors: Location Close to train station in Zurich

: 47 Entries
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
swissmedlaw GmbH

swissmedlaw GmbH

Reinhardstrasse 19, 8008 Zurich
Advice & coaching in medical and healthcare law

Swissmedlaw™ is the leading project of the renowned lawyer and entrepreneur Roland U. Straub, which specialises in tailor-made legal services and coaching offers. It was launched in response to the growing importance of medical and healthcare law in the everyday lives of the Swiss population. Roland Straub founded the sole proprietorship Swissmedlaw™ in Zurich in 2021 and has been offering first-class advice and services in the field of health and medical law ever since. Swissmedlaw™ not only covers the traditional areas of civil, commercial and contract law, but also offers in-depth advice and coaching on topics such as patient rights, the electronic patient dossier (EPD), health insurance and social security law, medical and hospital liability and the legal aspects of the federal eHealth initiative. The preparation and mediation of data protection opinions and medical party opinions are also among the core competences. The protection of personal rights and the right to informational self-determination are at the centre of all of Swissmedlaw™'s activities. The organisation supports the necessary cultural change by providing guidance and support to private individuals and organisations in order to use the achievements and innovations of digitalisation in the healthcare sector in a patient-friendly manner while maintaining comprehensive data protection.

PremiumPremium Entry
Legal adviceLegal informationForensic medicineConsulting officeAttorneys at lawCoachingHospitalDoctors
Reinhardstrasse 19, 8008 Zurich
Legal adviceLegal informationForensic medicineConsulting officeAttorneys at lawCoachingHospitalDoctors
Advice & coaching in medical and healthcare law

Swissmedlaw™ is the leading project of the renowned lawyer and entrepreneur Roland U. Straub, which specialises in tailor-made legal services and coaching offers. It was launched in response to the growing importance of medical and healthcare law in the everyday lives of the Swiss population. Roland Straub founded the sole proprietorship Swissmedlaw™ in Zurich in 2021 and has been offering first-class advice and services in the field of health and medical law ever since. Swissmedlaw™ not only covers the traditional areas of civil, commercial and contract law, but also offers in-depth advice and coaching on topics such as patient rights, the electronic patient dossier (EPD), health insurance and social security law, medical and hospital liability and the legal aspects of the federal eHealth initiative. The preparation and mediation of data protection opinions and medical party opinions are also among the core competences. The protection of personal rights and the right to informational self-determination are at the centre of all of Swissmedlaw™'s activities. The organisation supports the necessary cultural change by providing guidance and support to private individuals and organisations in order to use the achievements and innovations of digitalisation in the healthcare sector in a patient-friendly manner while maintaining comprehensive data protection.

 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
TCM Zürich

TCM Zürich

Bühlstrasse 45, 8055 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Chinese medicine TCMAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Tuina massagePhytotherapy (not included in doctors category)Acupuncture TCMDoctors
 Closed – Opens monday at 8:00 AM
Dr. med. Fürling Sarah

Dr. med. Fürling Sarah

Seidengasse 15, 8001 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Gynaecology and obstetricsGeneral internal medicineDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
Gastroenterologie Zürich - PD Dr. med. Sören Volker Siegmund

Rating 4.2 of 5 stars from 5 ratings

Gastroenterologie Zürich - PD Dr. med. Sören Volker Siegmund

Seestrasse 90, 8002 Zurich
Ihre Facharztpraxis für Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane

BEHANDLUNGSSPEKTRUM Wir kümmern uns um das gesamte Spektrum der Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane (Speiseröhre, Magen, Dünn- und Dickdarm, Leber, Galle, Bauschpeicheldrüse). GASTROENTEROLOGIE Die Gastroenterologie stellt ein Teilgebiet der Inneren Medizin dar und befasst sich mit Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention von Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts. Eine Vielzahl der Eingriffe erfolgt durch schonende endoskopische (z.B. "Magen- oder Darm-Spiegelung") oder sonographische (Ultraschall) Methoden. mehr HEPATOLOGIE Die Hepatologie ist ein Spezialgebiet der Gastroenterologie, das die Diagnostik und Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Leber, Gallenblase und der Gallenwege umfasst. Hier werden diagnostisch häufig sonographische Untersuchungsmethoden (einschl. Kontrastmittel-Untraschall und FibroScan) sowie Laboranalysen eingesetzt. mehr gastropraxis zürich magen darm gastroenterologie gastropraxis dickdarm krankheit leberkrankheit gallensteine gastro praxis zürich gastritis gastrologe magenschleimhautentzündung erkrankungen der verdauungsorgane magen darm arzt gastroenterologie in der nähe speiseröhre krankheit gallenblasenentzündung hepatologie bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung gastroenterologie thalwil pankreatitis gastrologie gastroenterologie near me magen darm thalwil hepatologie in der nähe gastrologe in der nähe magen darm arzt in der nähe hepatologe in der nähe erkrankungen speiseröhre symptome gastrologie in der nähe

PremiumPremium Entry
GastroenterologyGeneral internal medicineColon hydrotherapyUrologyDoctors
Seestrasse 90, 8002 Zurich
GastroenterologyGeneral internal medicineColon hydrotherapyUrologyDoctors
Ihre Facharztpraxis für Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane

BEHANDLUNGSSPEKTRUM Wir kümmern uns um das gesamte Spektrum der Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane (Speiseröhre, Magen, Dünn- und Dickdarm, Leber, Galle, Bauschpeicheldrüse). GASTROENTEROLOGIE Die Gastroenterologie stellt ein Teilgebiet der Inneren Medizin dar und befasst sich mit Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention von Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts. Eine Vielzahl der Eingriffe erfolgt durch schonende endoskopische (z.B. "Magen- oder Darm-Spiegelung") oder sonographische (Ultraschall) Methoden. mehr HEPATOLOGIE Die Hepatologie ist ein Spezialgebiet der Gastroenterologie, das die Diagnostik und Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Leber, Gallenblase und der Gallenwege umfasst. Hier werden diagnostisch häufig sonographische Untersuchungsmethoden (einschl. Kontrastmittel-Untraschall und FibroScan) sowie Laboranalysen eingesetzt. mehr gastropraxis zürich magen darm gastroenterologie gastropraxis dickdarm krankheit leberkrankheit gallensteine gastro praxis zürich gastritis gastrologe magenschleimhautentzündung erkrankungen der verdauungsorgane magen darm arzt gastroenterologie in der nähe speiseröhre krankheit gallenblasenentzündung hepatologie bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung gastroenterologie thalwil pankreatitis gastrologie gastroenterologie near me magen darm thalwil hepatologie in der nähe gastrologe in der nähe magen darm arzt in der nähe hepatologe in der nähe erkrankungen speiseröhre symptome gastrologie in der nähe

Rating 4.2 of 5 stars from 5 ratings

 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
 Closed – Opens today at 7:00 AM
medathletik GmbH

medathletik GmbH

Hardturmstrasse 126, 8005 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Physical therapyHealth centerSport and Exercise MedicineDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
NeurologiePraxis dr. Celik

NeurologiePraxis dr. Celik

St. Urbangasse 8, 8001 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
NeurologyTherapy consultsPracticeGeneral internal medicineConsulting officePain therapyBack therapyDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
Praxis Belle Dent

Praxis Belle Dent

Gutstrasse 53, 8055 Zurich
Dentistry, Surgery & Aesthetics

High quality and the latest methods across the spectrum in a modern practice. Make an appointment directly; we look forward to seeing you! All around, the best for you Since 2013, there has been a community practice in the Sprosshaus in Zurich. The work focuses on the patients and their wishes. In 2018, Dr. Medical Dentist Ulrich Arhold ran the dental practice and has been the sole owner ever since. The renovated dental practice is on the first floor of the lift and is barrier-free for our patients. It includes three examination rooms, which makes all areas of dentistry permissible. The practice location is central and easily accessible by public transport. There is also free parking behind the Sprosshaus. Comfortable, modern, and fully digitized. The practice is fully digitized, which simplifies daily cooperation and is also more pleasant for the patients. Small and fine, but with the right quality. A visit to the dentist is always a matter of trust. Our consultation hours take place in a very personal setting, so you feel that you are in good hands. Every person is unique and has different needs. We know that and are there for you. Whether you have a dental or aesthetic concern, we are the right contact for you. Your competent practice team will be happy to advise you in a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere. You and your wishes are the focus of our work.

PremiumPremium Entry
DentistOral and maxillofacial surgeryDental hygieneImplantologyOral surgeryPeriodontologyDental bleachingDoctors
Gutstrasse 53, 8055 Zurich
DentistOral and maxillofacial surgeryDental hygieneImplantologyOral surgeryPeriodontologyDental bleachingDoctors
Dentistry, Surgery & Aesthetics

High quality and the latest methods across the spectrum in a modern practice. Make an appointment directly; we look forward to seeing you! All around, the best for you Since 2013, there has been a community practice in the Sprosshaus in Zurich. The work focuses on the patients and their wishes. In 2018, Dr. Medical Dentist Ulrich Arhold ran the dental practice and has been the sole owner ever since. The renovated dental practice is on the first floor of the lift and is barrier-free for our patients. It includes three examination rooms, which makes all areas of dentistry permissible. The practice location is central and easily accessible by public transport. There is also free parking behind the Sprosshaus. Comfortable, modern, and fully digitized. The practice is fully digitized, which simplifies daily cooperation and is also more pleasant for the patients. Small and fine, but with the right quality. A visit to the dentist is always a matter of trust. Our consultation hours take place in a very personal setting, so you feel that you are in good hands. Every person is unique and has different needs. We know that and are there for you. Whether you have a dental or aesthetic concern, we are the right contact for you. Your competent practice team will be happy to advise you in a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere. You and your wishes are the focus of our work.

 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM


Schaffhauserstrasse 359, 8050 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Chinese medicine TCMTuina massageAcupuncture TCMPhytotherapy (not included in doctors category)CuppingMedical massageDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 8:30 AM
The Gentlemen's Clinic

The Gentlemen's Clinic

Utoquai 39, 8008 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Aesthetic medicinePlastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryAnti-AgingHair removalBeauty centerHair transplants and implantsBotoxDoctors
* No advertising material

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Doctors: Location Close to train station in Zurich

: 47 Entries
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
swissmedlaw GmbH

swissmedlaw GmbH

Reinhardstrasse 19, 8008 Zurich
Advice & coaching in medical and healthcare law

Swissmedlaw™ is the leading project of the renowned lawyer and entrepreneur Roland U. Straub, which specialises in tailor-made legal services and coaching offers. It was launched in response to the growing importance of medical and healthcare law in the everyday lives of the Swiss population. Roland Straub founded the sole proprietorship Swissmedlaw™ in Zurich in 2021 and has been offering first-class advice and services in the field of health and medical law ever since. Swissmedlaw™ not only covers the traditional areas of civil, commercial and contract law, but also offers in-depth advice and coaching on topics such as patient rights, the electronic patient dossier (EPD), health insurance and social security law, medical and hospital liability and the legal aspects of the federal eHealth initiative. The preparation and mediation of data protection opinions and medical party opinions are also among the core competences. The protection of personal rights and the right to informational self-determination are at the centre of all of Swissmedlaw™'s activities. The organisation supports the necessary cultural change by providing guidance and support to private individuals and organisations in order to use the achievements and innovations of digitalisation in the healthcare sector in a patient-friendly manner while maintaining comprehensive data protection.

PremiumPremium Entry
Legal adviceLegal informationForensic medicineConsulting officeAttorneys at lawCoachingHospitalDoctors
Reinhardstrasse 19, 8008 Zurich
Legal adviceLegal informationForensic medicineConsulting officeAttorneys at lawCoachingHospitalDoctors
Advice & coaching in medical and healthcare law

Swissmedlaw™ is the leading project of the renowned lawyer and entrepreneur Roland U. Straub, which specialises in tailor-made legal services and coaching offers. It was launched in response to the growing importance of medical and healthcare law in the everyday lives of the Swiss population. Roland Straub founded the sole proprietorship Swissmedlaw™ in Zurich in 2021 and has been offering first-class advice and services in the field of health and medical law ever since. Swissmedlaw™ not only covers the traditional areas of civil, commercial and contract law, but also offers in-depth advice and coaching on topics such as patient rights, the electronic patient dossier (EPD), health insurance and social security law, medical and hospital liability and the legal aspects of the federal eHealth initiative. The preparation and mediation of data protection opinions and medical party opinions are also among the core competences. The protection of personal rights and the right to informational self-determination are at the centre of all of Swissmedlaw™'s activities. The organisation supports the necessary cultural change by providing guidance and support to private individuals and organisations in order to use the achievements and innovations of digitalisation in the healthcare sector in a patient-friendly manner while maintaining comprehensive data protection.

 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
TCM Zürich

TCM Zürich

Bühlstrasse 45, 8055 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Chinese medicine TCMAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Tuina massagePhytotherapy (not included in doctors category)Acupuncture TCMDoctors
 Closed – Opens monday at 8:00 AM
Dr. med. Fürling Sarah

Dr. med. Fürling Sarah

Seidengasse 15, 8001 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Gynaecology and obstetricsGeneral internal medicineDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
Gastroenterologie Zürich - PD Dr. med. Sören Volker Siegmund

Rating 4.2 of 5 stars from 5 ratings

Gastroenterologie Zürich - PD Dr. med. Sören Volker Siegmund

Seestrasse 90, 8002 Zurich
Ihre Facharztpraxis für Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane

BEHANDLUNGSSPEKTRUM Wir kümmern uns um das gesamte Spektrum der Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane (Speiseröhre, Magen, Dünn- und Dickdarm, Leber, Galle, Bauschpeicheldrüse). GASTROENTEROLOGIE Die Gastroenterologie stellt ein Teilgebiet der Inneren Medizin dar und befasst sich mit Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention von Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts. Eine Vielzahl der Eingriffe erfolgt durch schonende endoskopische (z.B. "Magen- oder Darm-Spiegelung") oder sonographische (Ultraschall) Methoden. mehr HEPATOLOGIE Die Hepatologie ist ein Spezialgebiet der Gastroenterologie, das die Diagnostik und Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Leber, Gallenblase und der Gallenwege umfasst. Hier werden diagnostisch häufig sonographische Untersuchungsmethoden (einschl. Kontrastmittel-Untraschall und FibroScan) sowie Laboranalysen eingesetzt. mehr gastropraxis zürich magen darm gastroenterologie gastropraxis dickdarm krankheit leberkrankheit gallensteine gastro praxis zürich gastritis gastrologe magenschleimhautentzündung erkrankungen der verdauungsorgane magen darm arzt gastroenterologie in der nähe speiseröhre krankheit gallenblasenentzündung hepatologie bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung gastroenterologie thalwil pankreatitis gastrologie gastroenterologie near me magen darm thalwil hepatologie in der nähe gastrologe in der nähe magen darm arzt in der nähe hepatologe in der nähe erkrankungen speiseröhre symptome gastrologie in der nähe

PremiumPremium Entry
GastroenterologyGeneral internal medicineColon hydrotherapyUrologyDoctors
Seestrasse 90, 8002 Zurich
GastroenterologyGeneral internal medicineColon hydrotherapyUrologyDoctors
Ihre Facharztpraxis für Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane

BEHANDLUNGSSPEKTRUM Wir kümmern uns um das gesamte Spektrum der Diagnostik und Therapie von Erkrankungen der Verdauungsorgane (Speiseröhre, Magen, Dünn- und Dickdarm, Leber, Galle, Bauschpeicheldrüse). GASTROENTEROLOGIE Die Gastroenterologie stellt ein Teilgebiet der Inneren Medizin dar und befasst sich mit Diagnostik, Therapie und Prävention von Erkrankungen des Magen-Darm-Trakts. Eine Vielzahl der Eingriffe erfolgt durch schonende endoskopische (z.B. "Magen- oder Darm-Spiegelung") oder sonographische (Ultraschall) Methoden. mehr HEPATOLOGIE Die Hepatologie ist ein Spezialgebiet der Gastroenterologie, das die Diagnostik und Behandlung der Erkrankungen der Leber, Gallenblase und der Gallenwege umfasst. Hier werden diagnostisch häufig sonographische Untersuchungsmethoden (einschl. Kontrastmittel-Untraschall und FibroScan) sowie Laboranalysen eingesetzt. mehr gastropraxis zürich magen darm gastroenterologie gastropraxis dickdarm krankheit leberkrankheit gallensteine gastro praxis zürich gastritis gastrologe magenschleimhautentzündung erkrankungen der verdauungsorgane magen darm arzt gastroenterologie in der nähe speiseröhre krankheit gallenblasenentzündung hepatologie bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung gastroenterologie thalwil pankreatitis gastrologie gastroenterologie near me magen darm thalwil hepatologie in der nähe gastrologe in der nähe magen darm arzt in der nähe hepatologe in der nähe erkrankungen speiseröhre symptome gastrologie in der nähe

Rating 4.2 of 5 stars from 5 ratings

 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
 Closed – Opens today at 7:00 AM
medathletik GmbH

medathletik GmbH

Hardturmstrasse 126, 8005 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Physical therapyHealth centerSport and Exercise MedicineDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
NeurologiePraxis dr. Celik

NeurologiePraxis dr. Celik

St. Urbangasse 8, 8001 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
NeurologyTherapy consultsPracticeGeneral internal medicineConsulting officePain therapyBack therapyDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
Praxis Belle Dent

Praxis Belle Dent

Gutstrasse 53, 8055 Zurich
Dentistry, Surgery & Aesthetics

High quality and the latest methods across the spectrum in a modern practice. Make an appointment directly; we look forward to seeing you! All around, the best for you Since 2013, there has been a community practice in the Sprosshaus in Zurich. The work focuses on the patients and their wishes. In 2018, Dr. Medical Dentist Ulrich Arhold ran the dental practice and has been the sole owner ever since. The renovated dental practice is on the first floor of the lift and is barrier-free for our patients. It includes three examination rooms, which makes all areas of dentistry permissible. The practice location is central and easily accessible by public transport. There is also free parking behind the Sprosshaus. Comfortable, modern, and fully digitized. The practice is fully digitized, which simplifies daily cooperation and is also more pleasant for the patients. Small and fine, but with the right quality. A visit to the dentist is always a matter of trust. Our consultation hours take place in a very personal setting, so you feel that you are in good hands. Every person is unique and has different needs. We know that and are there for you. Whether you have a dental or aesthetic concern, we are the right contact for you. Your competent practice team will be happy to advise you in a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere. You and your wishes are the focus of our work.

PremiumPremium Entry
DentistOral and maxillofacial surgeryDental hygieneImplantologyOral surgeryPeriodontologyDental bleachingDoctors
Gutstrasse 53, 8055 Zurich
DentistOral and maxillofacial surgeryDental hygieneImplantologyOral surgeryPeriodontologyDental bleachingDoctors
Dentistry, Surgery & Aesthetics

High quality and the latest methods across the spectrum in a modern practice. Make an appointment directly; we look forward to seeing you! All around, the best for you Since 2013, there has been a community practice in the Sprosshaus in Zurich. The work focuses on the patients and their wishes. In 2018, Dr. Medical Dentist Ulrich Arhold ran the dental practice and has been the sole owner ever since. The renovated dental practice is on the first floor of the lift and is barrier-free for our patients. It includes three examination rooms, which makes all areas of dentistry permissible. The practice location is central and easily accessible by public transport. There is also free parking behind the Sprosshaus. Comfortable, modern, and fully digitized. The practice is fully digitized, which simplifies daily cooperation and is also more pleasant for the patients. Small and fine, but with the right quality. A visit to the dentist is always a matter of trust. Our consultation hours take place in a very personal setting, so you feel that you are in good hands. Every person is unique and has different needs. We know that and are there for you. Whether you have a dental or aesthetic concern, we are the right contact for you. Your competent practice team will be happy to advise you in a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere. You and your wishes are the focus of our work.

 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM


Schaffhauserstrasse 359, 8050 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Chinese medicine TCMTuina massageAcupuncture TCMPhytotherapy (not included in doctors category)CuppingMedical massageDoctors
 Closed – Opens today at 8:30 AM
The Gentlemen's Clinic

The Gentlemen's Clinic

Utoquai 39, 8008 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
Aesthetic medicinePlastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryAnti-AgingHair removalBeauty centerHair transplants and implantsBotoxDoctors
* No advertising material