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Telephone support in Waadt (Region)

: 1870 Entries
 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:00
Praxis Dr. med. CHEN | Akupunktur und TCM | FMH Orthopädie

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

Praxis Dr. med. CHEN | Akupunktur und TCM | FMH Orthopädie

Melchtalstrasse 19, 4102 Binningen
Expert in acupuncture and TCM. Also a specialist in orthopaedic surgery.

Dr Chen has many years of experience in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. TCM increases the basic energy and brings disorders back into balance. As Dr Chen has a Swiss state examination, all treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, prescription of Chinese medicines, medical advice, etc. are covered by the patient's basic health insurance. (Exception: any material costs for TCM medication, for which additional insurance would be required). In addition to musculoskeletal disorders, Dr Chen uses standard Chinese therapy methods to treat a wide range of other disorders that can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms, such as allergies, headaches, high blood pressure, stress and addictive behaviour, etc. He also offers support during pregnancy. He offers support during pregnancy and convalescence or treats menstrual complications. The Chinese therapy methods on offer include acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal therapy, nutritional counselling, Chinese manual therapy and cupping. The speciality: As a Chinese doctor with a Swiss state examination, he can bill his services via basic insurance. Supplementary insurance is not a requirement. Thanks to his training as a specialist in orthopaedic surgery (FMH), he is also able to assist with classic conservative methods for the bone apparatus or advise patients on operations on the bone apparatus ("second opinion"). Dr Chen is a member of the Association for Music Medicine and, as a former track and field athlete, sports medicine is also close to his heart. Chinese state examination in Western and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedics in China. Swiss state examination. ASA certificate of competence in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedic surgery FMH.

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Acupuncture TCMChinese medicine TCMOrthopaedic surgeryAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Tuina massageDoctors
Melchtalstrasse 19, 4102 Binningen
Acupuncture TCMChinese medicine TCMOrthopaedic surgeryAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Tuina massageDoctors
Expert in acupuncture and TCM. Also a specialist in orthopaedic surgery.

Dr Chen has many years of experience in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. TCM increases the basic energy and brings disorders back into balance. As Dr Chen has a Swiss state examination, all treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, prescription of Chinese medicines, medical advice, etc. are covered by the patient's basic health insurance. (Exception: any material costs for TCM medication, for which additional insurance would be required). In addition to musculoskeletal disorders, Dr Chen uses standard Chinese therapy methods to treat a wide range of other disorders that can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms, such as allergies, headaches, high blood pressure, stress and addictive behaviour, etc. He also offers support during pregnancy. He offers support during pregnancy and convalescence or treats menstrual complications. The Chinese therapy methods on offer include acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal therapy, nutritional counselling, Chinese manual therapy and cupping. The speciality: As a Chinese doctor with a Swiss state examination, he can bill his services via basic insurance. Supplementary insurance is not a requirement. Thanks to his training as a specialist in orthopaedic surgery (FMH), he is also able to assist with classic conservative methods for the bone apparatus or advise patients on operations on the bone apparatus ("second opinion"). Dr Chen is a member of the Association for Music Medicine and, as a former track and field athlete, sports medicine is also close to his heart. Chinese state examination in Western and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedics in China. Swiss state examination. ASA certificate of competence in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedic surgery FMH.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:00
Therapiezentrum, Apotheke Paradeplatz

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 45 ratings

Therapiezentrum, Apotheke Paradeplatz

Poststrasse 6, 8001 Zurich
Welcome to the Therapy Center Fraumünster

We offer you a variety of treatments for your health and wellbeing Our experienced therapists are at your disposal at all times and provide you with information and advices concerning your wellbeing, health and rehabilitation. Whether for convalescence or for the treatment of stress-induced symptoms, we would be pleased to take care of your health and rehabilitation. At the Therapy Center Fraumünster we are able to provide you with numerous treatment approaches thanks to our skilled and outstanding therapists. Our Therapy Center offers various treatments that will support your physical and mental condition: • Shiatsu • Lymphatic drainage • Polarity therapy • Classic massages • Head and nuchal massage • Foot reflexology • Hot Stone • Energetic back massage • F.X. Mayr therapy • Acupuncture • TCM dietetics • Health consultation Do you need advice from a Doctor or a Pharmacist? At our medical center at Paradeplatz Zurich you can have a consultation both at the same location. Along with our skilled Pharmacists you have the opportunity to have a consultation with three medical specialists in three different areas: Dr. med. Solveig Rapp (specialist in dermatology) Do you have any questions concerning your skin? Do you experience skin irritation, spots or itchy skin? Dr. med. Solveig Rapp, specialist in dermatology, provides competent information, advice and treatment options for many dermatological conditions. • Irritating skin alteration • Mole and pigmented spots • Acne and oily skin • Skin eruption and allergies • Dry skin and neurodermatitis • Hidrosis • Skin ageing and wrinkle treatment (with Botox and Filler) • Ideal skincare and anti-ageing Prof. Dr. Eli Alon (specialist (FMH) in anesthesiology/palliative care) Do you have any questions concerning chronic pain? Prof. Dr. Eli Alon, specialist in anesthesiology/palliative care provides competent information, advice and treatment options in many areas of pain management : • Back pain • Herpes Zoster • Fibromyalgia • Complex palliative care • Head ache • Neuropathic pain • Phantom pain • Acute and chronic pain • Pain intervention • Info-Flyer als PDF herunterladen • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Dr. med. Jürg Traber (surgery, vascular surgery, phlebology) Do you suffer tired and swollen legs? Do you have varicose veins, spider veins or thread veins? We provide competent information advice and treatment options for vascular and arterial conditions: • Varicose Veins • Vein thrombosis • Chronic venous insufficiency • Arterial circulatory disorder • Compression therapy • Foam sclerosation • Spider vein treatment • Medical therapy • Classic varicose surgery • Laser and radio wave therapy • Arterial procedures Our team is looking forward to consulting with you. Please contact our personnel at the TopPharm Pharmacy at Paradeplatz Zurich, call us (044 213 12 30) or email to arrange an appointment. E-Mail TopPharm Pharmacy Paradeplatz Dr. Lorenz Schmid Добро пожаловать в Терапевтический центр Фраумюнстер / Therapiezentrum Fraum ü nster ! Богатый выбор услуг для Вашего здоровья и благополучия Наши опытные терапевты рады помочь Вам вновь обрести прекрасное самочуствие и здоровье. В борьбе со стрессом мы – Ваш незаменимый союзник. Многочисленная команда Терапевтического центра Фраумюнстер предлагает Вашему вниманию широкий спектр услуг: • шиацу • лимфодренаж • терапия полярности • классические массажи • массажи головы и шеи • рефлекторный массаж ступень ног • м ассаж горячими камнями • энергетический массаж спины • краниосакральная терапи я • терапия по методу F.X. Майр • аккупунктура • диетология по традиционной китайской медицине TCM • консультации по вопросам здоровья "Обратиться к Вашего врачу или аптекарю". У нас возможно и то, и другое. В дополнение к нашим знаниям и опыту в фармацевтике, мы рады предложить Вам сотрудничество с тремя врачами-специалистами в следующих областях: Доктор медицинских наук Солвейг Рапп ( врач- специалист по дерматологии) У Вас есть вопросы о Вашей коже? Об изменениях состояния кожи, сыпи или зуде? Д.м.н. Солвейг Рапп, врач-специалист по дерматологии, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • нарушения состояния кожи • родимых пятен и пигментации • угрей и жирной кожи • кожных высыпаний и аллергии • сухой кожи и экземы • повышенной потливости • старения кожи / коррекции морщин с помощью ботокса и филлер • оптимальному уходу за кожей / противовозрастной терапии Профессор, доктор медицинских наук Ели Алон ( врач- специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, член FMH, Федерации врачей - специалистов Швейцарии) У Вас есть вопросы о хронических болях? Профессор, д.м.н. Ели Алон, врач-специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • болей в области спины • опоясывающего герпеса (Herpes Zoster) • фибромиалгии • комплексной терапии боли • головных болях • невропатических болях • фантомных болях • острых и хронических болях • вмешательства с целью уменьшения и / или устранения болей и консилиума врачей по любым видам болей • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Доктор медицинских наук Юрг Трабер ( врач- x ирург, сосудистый хирург, член Европейского совета сосудистой хирургии FEBVS , флеболог, член Швейцарского общества флебологии SGP ) Обращайтесь к нам по вопросам лечения вен. Вас беспокоят уставшие и / или опухшие ноги? Виден варикоз на Ваших ногах? Мы проведем обследование Ваших ног и ответим на все беспокоящие Вас вопросы. Мы предлагаем консультации и лечение в случаях: • варикозного расширения вен • венозного тромбоза • хронической венозной недостаточности • нарушения артериального кровообращения • компрессионную терапию болезней вен • с клеротерапи ю • сосудистых звездочек • медикаментозную терапию • классическую операцию варикозного расширения вен • лазерную и радиоволновую терапии • артериальных заболеваний • www.venenklinik.ch Наша команда будет рада проконсультировать и помочь Вам в выборе терапии. Обращайтесь в нашу TopPharm Apotheke Paradeplatz по телефону 044 213 12 30 или отправьте E-Mail Мы будем рады встрече с Вами! Ваша Toppharm Apotheke Paradeplatz д.фарм.н. Лоренц Шмид

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Health centerHealth and sports massageAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Lymphatic DrainageChinese medicine TCMCraniosacral therapyCosmetic institute
Poststrasse 6, 8001 Zurich
Health centerHealth and sports massageAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Lymphatic DrainageChinese medicine TCMCraniosacral therapyCosmetic institute
Welcome to the Therapy Center Fraumünster

We offer you a variety of treatments for your health and wellbeing Our experienced therapists are at your disposal at all times and provide you with information and advices concerning your wellbeing, health and rehabilitation. Whether for convalescence or for the treatment of stress-induced symptoms, we would be pleased to take care of your health and rehabilitation. At the Therapy Center Fraumünster we are able to provide you with numerous treatment approaches thanks to our skilled and outstanding therapists. Our Therapy Center offers various treatments that will support your physical and mental condition: • Shiatsu • Lymphatic drainage • Polarity therapy • Classic massages • Head and nuchal massage • Foot reflexology • Hot Stone • Energetic back massage • F.X. Mayr therapy • Acupuncture • TCM dietetics • Health consultation Do you need advice from a Doctor or a Pharmacist? At our medical center at Paradeplatz Zurich you can have a consultation both at the same location. Along with our skilled Pharmacists you have the opportunity to have a consultation with three medical specialists in three different areas: Dr. med. Solveig Rapp (specialist in dermatology) Do you have any questions concerning your skin? Do you experience skin irritation, spots or itchy skin? Dr. med. Solveig Rapp, specialist in dermatology, provides competent information, advice and treatment options for many dermatological conditions. • Irritating skin alteration • Mole and pigmented spots • Acne and oily skin • Skin eruption and allergies • Dry skin and neurodermatitis • Hidrosis • Skin ageing and wrinkle treatment (with Botox and Filler) • Ideal skincare and anti-ageing Prof. Dr. Eli Alon (specialist (FMH) in anesthesiology/palliative care) Do you have any questions concerning chronic pain? Prof. Dr. Eli Alon, specialist in anesthesiology/palliative care provides competent information, advice and treatment options in many areas of pain management : • Back pain • Herpes Zoster • Fibromyalgia • Complex palliative care • Head ache • Neuropathic pain • Phantom pain • Acute and chronic pain • Pain intervention • Info-Flyer als PDF herunterladen • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Dr. med. Jürg Traber (surgery, vascular surgery, phlebology) Do you suffer tired and swollen legs? Do you have varicose veins, spider veins or thread veins? We provide competent information advice and treatment options for vascular and arterial conditions: • Varicose Veins • Vein thrombosis • Chronic venous insufficiency • Arterial circulatory disorder • Compression therapy • Foam sclerosation • Spider vein treatment • Medical therapy • Classic varicose surgery • Laser and radio wave therapy • Arterial procedures Our team is looking forward to consulting with you. Please contact our personnel at the TopPharm Pharmacy at Paradeplatz Zurich, call us (044 213 12 30) or email to arrange an appointment. E-Mail TopPharm Pharmacy Paradeplatz Dr. Lorenz Schmid Добро пожаловать в Терапевтический центр Фраумюнстер / Therapiezentrum Fraum ü nster ! Богатый выбор услуг для Вашего здоровья и благополучия Наши опытные терапевты рады помочь Вам вновь обрести прекрасное самочуствие и здоровье. В борьбе со стрессом мы – Ваш незаменимый союзник. Многочисленная команда Терапевтического центра Фраумюнстер предлагает Вашему вниманию широкий спектр услуг: • шиацу • лимфодренаж • терапия полярности • классические массажи • массажи головы и шеи • рефлекторный массаж ступень ног • м ассаж горячими камнями • энергетический массаж спины • краниосакральная терапи я • терапия по методу F.X. Майр • аккупунктура • диетология по традиционной китайской медицине TCM • консультации по вопросам здоровья "Обратиться к Вашего врачу или аптекарю". У нас возможно и то, и другое. В дополнение к нашим знаниям и опыту в фармацевтике, мы рады предложить Вам сотрудничество с тремя врачами-специалистами в следующих областях: Доктор медицинских наук Солвейг Рапп ( врач- специалист по дерматологии) У Вас есть вопросы о Вашей коже? Об изменениях состояния кожи, сыпи или зуде? Д.м.н. Солвейг Рапп, врач-специалист по дерматологии, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • нарушения состояния кожи • родимых пятен и пигментации • угрей и жирной кожи • кожных высыпаний и аллергии • сухой кожи и экземы • повышенной потливости • старения кожи / коррекции морщин с помощью ботокса и филлер • оптимальному уходу за кожей / противовозрастной терапии Профессор, доктор медицинских наук Ели Алон ( врач- специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, член FMH, Федерации врачей - специалистов Швейцарии) У Вас есть вопросы о хронических болях? Профессор, д.м.н. Ели Алон, врач-специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • болей в области спины • опоясывающего герпеса (Herpes Zoster) • фибромиалгии • комплексной терапии боли • головных болях • невропатических болях • фантомных болях • острых и хронических болях • вмешательства с целью уменьшения и / или устранения болей и консилиума врачей по любым видам болей • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Доктор медицинских наук Юрг Трабер ( врач- x ирург, сосудистый хирург, член Европейского совета сосудистой хирургии FEBVS , флеболог, член Швейцарского общества флебологии SGP ) Обращайтесь к нам по вопросам лечения вен. Вас беспокоят уставшие и / или опухшие ноги? Виден варикоз на Ваших ногах? Мы проведем обследование Ваших ног и ответим на все беспокоящие Вас вопросы. Мы предлагаем консультации и лечение в случаях: • варикозного расширения вен • венозного тромбоза • хронической венозной недостаточности • нарушения артериального кровообращения • компрессионную терапию болезней вен • с клеротерапи ю • сосудистых звездочек • медикаментозную терапию • классическую операцию варикозного расширения вен • лазерную и радиоволновую терапии • артериальных заболеваний • www.venenklinik.ch Наша команда будет рада проконсультировать и помочь Вам в выборе терапии. Обращайтесь в нашу TopPharm Apotheke Paradeplatz по телефону 044 213 12 30 или отправьте E-Mail Мы будем рады встрече с Вами! Ваша Toppharm Apotheke Paradeplatz д.фарм.н. Лоренц Шмид

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 45 ratings

 Closed – Opens morgen um 09:00
Atelier Traces

Rating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings

Atelier Traces

Rue de la Gare 10, 1530 Payerne

Practitioner recognized by the complementary health insurance funds affiliated with ASCA Languages ​​spoken: French - English - Italian - German Gestalt psychotherapy Art therapy Couples therapy Personal development Psycho-corporeal work Therapeutic hypnosis “Because our life is the instrument with which we experience the truth” (Thich Nhat Hanh) What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience on a daily basis without even realizing it, such as when driving, walking, or being deeply absorbed in a book or a film. It is an altered state of consciousness where the unconscious takes center stage while consciousness steps back, transforming itself into a calm observer. In this state, the mind is receptive and open to new ideas, new perceptions, and most importantly, new ways of approaching life's challenges. The hypnotic state offers fertile ground for learning, discovery, and self-exploration. It allows you to bypass conscious barriers such as fears, limiting beliefs, or psychological defense mechanisms. By accessing this state, the brain uses its internal resources to highlight hidden skills and promote desired changes. This allows you to redefine perceptions and pave the way for more appropriate and satisfying behaviors. Stimulating Creativity Hypnosis acts as a lever to stimulate creativity, an essential quality for shaping a reality that better matches our deep aspirations and needs. It allows you to question habitual thought patterns, free yourself from conventions, and make room for new perspectives. In this space of mental freedom, we can imagine new solutions to old problems, as if we were creating a blank canvas where all possibilities are possible. This creative process is at the heart of the hypnotic experience. It encourages us to explore new paths, to move away from preconceived ideas and to consider alternative solutions. By using hypnosis, we learn to mobilize our internal resources effectively and to integrate them into our daily lives. This state of openness allows us to revisit our representation of ourselves and to reconfigure our behaviors so that they are in line with our desires and our objectives. A Brief, Solution-Oriented Therapy Hypnotherapy is often called brief therapy because it focuses on solutions rather than problems. At the beginning of each session, the therapist discusses with the person their objectives and the positive suggestions that will be explored during the hypnotic trance. This approach aims to redirect attention to aspects of life that are often neglected by the conscious mind. Hypnotic induction is a phase where the therapist uses techniques to modify the state of consciousness, thus promoting the hypnotic state. Contrary to what one might believe, the person under hypnosis remains active and maintains total control over the process. At any time, they can choose to engage or interrupt the experience. The role of the hypnotherapist is to accompany, suggest and guide using images, metaphors and propositions that resonate with the unconscious. Hypnosis does not seek to impose changes, but rather to reveal those that the person is ready to consider and integrate into their life. It allows them to free themselves from habits that have become obsolete and to reconnect with ways of doing things that are more in line with their current aspirations. On average, hypnotherapy takes place over a cycle of three to four sessions. Each session brings new perspectives and gives the person time to assimilate and put into practice the changes in their daily life. If necessary, additional cycles can be considered to deepen the work undertaken. Hypnosis as a Complement to Medical Care

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Art therapyHypnosisAdult therapyPsychotherapy (Psychological psychotherapists)
Rue de la Gare 10, 1530 Payerne
Art therapyHypnosisAdult therapyPsychotherapy (Psychological psychotherapists)

Practitioner recognized by the complementary health insurance funds affiliated with ASCA Languages ​​spoken: French - English - Italian - German Gestalt psychotherapy Art therapy Couples therapy Personal development Psycho-corporeal work Therapeutic hypnosis “Because our life is the instrument with which we experience the truth” (Thich Nhat Hanh) What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience on a daily basis without even realizing it, such as when driving, walking, or being deeply absorbed in a book or a film. It is an altered state of consciousness where the unconscious takes center stage while consciousness steps back, transforming itself into a calm observer. In this state, the mind is receptive and open to new ideas, new perceptions, and most importantly, new ways of approaching life's challenges. The hypnotic state offers fertile ground for learning, discovery, and self-exploration. It allows you to bypass conscious barriers such as fears, limiting beliefs, or psychological defense mechanisms. By accessing this state, the brain uses its internal resources to highlight hidden skills and promote desired changes. This allows you to redefine perceptions and pave the way for more appropriate and satisfying behaviors. Stimulating Creativity Hypnosis acts as a lever to stimulate creativity, an essential quality for shaping a reality that better matches our deep aspirations and needs. It allows you to question habitual thought patterns, free yourself from conventions, and make room for new perspectives. In this space of mental freedom, we can imagine new solutions to old problems, as if we were creating a blank canvas where all possibilities are possible. This creative process is at the heart of the hypnotic experience. It encourages us to explore new paths, to move away from preconceived ideas and to consider alternative solutions. By using hypnosis, we learn to mobilize our internal resources effectively and to integrate them into our daily lives. This state of openness allows us to revisit our representation of ourselves and to reconfigure our behaviors so that they are in line with our desires and our objectives. A Brief, Solution-Oriented Therapy Hypnotherapy is often called brief therapy because it focuses on solutions rather than problems. At the beginning of each session, the therapist discusses with the person their objectives and the positive suggestions that will be explored during the hypnotic trance. This approach aims to redirect attention to aspects of life that are often neglected by the conscious mind. Hypnotic induction is a phase where the therapist uses techniques to modify the state of consciousness, thus promoting the hypnotic state. Contrary to what one might believe, the person under hypnosis remains active and maintains total control over the process. At any time, they can choose to engage or interrupt the experience. The role of the hypnotherapist is to accompany, suggest and guide using images, metaphors and propositions that resonate with the unconscious. Hypnosis does not seek to impose changes, but rather to reveal those that the person is ready to consider and integrate into their life. It allows them to free themselves from habits that have become obsolete and to reconnect with ways of doing things that are more in line with their current aspirations. On average, hypnotherapy takes place over a cycle of three to four sessions. Each session brings new perspectives and gives the person time to assimilate and put into practice the changes in their daily life. If necessary, additional cycles can be considered to deepen the work undertaken. Hypnosis as a Complement to Medical Care

Rating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings

 Closed – Opens morgen um 09:00
 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:00
Associazione Opera San Giuseppe

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

Associazione Opera San Giuseppe

Viale Lungo Breggia 7, 6834 Morbio Inferiore
The Opera San Giuseppe Association non-profit organization

The Opera San Giuseppe Association is a non-profit organization that, inspired by the principles of Christian solidarity, is exclusively dedicated to promoting social solidarity towards developing countries and populations affected by hunger, diseases, wars, disasters, and natural calamities. Mission and Objectives Led by President Don Silvano Gobbo, the association is committed to implementing humanitarian projects that improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable communities. The initiatives focus on infrastructural, educational, and health interventions, aiming to promote sustainable and lasting development. Completed Projects Among the projects successfully completed by the Opera San Giuseppe Association are: • Construction of an Aqueduct in Tanzania : This project provided potable water to numerous local communities, significantly improving hygienic-sanitary conditions and reducing the incidence of diseases related to contaminated water. • Establishment of a School in Albania : The "San Giuseppe Operaio" Vocational School in the Diocese of Rrëshen offers vocational training to young people from various regions, helping to counter youth emigration and providing opportunities for socio-cultural development. Ongoing Projects Currently, the Opera San Giuseppe Association focuses its efforts on supporting: • Maintenance of the Aqueduct in Tanzania : Ensuring the efficient operation of the aqueduct is essential to continue providing potable water to the served communities. Maintenance activities include repairing any faults, cleaning structures, and updating the technologies used. • Support for the School in Albania : The association covers school costs for needy children, ensuring them access to education and contributing to the formation of a new generation of qualified professionals. Additionally, expansion works are underway to meet the growing demand for enrollments and to introduce new courses, such as those in the hotel sector and socio-health services. How to Support the Association To ensure the continuity and effectiveness of these initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association appeals to the generosity of its supporters. Donations can be made through: • Bank Transfer : Transfer details are available on the association's official website . • PayPal : A quick and secure way to contribute to ongoing projects. operasangiuseppe Every contribution, regardless of size, is crucial to carrying out charitable works for those in need. Transparency and Communication The Opera San Giuseppe Association is committed to maintaining transparent communication with its supporters. Through the website and social media pages, the association provides regular updates on project progress, new initiatives, and organized events. This approach ensures that donors are always informed about the use of funds and the tangible impact of their donations. Collaborations and Partnerships To enhance the effectiveness of its initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association collaborates with other non-profit organizations, government entities, and local communities. These partnerships allow for the sharing of resources, knowledge, and skills, ensuring that projects are sustainable and tailored to the real needs of the beneficiary populations. Social Impact Thanks to constant commitment and donor support, the Opera San Giuseppe Association has achieved significant results: • Improvement of Health Conditions : Access to potable water in Tanzania has drastically reduced waterborne diseases, improving the overall health of communities. • Educational Opportunities : In Albania, hundreds of young people have gained access to quality education, increasing their employment prospects and contributing to local economic development. How to Participate Actively In addition to monetary donations, it is possible to support the Opera San Giuseppe Association through: • Volunteering : Offering your time and skills to support the association's activities. • Dissemination of Initiatives : Sharing information about projects and raising awareness among others about the importance of social solidarity. • Participation in Events : Taking part in events organized by the association to raise funds and promote its activities. The Opera San Giuseppe Association continues to work tirelessly to carry out charitable works for those in need, embodying the values of Christian solidarity and promoting social development in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. The support of donors and volunteers is essential to continue this mission and make a difference in the lives of many people.

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Religious associationsClub or Association
Viale Lungo Breggia 7, 6834 Morbio Inferiore
Religious associationsClub or Association
The Opera San Giuseppe Association non-profit organization

The Opera San Giuseppe Association is a non-profit organization that, inspired by the principles of Christian solidarity, is exclusively dedicated to promoting social solidarity towards developing countries and populations affected by hunger, diseases, wars, disasters, and natural calamities. Mission and Objectives Led by President Don Silvano Gobbo, the association is committed to implementing humanitarian projects that improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable communities. The initiatives focus on infrastructural, educational, and health interventions, aiming to promote sustainable and lasting development. Completed Projects Among the projects successfully completed by the Opera San Giuseppe Association are: • Construction of an Aqueduct in Tanzania : This project provided potable water to numerous local communities, significantly improving hygienic-sanitary conditions and reducing the incidence of diseases related to contaminated water. • Establishment of a School in Albania : The "San Giuseppe Operaio" Vocational School in the Diocese of Rrëshen offers vocational training to young people from various regions, helping to counter youth emigration and providing opportunities for socio-cultural development. Ongoing Projects Currently, the Opera San Giuseppe Association focuses its efforts on supporting: • Maintenance of the Aqueduct in Tanzania : Ensuring the efficient operation of the aqueduct is essential to continue providing potable water to the served communities. Maintenance activities include repairing any faults, cleaning structures, and updating the technologies used. • Support for the School in Albania : The association covers school costs for needy children, ensuring them access to education and contributing to the formation of a new generation of qualified professionals. Additionally, expansion works are underway to meet the growing demand for enrollments and to introduce new courses, such as those in the hotel sector and socio-health services. How to Support the Association To ensure the continuity and effectiveness of these initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association appeals to the generosity of its supporters. Donations can be made through: • Bank Transfer : Transfer details are available on the association's official website . • PayPal : A quick and secure way to contribute to ongoing projects. operasangiuseppe Every contribution, regardless of size, is crucial to carrying out charitable works for those in need. Transparency and Communication The Opera San Giuseppe Association is committed to maintaining transparent communication with its supporters. Through the website and social media pages, the association provides regular updates on project progress, new initiatives, and organized events. This approach ensures that donors are always informed about the use of funds and the tangible impact of their donations. Collaborations and Partnerships To enhance the effectiveness of its initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association collaborates with other non-profit organizations, government entities, and local communities. These partnerships allow for the sharing of resources, knowledge, and skills, ensuring that projects are sustainable and tailored to the real needs of the beneficiary populations. Social Impact Thanks to constant commitment and donor support, the Opera San Giuseppe Association has achieved significant results: • Improvement of Health Conditions : Access to potable water in Tanzania has drastically reduced waterborne diseases, improving the overall health of communities. • Educational Opportunities : In Albania, hundreds of young people have gained access to quality education, increasing their employment prospects and contributing to local economic development. How to Participate Actively In addition to monetary donations, it is possible to support the Opera San Giuseppe Association through: • Volunteering : Offering your time and skills to support the association's activities. • Dissemination of Initiatives : Sharing information about projects and raising awareness among others about the importance of social solidarity. • Participation in Events : Taking part in events organized by the association to raise funds and promote its activities. The Opera San Giuseppe Association continues to work tirelessly to carry out charitable works for those in need, embodying the values of Christian solidarity and promoting social development in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. The support of donors and volunteers is essential to continue this mission and make a difference in the lives of many people.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

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Praxis Dr. med. CHEN | Akupunktur und TCM | FMH Orthopädie

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

Praxis Dr. med. CHEN | Akupunktur und TCM | FMH Orthopädie

Melchtalstrasse 19, 4102 Binningen
Expert in acupuncture and TCM. Also a specialist in orthopaedic surgery.

Dr Chen has many years of experience in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. TCM increases the basic energy and brings disorders back into balance. As Dr Chen has a Swiss state examination, all treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, prescription of Chinese medicines, medical advice, etc. are covered by the patient's basic health insurance. (Exception: any material costs for TCM medication, for which additional insurance would be required). In addition to musculoskeletal disorders, Dr Chen uses standard Chinese therapy methods to treat a wide range of other disorders that can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms, such as allergies, headaches, high blood pressure, stress and addictive behaviour, etc. He also offers support during pregnancy. He offers support during pregnancy and convalescence or treats menstrual complications. The Chinese therapy methods on offer include acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal therapy, nutritional counselling, Chinese manual therapy and cupping. The speciality: As a Chinese doctor with a Swiss state examination, he can bill his services via basic insurance. Supplementary insurance is not a requirement. Thanks to his training as a specialist in orthopaedic surgery (FMH), he is also able to assist with classic conservative methods for the bone apparatus or advise patients on operations on the bone apparatus ("second opinion"). Dr Chen is a member of the Association for Music Medicine and, as a former track and field athlete, sports medicine is also close to his heart. Chinese state examination in Western and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedics in China. Swiss state examination. ASA certificate of competence in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedic surgery FMH.

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Acupuncture TCMChinese medicine TCMOrthopaedic surgeryAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Tuina massageDoctors
Melchtalstrasse 19, 4102 Binningen
Acupuncture TCMChinese medicine TCMOrthopaedic surgeryAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Tuina massageDoctors
Expert in acupuncture and TCM. Also a specialist in orthopaedic surgery.

Dr Chen has many years of experience in the treatment of a wide range of diseases. TCM increases the basic energy and brings disorders back into balance. As Dr Chen has a Swiss state examination, all treatments such as acupuncture, moxibustion, prescription of Chinese medicines, medical advice, etc. are covered by the patient's basic health insurance. (Exception: any material costs for TCM medication, for which additional insurance would be required). In addition to musculoskeletal disorders, Dr Chen uses standard Chinese therapy methods to treat a wide range of other disorders that can manifest themselves in a variety of symptoms, such as allergies, headaches, high blood pressure, stress and addictive behaviour, etc. He also offers support during pregnancy. He offers support during pregnancy and convalescence or treats menstrual complications. The Chinese therapy methods on offer include acupuncture, moxibustion, herbal therapy, nutritional counselling, Chinese manual therapy and cupping. The speciality: As a Chinese doctor with a Swiss state examination, he can bill his services via basic insurance. Supplementary insurance is not a requirement. Thanks to his training as a specialist in orthopaedic surgery (FMH), he is also able to assist with classic conservative methods for the bone apparatus or advise patients on operations on the bone apparatus ("second opinion"). Dr Chen is a member of the Association for Music Medicine and, as a former track and field athlete, sports medicine is also close to his heart. Chinese state examination in Western and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedics in China. Swiss state examination. ASA certificate of competence in acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine. Specialist in orthopaedic surgery FMH.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:00
Therapiezentrum, Apotheke Paradeplatz

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 45 ratings

Therapiezentrum, Apotheke Paradeplatz

Poststrasse 6, 8001 Zurich
Welcome to the Therapy Center Fraumünster

We offer you a variety of treatments for your health and wellbeing Our experienced therapists are at your disposal at all times and provide you with information and advices concerning your wellbeing, health and rehabilitation. Whether for convalescence or for the treatment of stress-induced symptoms, we would be pleased to take care of your health and rehabilitation. At the Therapy Center Fraumünster we are able to provide you with numerous treatment approaches thanks to our skilled and outstanding therapists. Our Therapy Center offers various treatments that will support your physical and mental condition: • Shiatsu • Lymphatic drainage • Polarity therapy • Classic massages • Head and nuchal massage • Foot reflexology • Hot Stone • Energetic back massage • F.X. Mayr therapy • Acupuncture • TCM dietetics • Health consultation Do you need advice from a Doctor or a Pharmacist? At our medical center at Paradeplatz Zurich you can have a consultation both at the same location. Along with our skilled Pharmacists you have the opportunity to have a consultation with three medical specialists in three different areas: Dr. med. Solveig Rapp (specialist in dermatology) Do you have any questions concerning your skin? Do you experience skin irritation, spots or itchy skin? Dr. med. Solveig Rapp, specialist in dermatology, provides competent information, advice and treatment options for many dermatological conditions. • Irritating skin alteration • Mole and pigmented spots • Acne and oily skin • Skin eruption and allergies • Dry skin and neurodermatitis • Hidrosis • Skin ageing and wrinkle treatment (with Botox and Filler) • Ideal skincare and anti-ageing Prof. Dr. Eli Alon (specialist (FMH) in anesthesiology/palliative care) Do you have any questions concerning chronic pain? Prof. Dr. Eli Alon, specialist in anesthesiology/palliative care provides competent information, advice and treatment options in many areas of pain management : • Back pain • Herpes Zoster • Fibromyalgia • Complex palliative care • Head ache • Neuropathic pain • Phantom pain • Acute and chronic pain • Pain intervention • Info-Flyer als PDF herunterladen • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Dr. med. Jürg Traber (surgery, vascular surgery, phlebology) Do you suffer tired and swollen legs? Do you have varicose veins, spider veins or thread veins? We provide competent information advice and treatment options for vascular and arterial conditions: • Varicose Veins • Vein thrombosis • Chronic venous insufficiency • Arterial circulatory disorder • Compression therapy • Foam sclerosation • Spider vein treatment • Medical therapy • Classic varicose surgery • Laser and radio wave therapy • Arterial procedures Our team is looking forward to consulting with you. Please contact our personnel at the TopPharm Pharmacy at Paradeplatz Zurich, call us (044 213 12 30) or email to arrange an appointment. E-Mail TopPharm Pharmacy Paradeplatz Dr. Lorenz Schmid Добро пожаловать в Терапевтический центр Фраумюнстер / Therapiezentrum Fraum ü nster ! Богатый выбор услуг для Вашего здоровья и благополучия Наши опытные терапевты рады помочь Вам вновь обрести прекрасное самочуствие и здоровье. В борьбе со стрессом мы – Ваш незаменимый союзник. Многочисленная команда Терапевтического центра Фраумюнстер предлагает Вашему вниманию широкий спектр услуг: • шиацу • лимфодренаж • терапия полярности • классические массажи • массажи головы и шеи • рефлекторный массаж ступень ног • м ассаж горячими камнями • энергетический массаж спины • краниосакральная терапи я • терапия по методу F.X. Майр • аккупунктура • диетология по традиционной китайской медицине TCM • консультации по вопросам здоровья "Обратиться к Вашего врачу или аптекарю". У нас возможно и то, и другое. В дополнение к нашим знаниям и опыту в фармацевтике, мы рады предложить Вам сотрудничество с тремя врачами-специалистами в следующих областях: Доктор медицинских наук Солвейг Рапп ( врач- специалист по дерматологии) У Вас есть вопросы о Вашей коже? Об изменениях состояния кожи, сыпи или зуде? Д.м.н. Солвейг Рапп, врач-специалист по дерматологии, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • нарушения состояния кожи • родимых пятен и пигментации • угрей и жирной кожи • кожных высыпаний и аллергии • сухой кожи и экземы • повышенной потливости • старения кожи / коррекции морщин с помощью ботокса и филлер • оптимальному уходу за кожей / противовозрастной терапии Профессор, доктор медицинских наук Ели Алон ( врач- специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, член FMH, Федерации врачей - специалистов Швейцарии) У Вас есть вопросы о хронических болях? Профессор, д.м.н. Ели Алон, врач-специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • болей в области спины • опоясывающего герпеса (Herpes Zoster) • фибромиалгии • комплексной терапии боли • головных болях • невропатических болях • фантомных болях • острых и хронических болях • вмешательства с целью уменьшения и / или устранения болей и консилиума врачей по любым видам болей • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Доктор медицинских наук Юрг Трабер ( врач- x ирург, сосудистый хирург, член Европейского совета сосудистой хирургии FEBVS , флеболог, член Швейцарского общества флебологии SGP ) Обращайтесь к нам по вопросам лечения вен. Вас беспокоят уставшие и / или опухшие ноги? Виден варикоз на Ваших ногах? Мы проведем обследование Ваших ног и ответим на все беспокоящие Вас вопросы. Мы предлагаем консультации и лечение в случаях: • варикозного расширения вен • венозного тромбоза • хронической венозной недостаточности • нарушения артериального кровообращения • компрессионную терапию болезней вен • с клеротерапи ю • сосудистых звездочек • медикаментозную терапию • классическую операцию варикозного расширения вен • лазерную и радиоволновую терапии • артериальных заболеваний • www.venenklinik.ch Наша команда будет рада проконсультировать и помочь Вам в выборе терапии. Обращайтесь в нашу TopPharm Apotheke Paradeplatz по телефону 044 213 12 30 или отправьте E-Mail Мы будем рады встрече с Вами! Ваша Toppharm Apotheke Paradeplatz д.фарм.н. Лоренц Шмид

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Health centerHealth and sports massageAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Lymphatic DrainageChinese medicine TCMCraniosacral therapyCosmetic institute
Poststrasse 6, 8001 Zurich
Health centerHealth and sports massageAcupuncture (not included in category doctors)Lymphatic DrainageChinese medicine TCMCraniosacral therapyCosmetic institute
Welcome to the Therapy Center Fraumünster

We offer you a variety of treatments for your health and wellbeing Our experienced therapists are at your disposal at all times and provide you with information and advices concerning your wellbeing, health and rehabilitation. Whether for convalescence or for the treatment of stress-induced symptoms, we would be pleased to take care of your health and rehabilitation. At the Therapy Center Fraumünster we are able to provide you with numerous treatment approaches thanks to our skilled and outstanding therapists. Our Therapy Center offers various treatments that will support your physical and mental condition: • Shiatsu • Lymphatic drainage • Polarity therapy • Classic massages • Head and nuchal massage • Foot reflexology • Hot Stone • Energetic back massage • F.X. Mayr therapy • Acupuncture • TCM dietetics • Health consultation Do you need advice from a Doctor or a Pharmacist? At our medical center at Paradeplatz Zurich you can have a consultation both at the same location. Along with our skilled Pharmacists you have the opportunity to have a consultation with three medical specialists in three different areas: Dr. med. Solveig Rapp (specialist in dermatology) Do you have any questions concerning your skin? Do you experience skin irritation, spots or itchy skin? Dr. med. Solveig Rapp, specialist in dermatology, provides competent information, advice and treatment options for many dermatological conditions. • Irritating skin alteration • Mole and pigmented spots • Acne and oily skin • Skin eruption and allergies • Dry skin and neurodermatitis • Hidrosis • Skin ageing and wrinkle treatment (with Botox and Filler) • Ideal skincare and anti-ageing Prof. Dr. Eli Alon (specialist (FMH) in anesthesiology/palliative care) Do you have any questions concerning chronic pain? Prof. Dr. Eli Alon, specialist in anesthesiology/palliative care provides competent information, advice and treatment options in many areas of pain management : • Back pain • Herpes Zoster • Fibromyalgia • Complex palliative care • Head ache • Neuropathic pain • Phantom pain • Acute and chronic pain • Pain intervention • Info-Flyer als PDF herunterladen • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Dr. med. Jürg Traber (surgery, vascular surgery, phlebology) Do you suffer tired and swollen legs? Do you have varicose veins, spider veins or thread veins? We provide competent information advice and treatment options for vascular and arterial conditions: • Varicose Veins • Vein thrombosis • Chronic venous insufficiency • Arterial circulatory disorder • Compression therapy • Foam sclerosation • Spider vein treatment • Medical therapy • Classic varicose surgery • Laser and radio wave therapy • Arterial procedures Our team is looking forward to consulting with you. Please contact our personnel at the TopPharm Pharmacy at Paradeplatz Zurich, call us (044 213 12 30) or email to arrange an appointment. E-Mail TopPharm Pharmacy Paradeplatz Dr. Lorenz Schmid Добро пожаловать в Терапевтический центр Фраумюнстер / Therapiezentrum Fraum ü nster ! Богатый выбор услуг для Вашего здоровья и благополучия Наши опытные терапевты рады помочь Вам вновь обрести прекрасное самочуствие и здоровье. В борьбе со стрессом мы – Ваш незаменимый союзник. Многочисленная команда Терапевтического центра Фраумюнстер предлагает Вашему вниманию широкий спектр услуг: • шиацу • лимфодренаж • терапия полярности • классические массажи • массажи головы и шеи • рефлекторный массаж ступень ног • м ассаж горячими камнями • энергетический массаж спины • краниосакральная терапи я • терапия по методу F.X. Майр • аккупунктура • диетология по традиционной китайской медицине TCM • консультации по вопросам здоровья "Обратиться к Вашего врачу или аптекарю". У нас возможно и то, и другое. В дополнение к нашим знаниям и опыту в фармацевтике, мы рады предложить Вам сотрудничество с тремя врачами-специалистами в следующих областях: Доктор медицинских наук Солвейг Рапп ( врач- специалист по дерматологии) У Вас есть вопросы о Вашей коже? Об изменениях состояния кожи, сыпи или зуде? Д.м.н. Солвейг Рапп, врач-специалист по дерматологии, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • нарушения состояния кожи • родимых пятен и пигментации • угрей и жирной кожи • кожных высыпаний и аллергии • сухой кожи и экземы • повышенной потливости • старения кожи / коррекции морщин с помощью ботокса и филлер • оптимальному уходу за кожей / противовозрастной терапии Профессор, доктор медицинских наук Ели Алон ( врач- специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, член FMH, Федерации врачей - специалистов Швейцарии) У Вас есть вопросы о хронических болях? Профессор, д.м.н. Ели Алон, врач-специалист в области анестезиологии и терапии боли, ответит на Ваши вопросы и даст рекомендации по индивидуальному подходу и лечению в случаях: • болей в области спины • опоясывающего герпеса (Herpes Zoster) • фибромиалгии • комплексной терапии боли • головных болях • невропатических болях • фантомных болях • острых и хронических болях • вмешательства с целью уменьшения и / или устранения болей и консилиума врачей по любым видам болей • www.praxisprofalon.schmerzkonsilium.ch Доктор медицинских наук Юрг Трабер ( врач- x ирург, сосудистый хирург, член Европейского совета сосудистой хирургии FEBVS , флеболог, член Швейцарского общества флебологии SGP ) Обращайтесь к нам по вопросам лечения вен. Вас беспокоят уставшие и / или опухшие ноги? Виден варикоз на Ваших ногах? Мы проведем обследование Ваших ног и ответим на все беспокоящие Вас вопросы. Мы предлагаем консультации и лечение в случаях: • варикозного расширения вен • венозного тромбоза • хронической венозной недостаточности • нарушения артериального кровообращения • компрессионную терапию болезней вен • с клеротерапи ю • сосудистых звездочек • медикаментозную терапию • классическую операцию варикозного расширения вен • лазерную и радиоволновую терапии • артериальных заболеваний • www.venenklinik.ch Наша команда будет рада проконсультировать и помочь Вам в выборе терапии. Обращайтесь в нашу TopPharm Apotheke Paradeplatz по телефону 044 213 12 30 или отправьте E-Mail Мы будем рады встрече с Вами! Ваша Toppharm Apotheke Paradeplatz д.фарм.н. Лоренц Шмид

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 45 ratings

 Closed – Opens morgen um 09:00
Atelier Traces

Rating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings

Atelier Traces

Rue de la Gare 10, 1530 Payerne

Practitioner recognized by the complementary health insurance funds affiliated with ASCA Languages ​​spoken: French - English - Italian - German Gestalt psychotherapy Art therapy Couples therapy Personal development Psycho-corporeal work Therapeutic hypnosis “Because our life is the instrument with which we experience the truth” (Thich Nhat Hanh) What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience on a daily basis without even realizing it, such as when driving, walking, or being deeply absorbed in a book or a film. It is an altered state of consciousness where the unconscious takes center stage while consciousness steps back, transforming itself into a calm observer. In this state, the mind is receptive and open to new ideas, new perceptions, and most importantly, new ways of approaching life's challenges. The hypnotic state offers fertile ground for learning, discovery, and self-exploration. It allows you to bypass conscious barriers such as fears, limiting beliefs, or psychological defense mechanisms. By accessing this state, the brain uses its internal resources to highlight hidden skills and promote desired changes. This allows you to redefine perceptions and pave the way for more appropriate and satisfying behaviors. Stimulating Creativity Hypnosis acts as a lever to stimulate creativity, an essential quality for shaping a reality that better matches our deep aspirations and needs. It allows you to question habitual thought patterns, free yourself from conventions, and make room for new perspectives. In this space of mental freedom, we can imagine new solutions to old problems, as if we were creating a blank canvas where all possibilities are possible. This creative process is at the heart of the hypnotic experience. It encourages us to explore new paths, to move away from preconceived ideas and to consider alternative solutions. By using hypnosis, we learn to mobilize our internal resources effectively and to integrate them into our daily lives. This state of openness allows us to revisit our representation of ourselves and to reconfigure our behaviors so that they are in line with our desires and our objectives. A Brief, Solution-Oriented Therapy Hypnotherapy is often called brief therapy because it focuses on solutions rather than problems. At the beginning of each session, the therapist discusses with the person their objectives and the positive suggestions that will be explored during the hypnotic trance. This approach aims to redirect attention to aspects of life that are often neglected by the conscious mind. Hypnotic induction is a phase where the therapist uses techniques to modify the state of consciousness, thus promoting the hypnotic state. Contrary to what one might believe, the person under hypnosis remains active and maintains total control over the process. At any time, they can choose to engage or interrupt the experience. The role of the hypnotherapist is to accompany, suggest and guide using images, metaphors and propositions that resonate with the unconscious. Hypnosis does not seek to impose changes, but rather to reveal those that the person is ready to consider and integrate into their life. It allows them to free themselves from habits that have become obsolete and to reconnect with ways of doing things that are more in line with their current aspirations. On average, hypnotherapy takes place over a cycle of three to four sessions. Each session brings new perspectives and gives the person time to assimilate and put into practice the changes in their daily life. If necessary, additional cycles can be considered to deepen the work undertaken. Hypnosis as a Complement to Medical Care

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Art therapyHypnosisAdult therapyPsychotherapy (Psychological psychotherapists)
Rue de la Gare 10, 1530 Payerne
Art therapyHypnosisAdult therapyPsychotherapy (Psychological psychotherapists)

Practitioner recognized by the complementary health insurance funds affiliated with ASCA Languages ​​spoken: French - English - Italian - German Gestalt psychotherapy Art therapy Couples therapy Personal development Psycho-corporeal work Therapeutic hypnosis “Because our life is the instrument with which we experience the truth” (Thich Nhat Hanh) What is Hypnosis? Hypnosis is a natural state that we all experience on a daily basis without even realizing it, such as when driving, walking, or being deeply absorbed in a book or a film. It is an altered state of consciousness where the unconscious takes center stage while consciousness steps back, transforming itself into a calm observer. In this state, the mind is receptive and open to new ideas, new perceptions, and most importantly, new ways of approaching life's challenges. The hypnotic state offers fertile ground for learning, discovery, and self-exploration. It allows you to bypass conscious barriers such as fears, limiting beliefs, or psychological defense mechanisms. By accessing this state, the brain uses its internal resources to highlight hidden skills and promote desired changes. This allows you to redefine perceptions and pave the way for more appropriate and satisfying behaviors. Stimulating Creativity Hypnosis acts as a lever to stimulate creativity, an essential quality for shaping a reality that better matches our deep aspirations and needs. It allows you to question habitual thought patterns, free yourself from conventions, and make room for new perspectives. In this space of mental freedom, we can imagine new solutions to old problems, as if we were creating a blank canvas where all possibilities are possible. This creative process is at the heart of the hypnotic experience. It encourages us to explore new paths, to move away from preconceived ideas and to consider alternative solutions. By using hypnosis, we learn to mobilize our internal resources effectively and to integrate them into our daily lives. This state of openness allows us to revisit our representation of ourselves and to reconfigure our behaviors so that they are in line with our desires and our objectives. A Brief, Solution-Oriented Therapy Hypnotherapy is often called brief therapy because it focuses on solutions rather than problems. At the beginning of each session, the therapist discusses with the person their objectives and the positive suggestions that will be explored during the hypnotic trance. This approach aims to redirect attention to aspects of life that are often neglected by the conscious mind. Hypnotic induction is a phase where the therapist uses techniques to modify the state of consciousness, thus promoting the hypnotic state. Contrary to what one might believe, the person under hypnosis remains active and maintains total control over the process. At any time, they can choose to engage or interrupt the experience. The role of the hypnotherapist is to accompany, suggest and guide using images, metaphors and propositions that resonate with the unconscious. Hypnosis does not seek to impose changes, but rather to reveal those that the person is ready to consider and integrate into their life. It allows them to free themselves from habits that have become obsolete and to reconnect with ways of doing things that are more in line with their current aspirations. On average, hypnotherapy takes place over a cycle of three to four sessions. Each session brings new perspectives and gives the person time to assimilate and put into practice the changes in their daily life. If necessary, additional cycles can be considered to deepen the work undertaken. Hypnosis as a Complement to Medical Care

Rating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings

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Associazione Opera San Giuseppe

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

Associazione Opera San Giuseppe

Viale Lungo Breggia 7, 6834 Morbio Inferiore
The Opera San Giuseppe Association non-profit organization

The Opera San Giuseppe Association is a non-profit organization that, inspired by the principles of Christian solidarity, is exclusively dedicated to promoting social solidarity towards developing countries and populations affected by hunger, diseases, wars, disasters, and natural calamities. Mission and Objectives Led by President Don Silvano Gobbo, the association is committed to implementing humanitarian projects that improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable communities. The initiatives focus on infrastructural, educational, and health interventions, aiming to promote sustainable and lasting development. Completed Projects Among the projects successfully completed by the Opera San Giuseppe Association are: • Construction of an Aqueduct in Tanzania : This project provided potable water to numerous local communities, significantly improving hygienic-sanitary conditions and reducing the incidence of diseases related to contaminated water. • Establishment of a School in Albania : The "San Giuseppe Operaio" Vocational School in the Diocese of Rrëshen offers vocational training to young people from various regions, helping to counter youth emigration and providing opportunities for socio-cultural development. Ongoing Projects Currently, the Opera San Giuseppe Association focuses its efforts on supporting: • Maintenance of the Aqueduct in Tanzania : Ensuring the efficient operation of the aqueduct is essential to continue providing potable water to the served communities. Maintenance activities include repairing any faults, cleaning structures, and updating the technologies used. • Support for the School in Albania : The association covers school costs for needy children, ensuring them access to education and contributing to the formation of a new generation of qualified professionals. Additionally, expansion works are underway to meet the growing demand for enrollments and to introduce new courses, such as those in the hotel sector and socio-health services. How to Support the Association To ensure the continuity and effectiveness of these initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association appeals to the generosity of its supporters. Donations can be made through: • Bank Transfer : Transfer details are available on the association's official website . • PayPal : A quick and secure way to contribute to ongoing projects. operasangiuseppe Every contribution, regardless of size, is crucial to carrying out charitable works for those in need. Transparency and Communication The Opera San Giuseppe Association is committed to maintaining transparent communication with its supporters. Through the website and social media pages, the association provides regular updates on project progress, new initiatives, and organized events. This approach ensures that donors are always informed about the use of funds and the tangible impact of their donations. Collaborations and Partnerships To enhance the effectiveness of its initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association collaborates with other non-profit organizations, government entities, and local communities. These partnerships allow for the sharing of resources, knowledge, and skills, ensuring that projects are sustainable and tailored to the real needs of the beneficiary populations. Social Impact Thanks to constant commitment and donor support, the Opera San Giuseppe Association has achieved significant results: • Improvement of Health Conditions : Access to potable water in Tanzania has drastically reduced waterborne diseases, improving the overall health of communities. • Educational Opportunities : In Albania, hundreds of young people have gained access to quality education, increasing their employment prospects and contributing to local economic development. How to Participate Actively In addition to monetary donations, it is possible to support the Opera San Giuseppe Association through: • Volunteering : Offering your time and skills to support the association's activities. • Dissemination of Initiatives : Sharing information about projects and raising awareness among others about the importance of social solidarity. • Participation in Events : Taking part in events organized by the association to raise funds and promote its activities. The Opera San Giuseppe Association continues to work tirelessly to carry out charitable works for those in need, embodying the values of Christian solidarity and promoting social development in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. The support of donors and volunteers is essential to continue this mission and make a difference in the lives of many people.

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Religious associationsClub or Association
Viale Lungo Breggia 7, 6834 Morbio Inferiore
Religious associationsClub or Association
The Opera San Giuseppe Association non-profit organization

The Opera San Giuseppe Association is a non-profit organization that, inspired by the principles of Christian solidarity, is exclusively dedicated to promoting social solidarity towards developing countries and populations affected by hunger, diseases, wars, disasters, and natural calamities. Mission and Objectives Led by President Don Silvano Gobbo, the association is committed to implementing humanitarian projects that improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable communities. The initiatives focus on infrastructural, educational, and health interventions, aiming to promote sustainable and lasting development. Completed Projects Among the projects successfully completed by the Opera San Giuseppe Association are: • Construction of an Aqueduct in Tanzania : This project provided potable water to numerous local communities, significantly improving hygienic-sanitary conditions and reducing the incidence of diseases related to contaminated water. • Establishment of a School in Albania : The "San Giuseppe Operaio" Vocational School in the Diocese of Rrëshen offers vocational training to young people from various regions, helping to counter youth emigration and providing opportunities for socio-cultural development. Ongoing Projects Currently, the Opera San Giuseppe Association focuses its efforts on supporting: • Maintenance of the Aqueduct in Tanzania : Ensuring the efficient operation of the aqueduct is essential to continue providing potable water to the served communities. Maintenance activities include repairing any faults, cleaning structures, and updating the technologies used. • Support for the School in Albania : The association covers school costs for needy children, ensuring them access to education and contributing to the formation of a new generation of qualified professionals. Additionally, expansion works are underway to meet the growing demand for enrollments and to introduce new courses, such as those in the hotel sector and socio-health services. How to Support the Association To ensure the continuity and effectiveness of these initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association appeals to the generosity of its supporters. Donations can be made through: • Bank Transfer : Transfer details are available on the association's official website . • PayPal : A quick and secure way to contribute to ongoing projects. operasangiuseppe Every contribution, regardless of size, is crucial to carrying out charitable works for those in need. Transparency and Communication The Opera San Giuseppe Association is committed to maintaining transparent communication with its supporters. Through the website and social media pages, the association provides regular updates on project progress, new initiatives, and organized events. This approach ensures that donors are always informed about the use of funds and the tangible impact of their donations. Collaborations and Partnerships To enhance the effectiveness of its initiatives, the Opera San Giuseppe Association collaborates with other non-profit organizations, government entities, and local communities. These partnerships allow for the sharing of resources, knowledge, and skills, ensuring that projects are sustainable and tailored to the real needs of the beneficiary populations. Social Impact Thanks to constant commitment and donor support, the Opera San Giuseppe Association has achieved significant results: • Improvement of Health Conditions : Access to potable water in Tanzania has drastically reduced waterborne diseases, improving the overall health of communities. • Educational Opportunities : In Albania, hundreds of young people have gained access to quality education, increasing their employment prospects and contributing to local economic development. How to Participate Actively In addition to monetary donations, it is possible to support the Opera San Giuseppe Association through: • Volunteering : Offering your time and skills to support the association's activities. • Dissemination of Initiatives : Sharing information about projects and raising awareness among others about the importance of social solidarity. • Participation in Events : Taking part in events organized by the association to raise funds and promote its activities. The Opera San Giuseppe Association continues to work tirelessly to carry out charitable works for those in need, embodying the values of Christian solidarity and promoting social development in the most disadvantaged areas of the world. The support of donors and volunteers is essential to continue this mission and make a difference in the lives of many people.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

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