Endroit très agréable
June 7, 2018 | Stojce KacorovSamedi et dimanche fermé
Samedi et dimanche fermé
Petits pois Carottes is a training restaurant run by the Orif center in Sion. The kitchen and service are provided by young trainees surrounded by professionals. Discovering new flavors, congratulating or providing constructive criticism, is also giving a little boost to these young people as much as to their trainers.
Petits pois Carottes was conceived as an ideal setting for young people gradually having to adapt to the constraints of professional life. But it is also, and above all, a convivial space where it's good to come and enjoy lunch with friends or during the day.
Check out the weekly menu on our website.
For your banquets, birthday parties, general meetings, don't hesitate to call us for a quote.
Endroit très agréable
June 7, 2018 | Stojce Kacorov