Clinica Dentaria Tre Valli Schulthess & Ottobrelli
Via Lucomagno 133, 6710 BiascaDentist•Implantology•Dental clinicYOUR TRUSTED DENTISTDental Clinic We have been taking care of yours since 2014 smile! Experience and professionalism at your service! The 3 Valli Dental Clinic, located in Biasca, awaits you with its Smile Professionals to solve all problems related to oral well-being. From conservative care to Orthodontics, up to Oral Surgery, our Clinic is able to offer a wide range of services for the health and aesthetics of the mouth. Services: Advanced Oral Surgery Immediate Loading Implantology Regenerative Bone Skeleton with Attacks Aesthetics Dental Invisible Orthodontics Hygiene and Dental Whitening Conservative and Endodontics Contact Us
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