Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan Medicine, Herbal MedicineWe offer the broad spectrum of Alternatve Medicine in Acupuncture, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Traditional Chinese Herbal Mecicine, European Herbal Medicine, Traditional Tibetan Medicine, Chinese Herbal Dermatology, Nutrutional advice, Cupping, Moxubustion, Psychological advice. Our therapies are helpful for all kinds of pain problems, headaches, migrane, back pain, joint problems, arthrosis, rheumatic pain, gout, gastrointestinal problems, digestive problems, burn-out, tiredness, fatigue, recurrent infections, sinusitis, allergies, hay fever, skin problems like ekcema, psoriasis, herpes, thrush, gynakological problems like premenstrual syndrome, menopausal syndrome, birth-preparation and other female dieseases, male diseases like prostrate problems, neurological diseases and many more.