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Construction supervision in Waadt (Region)

: 952 Résultats

Construction supervision in Waadt (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Construction supervision in Waadt (Region), top rated on local.ch

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 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00


The Circle 6, 8302 Kloten
PremiumInscription Premium
Interior architectureBuilding counselingConstruction supervisionPlanningRenovationsRefurbishmentDesign
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00
Extempore Studio Sagl

Extempore Studio Sagl

Via Cantonale 2A, 6928 Manno
Architecture Studio in Manno - Extempore Studio Sagl

Extempore Studio Sagl Extempore Studio Sagl is a young and dynamic Architecture Atelier located in Manno, specializing in the design of buildings with sustainable materials and high construction standards. Our main goal is to meet the needs and requests of our clients by providing innovative and customized solutions. Vision The studio's approach is based on the pursuit of quality, detail, and innovation, while also considering the client's budget and requirements, without neglecting the important theme of the environment. Material research is indeed another crucial aspect for Extempore Studio, whose professionals always strive to use recycled materials, some of which are unique throughout Ticino. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Structure Our team of architecture experts is highly qualified and has extensive experience in architectural design and design. This allows us to work on highly versatile projects. We work on a wide range of projects, including the design of public and private buildings, interior design projects, as well as the renovation of existing historical buildings or commercial spaces for major brands. Architecture and Project Management Architecturally, Extempore Studio handles the entire study and design of the building, then moves on to the construction phase, providing comprehensive project management. Our personalized approach allows us to meet the needs of a diverse audience, both private and public. Each project is executed with great care and attention to detail, ensuring that the client's needs are always at the center of the process. Design and Furnishing In addition to architectural design, Extempore Studio offers a comprehensive communicative design service, including promotional and furnishing phases. Our team of design experts can create customized solutions for every project, taking into account the needs and tastes of our clients. Innovation capability Extempore Studio focuses on constant research for new innovative solutions in space, materials, and design. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Quality and professionalism Choosing Extempore Studio means not only ensuring high-quality work but also relying on a team of professionals ready to bring their experience and passion to realize every project in the best possible way. Contact us to discuss your needs and discover how we can help you bring your architectural project to life.

PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionDesignInterior architectureReal EstateProject planningCorporate communication
Via Cantonale 2A, 6928 Manno
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionDesignInterior architectureReal EstateProject planningCorporate communication
Architecture Studio in Manno - Extempore Studio Sagl

Extempore Studio Sagl Extempore Studio Sagl is a young and dynamic Architecture Atelier located in Manno, specializing in the design of buildings with sustainable materials and high construction standards. Our main goal is to meet the needs and requests of our clients by providing innovative and customized solutions. Vision The studio's approach is based on the pursuit of quality, detail, and innovation, while also considering the client's budget and requirements, without neglecting the important theme of the environment. Material research is indeed another crucial aspect for Extempore Studio, whose professionals always strive to use recycled materials, some of which are unique throughout Ticino. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Structure Our team of architecture experts is highly qualified and has extensive experience in architectural design and design. This allows us to work on highly versatile projects. We work on a wide range of projects, including the design of public and private buildings, interior design projects, as well as the renovation of existing historical buildings or commercial spaces for major brands. Architecture and Project Management Architecturally, Extempore Studio handles the entire study and design of the building, then moves on to the construction phase, providing comprehensive project management. Our personalized approach allows us to meet the needs of a diverse audience, both private and public. Each project is executed with great care and attention to detail, ensuring that the client's needs are always at the center of the process. Design and Furnishing In addition to architectural design, Extempore Studio offers a comprehensive communicative design service, including promotional and furnishing phases. Our team of design experts can create customized solutions for every project, taking into account the needs and tastes of our clients. Innovation capability Extempore Studio focuses on constant research for new innovative solutions in space, materials, and design. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Quality and professionalism Choosing Extempore Studio means not only ensuring high-quality work but also relying on a team of professionals ready to bring their experience and passion to realize every project in the best possible way. Contact us to discuss your needs and discover how we can help you bring your architectural project to life.

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmRenovationsConstruction supervisionPlanningConstruction consultingRefurbishmentRemodelling
Murifeldweg 2, 3006 BerneCase Postale, 3000 Bern 16
Architectural firmRenovationsConstruction supervisionPlanningConstruction consultingRefurbishmentRemodelling
Von Planung bis Ausführung Top: Anbau und Teilsanierung

Herr Baumberger macht ab Beginn einen sympathischen und kompetenten Eindruck. Bei Planung wurde soweit möglich auf Wünsche eingegangen. Beratung nach Geschmack der Bauherren (z.B. Farbwahl). Sehr gute Koordination mit der Bauverwaltung der Gemeinde und Begleitung bei Einsprachen (brauchten keinen Anwalt). Trifft gute Wahl bei den Handwerkern und bestimmt mit. Gute Zusammenarbeit untereinander ist deutlich spürbar. Herr Baumberger zeigte täglich Präsenz auf der Baustelle. Kurze Bauzeit und Zeitplan wurde eingehalten. Mängel und spontane, kleine Änderungswünsche werden von ihm schnell erfasst und zum Beheben/Umsetzen in Auftrag gegeben. Erhielten am Schluss eine detaillierte Abrechnung und die Kosten wurden eingehalten. Er bot allfällige Unterstützung bei Rückfragen der Steuerverwaltung an. Rücksicht auf Nachbaren sind ihm während dem Bau wichtig (z.B. Lärm, parkierte Autos und Umgang miteinander). Bei einem nächsten Projekt würden wir wieder Renobau beauftragen. -- Ehrensperger/Kraft

30. December 2023, ehrka

Note 4.3 sur 5 étoiles pour 41 évaluations

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
Müller & Partner Architekturbüro AG

Müller & Partner Architekturbüro AG

Im Kunzental 6b, 4310 Rheinfelden
PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionPlanningConstruction consultingInterior architectureRenovationsProject planning
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
GAMMA AG Planung

GAMMA AG Planung

Bötzlingerstrasse 3, 6467 Schattdorf
PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmPlanningEnergy consultingConstruction supervisionFire protection
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00
Impregest SA

Impregest SA

Via Michele Roggia 2, 6853 Ligornetto
PremiumInscription Premium
General contractorConstruction companyRenovationsMasonryConstruction supervisionPaintingInterior improvements
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
Forrer Baumanagement GmbH

Forrer Baumanagement GmbH

Hertistrasse 24, 8304 Wallisellen
PremiumInscription Premium
Construction managementConstruction supervisionProject managementRenovationsRefurbishmentRemodellingConstruction consultingPlanning
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:00
M.T. Architektur & Baumanagement / Immobilien GmbH

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 5 évaluations

M.T. Architektur & Baumanagement / Immobilien GmbH

Via Isla 37, 7151 Schluein

Die Basis jeder Projektidee ist ein Gedanke. Um erfolgreich voran zu kommen, benötigt es motivierte Menschen, welche sich für die Idee einsetzen. Unterschiedliche Ausprägungen in Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen sowie eine gute Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation ermöglichen die gute Qualität und Quantität. Denn nur mit einem starken und leidenschaftlichen Team, lässt sich unsere Vision von der Idee zum fertigen Traum verwirklichen. Wir sind die M.T. Group, bestehen aus den zwei Gesellschaften Architektur & Baumanagament sowei der Immobilien und haben unseren Sitz in Schluein in der wunderschönen Surselva im Bündner Oberland. Ob Neubau, Umbau, Einfamilienhaus, Mehrfamilienhaus, Hotel oder Spaanlage – wir sind bei jedem Bauvorhaben Ihr richtiger Bau- und Immobilienpartner. Unsere Erfahrung aus mehr als 50 Jahren Bautätigkeit hilft uns bei der täglichen Umsetzung individueller Kundenprojekte. Wir orientieren uns dabei konsequent an den Erwartungen und Ansprüchen unserer Kunden. Geleitet werden wir dabei von folgenden Zielsetzungen: clevere Architektur, penible Projektentwicklung, gesamtheitliche Dienstleistung, erprobte Kompetenz. Wenn Sie zufrieden sind, sind wir es auch. “Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space. Living, Changing, New.” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Mehr über uns...

PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionReal EstateConstruction managementPlanningRenovationsInterior architecture
Via Isla 37, 7151 Schluein
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionReal EstateConstruction managementPlanningRenovationsInterior architecture

Die Basis jeder Projektidee ist ein Gedanke. Um erfolgreich voran zu kommen, benötigt es motivierte Menschen, welche sich für die Idee einsetzen. Unterschiedliche Ausprägungen in Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen sowie eine gute Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation ermöglichen die gute Qualität und Quantität. Denn nur mit einem starken und leidenschaftlichen Team, lässt sich unsere Vision von der Idee zum fertigen Traum verwirklichen. Wir sind die M.T. Group, bestehen aus den zwei Gesellschaften Architektur & Baumanagament sowei der Immobilien und haben unseren Sitz in Schluein in der wunderschönen Surselva im Bündner Oberland. Ob Neubau, Umbau, Einfamilienhaus, Mehrfamilienhaus, Hotel oder Spaanlage – wir sind bei jedem Bauvorhaben Ihr richtiger Bau- und Immobilienpartner. Unsere Erfahrung aus mehr als 50 Jahren Bautätigkeit hilft uns bei der täglichen Umsetzung individueller Kundenprojekte. Wir orientieren uns dabei konsequent an den Erwartungen und Ansprüchen unserer Kunden. Geleitet werden wir dabei von folgenden Zielsetzungen: clevere Architektur, penible Projektentwicklung, gesamtheitliche Dienstleistung, erprobte Kompetenz. Wenn Sie zufrieden sind, sind wir es auch. “Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space. Living, Changing, New.” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Mehr über uns...

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 5 évaluations

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:00
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00


Bernstrasse 41, 3113 Rubigen
PremiumInscription Premium
General contractorArchitectural firmConstruction companyReal EstateConstruction supervisionRenovationsRefurbishment
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
3B Baumanagement GmbH

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 1 évaluation

3B Baumanagement GmbH

Zeughausstrasse 16A, 8500 Frauenfeld
3B Baumanagement – Your Partner for Successful Construction Project Management

Welcome to 3B Baumanagement, your trusted partner for construction project management, consulting, and supervision in Switzerland. Our extensive expertise in the industry enables us to provide tailored solutions for both private and commercial construction projects. Our dedicated team of qualified professionals ensures that your construction project is completed on time and within budget. Our Services: • Construction Project Management: Efficient planning, execution, and control of your construction projects. • Construction Consulting: Expert advice for all phases of your construction project, from planning to execution. • Construction Supervision: Professional oversight of the construction site to ensure the highest quality standards. Why Choose 3B Baumanagement? • Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize transparent communication and close collaboration with our clients. • Quality: Our expertise ensures the quality and efficiency of your construction project. • Reliability: Timely and budget-friendly implementation is our top priority. Rely on experience and expertise – trust 3B Baumanagement for your next construction project! Visit our website 3b-baumanagement.ch for more information and contact us for personalized consulting.

PremiumInscription Premium
Construction managementConstruction supervisionPlanningReal EstateArchitectural firmConstruction consulting
Zeughausstrasse 16A, 8500 Frauenfeld
Construction managementConstruction supervisionPlanningReal EstateArchitectural firmConstruction consulting
3B Baumanagement – Your Partner for Successful Construction Project Management

Welcome to 3B Baumanagement, your trusted partner for construction project management, consulting, and supervision in Switzerland. Our extensive expertise in the industry enables us to provide tailored solutions for both private and commercial construction projects. Our dedicated team of qualified professionals ensures that your construction project is completed on time and within budget. Our Services: • Construction Project Management: Efficient planning, execution, and control of your construction projects. • Construction Consulting: Expert advice for all phases of your construction project, from planning to execution. • Construction Supervision: Professional oversight of the construction site to ensure the highest quality standards. Why Choose 3B Baumanagement? • Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize transparent communication and close collaboration with our clients. • Quality: Our expertise ensures the quality and efficiency of your construction project. • Reliability: Timely and budget-friendly implementation is our top priority. Rely on experience and expertise – trust 3B Baumanagement for your next construction project! Visit our website 3b-baumanagement.ch for more information and contact us for personalized consulting.

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 1 évaluation

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
* Pas de matériel publicitaire

Construction supervision in Waadt (Region)

Construction supervision in Waadt (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Construction supervision in Waadt (Region), top rated on local.ch

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Construction supervision in Waadt (Region)

: 952 Résultats
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00


The Circle 6, 8302 Kloten
PremiumInscription Premium
Interior architectureBuilding counselingConstruction supervisionPlanningRenovationsRefurbishmentDesign
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00
Extempore Studio Sagl

Extempore Studio Sagl

Via Cantonale 2A, 6928 Manno
Architecture Studio in Manno - Extempore Studio Sagl

Extempore Studio Sagl Extempore Studio Sagl is a young and dynamic Architecture Atelier located in Manno, specializing in the design of buildings with sustainable materials and high construction standards. Our main goal is to meet the needs and requests of our clients by providing innovative and customized solutions. Vision The studio's approach is based on the pursuit of quality, detail, and innovation, while also considering the client's budget and requirements, without neglecting the important theme of the environment. Material research is indeed another crucial aspect for Extempore Studio, whose professionals always strive to use recycled materials, some of which are unique throughout Ticino. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Structure Our team of architecture experts is highly qualified and has extensive experience in architectural design and design. This allows us to work on highly versatile projects. We work on a wide range of projects, including the design of public and private buildings, interior design projects, as well as the renovation of existing historical buildings or commercial spaces for major brands. Architecture and Project Management Architecturally, Extempore Studio handles the entire study and design of the building, then moves on to the construction phase, providing comprehensive project management. Our personalized approach allows us to meet the needs of a diverse audience, both private and public. Each project is executed with great care and attention to detail, ensuring that the client's needs are always at the center of the process. Design and Furnishing In addition to architectural design, Extempore Studio offers a comprehensive communicative design service, including promotional and furnishing phases. Our team of design experts can create customized solutions for every project, taking into account the needs and tastes of our clients. Innovation capability Extempore Studio focuses on constant research for new innovative solutions in space, materials, and design. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Quality and professionalism Choosing Extempore Studio means not only ensuring high-quality work but also relying on a team of professionals ready to bring their experience and passion to realize every project in the best possible way. Contact us to discuss your needs and discover how we can help you bring your architectural project to life.

PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionDesignInterior architectureReal EstateProject planningCorporate communication
Via Cantonale 2A, 6928 Manno
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionDesignInterior architectureReal EstateProject planningCorporate communication
Architecture Studio in Manno - Extempore Studio Sagl

Extempore Studio Sagl Extempore Studio Sagl is a young and dynamic Architecture Atelier located in Manno, specializing in the design of buildings with sustainable materials and high construction standards. Our main goal is to meet the needs and requests of our clients by providing innovative and customized solutions. Vision The studio's approach is based on the pursuit of quality, detail, and innovation, while also considering the client's budget and requirements, without neglecting the important theme of the environment. Material research is indeed another crucial aspect for Extempore Studio, whose professionals always strive to use recycled materials, some of which are unique throughout Ticino. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Structure Our team of architecture experts is highly qualified and has extensive experience in architectural design and design. This allows us to work on highly versatile projects. We work on a wide range of projects, including the design of public and private buildings, interior design projects, as well as the renovation of existing historical buildings or commercial spaces for major brands. Architecture and Project Management Architecturally, Extempore Studio handles the entire study and design of the building, then moves on to the construction phase, providing comprehensive project management. Our personalized approach allows us to meet the needs of a diverse audience, both private and public. Each project is executed with great care and attention to detail, ensuring that the client's needs are always at the center of the process. Design and Furnishing In addition to architectural design, Extempore Studio offers a comprehensive communicative design service, including promotional and furnishing phases. Our team of design experts can create customized solutions for every project, taking into account the needs and tastes of our clients. Innovation capability Extempore Studio focuses on constant research for new innovative solutions in space, materials, and design. We stay constantly updated on new technologies and industry trends to offer our clients the most cutting-edge solutions. Quality and professionalism Choosing Extempore Studio means not only ensuring high-quality work but also relying on a team of professionals ready to bring their experience and passion to realize every project in the best possible way. Contact us to discuss your needs and discover how we can help you bring your architectural project to life.

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmRenovationsConstruction supervisionPlanningConstruction consultingRefurbishmentRemodelling
Murifeldweg 2, 3006 BerneCase Postale, 3000 Bern 16
Architectural firmRenovationsConstruction supervisionPlanningConstruction consultingRefurbishmentRemodelling
Von Planung bis Ausführung Top: Anbau und Teilsanierung

Herr Baumberger macht ab Beginn einen sympathischen und kompetenten Eindruck. Bei Planung wurde soweit möglich auf Wünsche eingegangen. Beratung nach Geschmack der Bauherren (z.B. Farbwahl). Sehr gute Koordination mit der Bauverwaltung der Gemeinde und Begleitung bei Einsprachen (brauchten keinen Anwalt). Trifft gute Wahl bei den Handwerkern und bestimmt mit. Gute Zusammenarbeit untereinander ist deutlich spürbar. Herr Baumberger zeigte täglich Präsenz auf der Baustelle. Kurze Bauzeit und Zeitplan wurde eingehalten. Mängel und spontane, kleine Änderungswünsche werden von ihm schnell erfasst und zum Beheben/Umsetzen in Auftrag gegeben. Erhielten am Schluss eine detaillierte Abrechnung und die Kosten wurden eingehalten. Er bot allfällige Unterstützung bei Rückfragen der Steuerverwaltung an. Rücksicht auf Nachbaren sind ihm während dem Bau wichtig (z.B. Lärm, parkierte Autos und Umgang miteinander). Bei einem nächsten Projekt würden wir wieder Renobau beauftragen. -- Ehrensperger/Kraft

30. December 2023, ehrka

Note 4.3 sur 5 étoiles pour 41 évaluations

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
Müller & Partner Architekturbüro AG

Müller & Partner Architekturbüro AG

Im Kunzental 6b, 4310 Rheinfelden
PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionPlanningConstruction consultingInterior architectureRenovationsProject planning
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
GAMMA AG Planung

GAMMA AG Planung

Bötzlingerstrasse 3, 6467 Schattdorf
PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmPlanningEnergy consultingConstruction supervisionFire protection
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00
Impregest SA

Impregest SA

Via Michele Roggia 2, 6853 Ligornetto
PremiumInscription Premium
General contractorConstruction companyRenovationsMasonryConstruction supervisionPaintingInterior improvements
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
Forrer Baumanagement GmbH

Forrer Baumanagement GmbH

Hertistrasse 24, 8304 Wallisellen
PremiumInscription Premium
Construction managementConstruction supervisionProject managementRenovationsRefurbishmentRemodellingConstruction consultingPlanning
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:00
M.T. Architektur & Baumanagement / Immobilien GmbH

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 5 évaluations

M.T. Architektur & Baumanagement / Immobilien GmbH

Via Isla 37, 7151 Schluein

Die Basis jeder Projektidee ist ein Gedanke. Um erfolgreich voran zu kommen, benötigt es motivierte Menschen, welche sich für die Idee einsetzen. Unterschiedliche Ausprägungen in Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen sowie eine gute Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation ermöglichen die gute Qualität und Quantität. Denn nur mit einem starken und leidenschaftlichen Team, lässt sich unsere Vision von der Idee zum fertigen Traum verwirklichen. Wir sind die M.T. Group, bestehen aus den zwei Gesellschaften Architektur & Baumanagament sowei der Immobilien und haben unseren Sitz in Schluein in der wunderschönen Surselva im Bündner Oberland. Ob Neubau, Umbau, Einfamilienhaus, Mehrfamilienhaus, Hotel oder Spaanlage – wir sind bei jedem Bauvorhaben Ihr richtiger Bau- und Immobilienpartner. Unsere Erfahrung aus mehr als 50 Jahren Bautätigkeit hilft uns bei der täglichen Umsetzung individueller Kundenprojekte. Wir orientieren uns dabei konsequent an den Erwartungen und Ansprüchen unserer Kunden. Geleitet werden wir dabei von folgenden Zielsetzungen: clevere Architektur, penible Projektentwicklung, gesamtheitliche Dienstleistung, erprobte Kompetenz. Wenn Sie zufrieden sind, sind wir es auch. “Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space. Living, Changing, New.” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Mehr über uns...

PremiumInscription Premium
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionReal EstateConstruction managementPlanningRenovationsInterior architecture
Via Isla 37, 7151 Schluein
Architectural firmConstruction supervisionReal EstateConstruction managementPlanningRenovationsInterior architecture

Die Basis jeder Projektidee ist ein Gedanke. Um erfolgreich voran zu kommen, benötigt es motivierte Menschen, welche sich für die Idee einsetzen. Unterschiedliche Ausprägungen in Kompetenzen und Erfahrungen sowie eine gute Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation ermöglichen die gute Qualität und Quantität. Denn nur mit einem starken und leidenschaftlichen Team, lässt sich unsere Vision von der Idee zum fertigen Traum verwirklichen. Wir sind die M.T. Group, bestehen aus den zwei Gesellschaften Architektur & Baumanagament sowei der Immobilien und haben unseren Sitz in Schluein in der wunderschönen Surselva im Bündner Oberland. Ob Neubau, Umbau, Einfamilienhaus, Mehrfamilienhaus, Hotel oder Spaanlage – wir sind bei jedem Bauvorhaben Ihr richtiger Bau- und Immobilienpartner. Unsere Erfahrung aus mehr als 50 Jahren Bautätigkeit hilft uns bei der täglichen Umsetzung individueller Kundenprojekte. Wir orientieren uns dabei konsequent an den Erwartungen und Ansprüchen unserer Kunden. Geleitet werden wir dabei von folgenden Zielsetzungen: clevere Architektur, penible Projektentwicklung, gesamtheitliche Dienstleistung, erprobte Kompetenz. Wenn Sie zufrieden sind, sind wir es auch. “Architecture is the will of an epoch translated into space. Living, Changing, New.” Ludwig Mies van der Rohe Mehr über uns...

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 5 évaluations

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:00
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 08:00


Bernstrasse 41, 3113 Rubigen
PremiumInscription Premium
General contractorArchitectural firmConstruction companyReal EstateConstruction supervisionRenovationsRefurbishment
 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
3B Baumanagement GmbH

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 1 évaluation

3B Baumanagement GmbH

Zeughausstrasse 16A, 8500 Frauenfeld
3B Baumanagement – Your Partner for Successful Construction Project Management

Welcome to 3B Baumanagement, your trusted partner for construction project management, consulting, and supervision in Switzerland. Our extensive expertise in the industry enables us to provide tailored solutions for both private and commercial construction projects. Our dedicated team of qualified professionals ensures that your construction project is completed on time and within budget. Our Services: • Construction Project Management: Efficient planning, execution, and control of your construction projects. • Construction Consulting: Expert advice for all phases of your construction project, from planning to execution. • Construction Supervision: Professional oversight of the construction site to ensure the highest quality standards. Why Choose 3B Baumanagement? • Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize transparent communication and close collaboration with our clients. • Quality: Our expertise ensures the quality and efficiency of your construction project. • Reliability: Timely and budget-friendly implementation is our top priority. Rely on experience and expertise – trust 3B Baumanagement for your next construction project! Visit our website 3b-baumanagement.ch for more information and contact us for personalized consulting.

PremiumInscription Premium
Construction managementConstruction supervisionPlanningReal EstateArchitectural firmConstruction consulting
Zeughausstrasse 16A, 8500 Frauenfeld
Construction managementConstruction supervisionPlanningReal EstateArchitectural firmConstruction consulting
3B Baumanagement – Your Partner for Successful Construction Project Management

Welcome to 3B Baumanagement, your trusted partner for construction project management, consulting, and supervision in Switzerland. Our extensive expertise in the industry enables us to provide tailored solutions for both private and commercial construction projects. Our dedicated team of qualified professionals ensures that your construction project is completed on time and within budget. Our Services: • Construction Project Management: Efficient planning, execution, and control of your construction projects. • Construction Consulting: Expert advice for all phases of your construction project, from planning to execution. • Construction Supervision: Professional oversight of the construction site to ensure the highest quality standards. Why Choose 3B Baumanagement? • Customer Satisfaction: We prioritize transparent communication and close collaboration with our clients. • Quality: Our expertise ensures the quality and efficiency of your construction project. • Reliability: Timely and budget-friendly implementation is our top priority. Rely on experience and expertise – trust 3B Baumanagement for your next construction project! Visit our website 3b-baumanagement.ch for more information and contact us for personalized consulting.

Note 5.0 sur 5 étoiles pour 1 évaluation

 Fermé – Ouvre lundi à 07:30
* Pas de matériel publicitaire