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Fast food in Mendrisiotto (Region)

: 9 Entries
 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
Antidoto SA

Antidoto SA

Via alla Chiesa 1, 6883 Novazzano
Antidote SA and Rystotech: Excellence in Professional Kitchen Design

Sale of Electric Ovens for Food Delivery Antidoto SA is positioned as the undisputed leader in the sale of electric ovens for take-away pizzerias, offering technologically advanced solutions that guarantee perfect pizza cooking. Our range of electric ovens is designed to meet the efficiency and quality requirements of the food delivery service. Designing Professional Kitchens for Restaurants and Pizzerias Under the Rystotech brand, Antidoto SA excels in the design of professional kitchens for restaurants and pizzerias. Our projects focus on optimising space and implementing intelligent solutions to improve operational efficiency and reduce preparation times. Innovation in Restaurant Designing Rystotech stands out for its ability to create innovative designs, transforming restaurants into functional and aesthetically appealing spaces. Our expertise covers every aspect of restaurant design, ensuring tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. Customised Solutions for Pizzeria Design The design of pizzerias requires a specialised approach, which Rystotech can offer thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the sector. From furnishing to the optimal layout of equipment, we design pizzerias that are not only beautiful to look at, but also incredibly functional, for fast, quality service. Visit our website https://www.rystotech.com/ to discover how our design solutions and electric ovens can revolutionise your restaurant or pizzeria. With Antidoto SA and Rystotech, you have a reliable and innovative partner at your side.

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Industrial design Product designFood DeliveryHotel supplyInterior architectureHome delivery serviceTakeout
Via alla Chiesa 1, 6883 Novazzano
Industrial design Product designFood DeliveryHotel supplyInterior architectureHome delivery serviceTakeout
Antidote SA and Rystotech: Excellence in Professional Kitchen Design

Sale of Electric Ovens for Food Delivery Antidoto SA is positioned as the undisputed leader in the sale of electric ovens for take-away pizzerias, offering technologically advanced solutions that guarantee perfect pizza cooking. Our range of electric ovens is designed to meet the efficiency and quality requirements of the food delivery service. Designing Professional Kitchens for Restaurants and Pizzerias Under the Rystotech brand, Antidoto SA excels in the design of professional kitchens for restaurants and pizzerias. Our projects focus on optimising space and implementing intelligent solutions to improve operational efficiency and reduce preparation times. Innovation in Restaurant Designing Rystotech stands out for its ability to create innovative designs, transforming restaurants into functional and aesthetically appealing spaces. Our expertise covers every aspect of restaurant design, ensuring tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. Customised Solutions for Pizzeria Design The design of pizzerias requires a specialised approach, which Rystotech can offer thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the sector. From furnishing to the optimal layout of equipment, we design pizzerias that are not only beautiful to look at, but also incredibly functional, for fast, quality service. Visit our website https://www.rystotech.com/ to discover how our design solutions and electric ovens can revolutionise your restaurant or pizzeria. With Antidoto SA and Rystotech, you have a reliable and innovative partner at your side.

 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
 Open all day
Osteria Manciana con alloggio

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 8 ratings

Osteria Manciana con alloggio

Via Cantonale 95, 6838 Muggio

For our hostess Simona and her team it will be a pleasure to tantalize the tastebuds of their guests with seasonal and regional recipes and dishes that are always prepared with local products. In keeping with the Ticino tradition, the kitchen recommends the ever popular “Ossobuco” from Piera with polenta from “Mulino di Bruzella”, as well as the braised beef (“Brasato”) and the the flat or tall “Formaggini” that is produced in the valley. Cheeses can be enjoyed including the Ticino cheese “Formagella”, that is made nearby on the slopes of Monte Generoso. Finally, you can taste the local sausages with the excellent bread baked in the valley, as well as the wines of Mendrisiotto. The tradition of typical dishes will also be carried on by Simona according to family recipes including the famous osso buco with polenta “della Piera.” This and more await you in a typical and cozy environment. We have carefully selected for you different wines at reasonable prices from the different wineries in the Mendrisiotto. Of course, the Merlot dominates, but there are also various assemblages and wines that are stored in barriques to emphasize the bouquet of the wines. Our wine list also contains some representative wines from neighboring Italy, from Barbaresco to Sangiovese and finally Prosecco and Spumanti, made according to the classic method (Champagnoise), as well as, of course, with the common aperitifs, our grappas and nocinos (walnut liqueurs). The name of the Osteria refers to the family name Manciana, the maiden name of the grandmother “nonna Agnese”, who has run the Osteria since the 1950s when she took over the work that her mother Giuditta had started in the 1930s. From 1970 until today, her daughter-in-law Piera has taken care of the entire management of the restaurant; she has always welcomed all visitors warmly and has cooked for thousands of guests with passion over the years. The “osso buco con polenta della Piera”, a dish whose recipe remains a secret and has now been continued by four generations, remains famous. Simona, Piera’s daughter-in-law, will take over the management of the Manciana after the renovation, maintaining the direction and traditions that have shaped this historic osteria of the Valle di Muggio and Monte Generoso region over the years. From 2021 the Osteria will be able to offer its guests a large room for 40 people and two terraces for around 15 people, including a new one with a view of the valley. The Osteria is a typical mountain inn, which has adapted to the progress and changes of the visitors over the years but has retained its character as a daily meeting point for the residents of the Muggio Valley and those passing through. In the Osteria, farmers, bricklayers, hikers and seasonal workers who returned from central Switzerland after the Second World War, border guards who lived in the village and soldiers in times of war always enjoyed meeting each other. In the 1960s smugglers who carried their goods in “bricolle” (jute sacks full of cigarettes) to Italy, also took a stop there. Even today the adventures of the “spalloni” (smugglers) are told who tried to escape the border guards in order to bring their “bricolla” to safety. For almost 100 years the MANCIANA was a reference point for the village and the visitors, who once traveled for commercial and now for tourist reasons, between Switzerland and Italy, Como Lake (Italy) and Lugano Lake (Switzerland). Hospitality and tolerance were and will remain a hallmark of the Manciana.

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HotelRestaurantBarSwiss cuisineBed and Breakfast
Via Cantonale 95, 6838 Muggio
HotelRestaurantBarSwiss cuisineBed and Breakfast

For our hostess Simona and her team it will be a pleasure to tantalize the tastebuds of their guests with seasonal and regional recipes and dishes that are always prepared with local products. In keeping with the Ticino tradition, the kitchen recommends the ever popular “Ossobuco” from Piera with polenta from “Mulino di Bruzella”, as well as the braised beef (“Brasato”) and the the flat or tall “Formaggini” that is produced in the valley. Cheeses can be enjoyed including the Ticino cheese “Formagella”, that is made nearby on the slopes of Monte Generoso. Finally, you can taste the local sausages with the excellent bread baked in the valley, as well as the wines of Mendrisiotto. The tradition of typical dishes will also be carried on by Simona according to family recipes including the famous osso buco with polenta “della Piera.” This and more await you in a typical and cozy environment. We have carefully selected for you different wines at reasonable prices from the different wineries in the Mendrisiotto. Of course, the Merlot dominates, but there are also various assemblages and wines that are stored in barriques to emphasize the bouquet of the wines. Our wine list also contains some representative wines from neighboring Italy, from Barbaresco to Sangiovese and finally Prosecco and Spumanti, made according to the classic method (Champagnoise), as well as, of course, with the common aperitifs, our grappas and nocinos (walnut liqueurs). The name of the Osteria refers to the family name Manciana, the maiden name of the grandmother “nonna Agnese”, who has run the Osteria since the 1950s when she took over the work that her mother Giuditta had started in the 1930s. From 1970 until today, her daughter-in-law Piera has taken care of the entire management of the restaurant; she has always welcomed all visitors warmly and has cooked for thousands of guests with passion over the years. The “osso buco con polenta della Piera”, a dish whose recipe remains a secret and has now been continued by four generations, remains famous. Simona, Piera’s daughter-in-law, will take over the management of the Manciana after the renovation, maintaining the direction and traditions that have shaped this historic osteria of the Valle di Muggio and Monte Generoso region over the years. From 2021 the Osteria will be able to offer its guests a large room for 40 people and two terraces for around 15 people, including a new one with a view of the valley. The Osteria is a typical mountain inn, which has adapted to the progress and changes of the visitors over the years but has retained its character as a daily meeting point for the residents of the Muggio Valley and those passing through. In the Osteria, farmers, bricklayers, hikers and seasonal workers who returned from central Switzerland after the Second World War, border guards who lived in the village and soldiers in times of war always enjoyed meeting each other. In the 1960s smugglers who carried their goods in “bricolle” (jute sacks full of cigarettes) to Italy, also took a stop there. Even today the adventures of the “spalloni” (smugglers) are told who tried to escape the border guards in order to bring their “bricolla” to safety. For almost 100 years the MANCIANA was a reference point for the village and the visitors, who once traveled for commercial and now for tourist reasons, between Switzerland and Italy, Como Lake (Italy) and Lugano Lake (Switzerland). Hospitality and tolerance were and will remain a hallmark of the Manciana.

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 8 ratings

 Open all day
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
PopMusicSchool di Paolo Meneguzzi

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

PopMusicSchool di Paolo Meneguzzi

Via Franco Zorzi 20, 6850 Mendrisio
Scuola artistica di canto, danza, teatro, cinema, strumenti e lezioni online

La nostra scuola artistica e’ stata fondata ed e’ diretta artisticamente dal noto cantante ticinese Paolo Meneguzzi Dopo più’ di 20 anni di carriera, di esperienze, di conoscenze e dopo aver girato il mondo con la sua musica, in parallelo alla sua attività’ di cantante, Paolo Meneguzzi, ha deciso di creare una scuola POP creata con un’ idea nuova, un metodo su misura per le esigenze di oggi, per chi ha il sogno di diventare un’ artista e la speranza di trovare la strada per poter vivere fianco a fianco con la sua passione. La scuola si avvale solo di professori professionisti che hanno scommesso con Paolo nel progetto di creare qualcosa di bello, fantastico, serio e unico in Ticino per le arti POP. A oggi, dopo 4 anni, contiamo oltre 700 iscritti a corsi provenienti da tutto il TICINO GRAZIE PER LA FIDUCIA A TUTTI I SCRIVITI o informati anche tu, senza impegno, per iniziare i tuoi corsi da subito. SEDE: MENDRISIO via ZORZI 20 (nuova sede) STUDIO DI APPOGGIO: PORZA/LUGANO al MONDO DELLA MUSICA Vai incontro al tuo destino, lui e’ pronto ad accoglierti per proiettarsi con te nel futuro.. Paolo Meneguzzi LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE PRENOTA LA TUA PROVA GRATUITA IN QUALSIASI MOMENTO DELL’ ANNO I CORSI SONO PER PRINCIPIANTI O AVANZATI, PER TUTTE LE ETÀ I nostri corsi seguono il calendario delle vacanze scolastiche 9 PAOLO MENEGUZZI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SIMONE TOMASSINI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SARA ORLACCHIO - CANTOPOP CANTOLIRICO/SOLFEGGIO ELENA RUSCITTO - CANTO - PIANOFORTE MODERNO ANDREA MATTIA GENTILE - CHITARRA ARRANGIAMENTI/PROGRAMMAZIONE PIER TARANTINO - BATTERIA/ARRANGIAMENTI MUSICALI VERONICA TORRE - BATTERIA/MUSICSTAR...T! CARLO UBOLDI - PIANOFORTE MODERN/JAZZ/BLUES/POP/CLASSIC FRANCESCO CARCANO - BASSO/CONTRABBASSO MARGHERITA REMOTTI - RECITAZIONE TEATRO E CINEMA FERNANDO CORATELLI - CORSO DI SCRITTURA E SCENEGGIATURA MASSIMILIANO MALNATI - DEEJAY MAURO MARCHESE - L.A.STYLE HIP-HOP/STREETJAZZ/HOUSE LINO SPERANZA - STREETDANCE360 HIP HOP OLD SYLE/TOPROCK SILVIA BRICHESE - DANZA CLASSICA E GIOCO DANZA BAMBINI BBOYCIRINO - BREAK DANCE SANDRA MARTELLOTTA - ARTE POLE DANCE ANNALISA LAMBRUGHI - ARTE POLE DANCE LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE Il tariffario viene spedito soltanto su richiesta via email o telefono (anche WAPP) Contattaci con i tuoi dati per richiedere il tariffario e il programma stagionale dei corsi a info@PopMusicSchool.ch oppure richiedilo al +41 76 – 463 55 42 IL PROGRAMMA SETTIMANALE DEI CORSI SOTTO RIPORTATO E’ SOLO INDICATIVO E ALCUNI CORSI NON SONO INDICATI POICHE’ SONO VARIABILI ANCHE SE NON DOVESSERO CORRISPONDERE ALLE TUE DISPONIBILITA' CONTATTACI TROVEREMO UNA SOLUZIONE PER LE TUE ESIGENZE

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Art schoolSinging school, voice lessonsDancing schoolActing schoolMusic instructionRecording studioCourses
Via Franco Zorzi 20, 6850 Mendrisio
Art schoolSinging school, voice lessonsDancing schoolActing schoolMusic instructionRecording studioCourses
Scuola artistica di canto, danza, teatro, cinema, strumenti e lezioni online

La nostra scuola artistica e’ stata fondata ed e’ diretta artisticamente dal noto cantante ticinese Paolo Meneguzzi Dopo più’ di 20 anni di carriera, di esperienze, di conoscenze e dopo aver girato il mondo con la sua musica, in parallelo alla sua attività’ di cantante, Paolo Meneguzzi, ha deciso di creare una scuola POP creata con un’ idea nuova, un metodo su misura per le esigenze di oggi, per chi ha il sogno di diventare un’ artista e la speranza di trovare la strada per poter vivere fianco a fianco con la sua passione. La scuola si avvale solo di professori professionisti che hanno scommesso con Paolo nel progetto di creare qualcosa di bello, fantastico, serio e unico in Ticino per le arti POP. A oggi, dopo 4 anni, contiamo oltre 700 iscritti a corsi provenienti da tutto il TICINO GRAZIE PER LA FIDUCIA A TUTTI I SCRIVITI o informati anche tu, senza impegno, per iniziare i tuoi corsi da subito. SEDE: MENDRISIO via ZORZI 20 (nuova sede) STUDIO DI APPOGGIO: PORZA/LUGANO al MONDO DELLA MUSICA Vai incontro al tuo destino, lui e’ pronto ad accoglierti per proiettarsi con te nel futuro.. Paolo Meneguzzi LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE PRENOTA LA TUA PROVA GRATUITA IN QUALSIASI MOMENTO DELL’ ANNO I CORSI SONO PER PRINCIPIANTI O AVANZATI, PER TUTTE LE ETÀ I nostri corsi seguono il calendario delle vacanze scolastiche 9 PAOLO MENEGUZZI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SIMONE TOMASSINI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SARA ORLACCHIO - CANTOPOP CANTOLIRICO/SOLFEGGIO ELENA RUSCITTO - CANTO - PIANOFORTE MODERNO ANDREA MATTIA GENTILE - CHITARRA ARRANGIAMENTI/PROGRAMMAZIONE PIER TARANTINO - BATTERIA/ARRANGIAMENTI MUSICALI VERONICA TORRE - BATTERIA/MUSICSTAR...T! CARLO UBOLDI - PIANOFORTE MODERN/JAZZ/BLUES/POP/CLASSIC FRANCESCO CARCANO - BASSO/CONTRABBASSO MARGHERITA REMOTTI - RECITAZIONE TEATRO E CINEMA FERNANDO CORATELLI - CORSO DI SCRITTURA E SCENEGGIATURA MASSIMILIANO MALNATI - DEEJAY MAURO MARCHESE - L.A.STYLE HIP-HOP/STREETJAZZ/HOUSE LINO SPERANZA - STREETDANCE360 HIP HOP OLD SYLE/TOPROCK SILVIA BRICHESE - DANZA CLASSICA E GIOCO DANZA BAMBINI BBOYCIRINO - BREAK DANCE SANDRA MARTELLOTTA - ARTE POLE DANCE ANNALISA LAMBRUGHI - ARTE POLE DANCE LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE Il tariffario viene spedito soltanto su richiesta via email o telefono (anche WAPP) Contattaci con i tuoi dati per richiedere il tariffario e il programma stagionale dei corsi a info@PopMusicSchool.ch oppure richiedilo al +41 76 – 463 55 42 IL PROGRAMMA SETTIMANALE DEI CORSI SOTTO RIPORTATO E’ SOLO INDICATIVO E ALCUNI CORSI NON SONO INDICATI POICHE’ SONO VARIABILI ANCHE SE NON DOVESSERO CORRISPONDERE ALLE TUE DISPONIBILITA' CONTATTACI TROVEREMO UNA SOLUZIONE PER LE TUE ESIGENZE

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
 Open all day
Ostello di Scudellate

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

Ostello di Scudellate

Via Cantonale 124, 6838 Muggio
Ostello di Scudellate - Valle di Muggio

For decades, the Scudellate Ostello has been a reference point for school groups and groups of friends wishing to discover the Muggio Valley region. After major renovation work on the building, the hostel is now suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a convivial stay, surrounded by nature and characterized by a modern and youthful structure. The Scudellate Ostello is the ideal place for groups and school parties. You can book the ostello for special occasions such as birthdays, parties, sports retreats, mountain schools, team-building trips and group travel. Depending on your needs and the number of participants, the Ostello team is ready to present you with individual offers. In the picturesque village of Scudellate, located in the upper Muggio Valley, is the Scudellate Ostello. The Ostello has recently been refurbished to accommodate families, couples, backpackers, groups of friends, school groups and work colleagues who want to enjoy a stay on the slopes of Monte Generoso. The surrounding landscape is suitable for all lovers of nature and local food and wine. From here, it is possible to set off on various excursions on foot and by mountain bike between Switzerland and Italy. A dense network of paths allows you to admire the typical flora and fauna of the region. The Osteria Manciana, located just a few meters away, is happy to delight guests of the Ostello, from breakfast to dinner, with typical regional dishes and drinks. The Ostello offers two types of rooms. There are three rooms with shared bathroom and shower and one private room with its own bathroom. On the first floor of the Ostello there is a brand-new terrace with a unique view of the valley. Thanks to the youthful and versatile furnishings, guests can spend time together, relax or enjoy the breathtaking view while enjoying a local aperitif. On the ground floor there is another terrace, but this is covered and suitable for activities even if the weather is not favorable. The common room is located on the ground floor. Here guests will have the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and share their stay. As well as for socializing, this area is suitable for relaxing, working or holding meetings. Board games, books and a guitar are at everyone’s disposal. There is also the possibility of listening to music both inside and outside the building. There is also a big screen for filming or presentations. Keep an eye on the Ostello’s social profile, @OstellodiScudellate, to find out about activities and events. The building was built as the Scudellate school between 1907 and 1909 when it was inaugurated by the entire population of Scudellate and Erbonne. In fact, it initially housed the children of the two villages, which are still in Switzerland (Scudellate) and Italy (Erbonne). As many as 51 pupils between the ages of 6 and 14 attended the school every year. The infrastructure built by the local population (see original list of benefactors of 1909) remained available as a kindergarten and school from its creation in 1909 until 1965. In the upper Muggio Valley there were also other schools in Roncapiano and Muggiasca. From 1965 to 1982, the current Ostello was mainly used for local festivals, which were very popular with the population of the entire upper Muggio Valley and beyond. On 22 August 1982, the building was given a new lease of life, and after partial renovation, the Scudellate Ostello was opened and remained open all year round. From 1982 to 2019, the sole manager was Mr Guerino Piffaretti, who managed the facility in an exemplary manner, hosting several generations of young people from schools in the Mendrisiotto area and beyond. Since 2019 the infrastructure has been taken over by the Fondazione per la salvaguardia dell’alta Valle di Muggio (Foundation for the Protection of the Upper Muggio Valley), which has assembled the old facilities with a third adjacent building (former Cooperative), creating 24 beds in 4 rooms as well as new and separate toilets. The refectory and kitchen have also been modernized and made more usable not only for guests but also for meetings/presentations etc.. Finally, there has been built a magnificent terrace of approx. 35m2 offering a spectacular view over the entire Muggio Valley. On 23 July 2021, the new Ostello was inaugurated. It will be managed as part of the Albergo Diffuso of Monte Generoso with the adjacent Osteria Manciana, the Foresteria di Scudellate and the Capanna dell’Alpe Caviano.

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LodgingHotelBed and BreakfastSwiss cuisineBar
Via Cantonale 124, 6838 Muggio
LodgingHotelBed and BreakfastSwiss cuisineBar
Ostello di Scudellate - Valle di Muggio

For decades, the Scudellate Ostello has been a reference point for school groups and groups of friends wishing to discover the Muggio Valley region. After major renovation work on the building, the hostel is now suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a convivial stay, surrounded by nature and characterized by a modern and youthful structure. The Scudellate Ostello is the ideal place for groups and school parties. You can book the ostello for special occasions such as birthdays, parties, sports retreats, mountain schools, team-building trips and group travel. Depending on your needs and the number of participants, the Ostello team is ready to present you with individual offers. In the picturesque village of Scudellate, located in the upper Muggio Valley, is the Scudellate Ostello. The Ostello has recently been refurbished to accommodate families, couples, backpackers, groups of friends, school groups and work colleagues who want to enjoy a stay on the slopes of Monte Generoso. The surrounding landscape is suitable for all lovers of nature and local food and wine. From here, it is possible to set off on various excursions on foot and by mountain bike between Switzerland and Italy. A dense network of paths allows you to admire the typical flora and fauna of the region. The Osteria Manciana, located just a few meters away, is happy to delight guests of the Ostello, from breakfast to dinner, with typical regional dishes and drinks. The Ostello offers two types of rooms. There are three rooms with shared bathroom and shower and one private room with its own bathroom. On the first floor of the Ostello there is a brand-new terrace with a unique view of the valley. Thanks to the youthful and versatile furnishings, guests can spend time together, relax or enjoy the breathtaking view while enjoying a local aperitif. On the ground floor there is another terrace, but this is covered and suitable for activities even if the weather is not favorable. The common room is located on the ground floor. Here guests will have the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and share their stay. As well as for socializing, this area is suitable for relaxing, working or holding meetings. Board games, books and a guitar are at everyone’s disposal. There is also the possibility of listening to music both inside and outside the building. There is also a big screen for filming or presentations. Keep an eye on the Ostello’s social profile, @OstellodiScudellate, to find out about activities and events. The building was built as the Scudellate school between 1907 and 1909 when it was inaugurated by the entire population of Scudellate and Erbonne. In fact, it initially housed the children of the two villages, which are still in Switzerland (Scudellate) and Italy (Erbonne). As many as 51 pupils between the ages of 6 and 14 attended the school every year. The infrastructure built by the local population (see original list of benefactors of 1909) remained available as a kindergarten and school from its creation in 1909 until 1965. In the upper Muggio Valley there were also other schools in Roncapiano and Muggiasca. From 1965 to 1982, the current Ostello was mainly used for local festivals, which were very popular with the population of the entire upper Muggio Valley and beyond. On 22 August 1982, the building was given a new lease of life, and after partial renovation, the Scudellate Ostello was opened and remained open all year round. From 1982 to 2019, the sole manager was Mr Guerino Piffaretti, who managed the facility in an exemplary manner, hosting several generations of young people from schools in the Mendrisiotto area and beyond. Since 2019 the infrastructure has been taken over by the Fondazione per la salvaguardia dell’alta Valle di Muggio (Foundation for the Protection of the Upper Muggio Valley), which has assembled the old facilities with a third adjacent building (former Cooperative), creating 24 beds in 4 rooms as well as new and separate toilets. The refectory and kitchen have also been modernized and made more usable not only for guests but also for meetings/presentations etc.. Finally, there has been built a magnificent terrace of approx. 35m2 offering a spectacular view over the entire Muggio Valley. On 23 July 2021, the new Ostello was inaugurated. It will be managed as part of the Albergo Diffuso of Monte Generoso with the adjacent Osteria Manciana, the Foresteria di Scudellate and the Capanna dell’Alpe Caviano.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

 Open all day
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Fast food in Mendrisiotto (Region)

: 9 Entries
 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
Antidoto SA

Antidoto SA

Via alla Chiesa 1, 6883 Novazzano
Antidote SA and Rystotech: Excellence in Professional Kitchen Design

Sale of Electric Ovens for Food Delivery Antidoto SA is positioned as the undisputed leader in the sale of electric ovens for take-away pizzerias, offering technologically advanced solutions that guarantee perfect pizza cooking. Our range of electric ovens is designed to meet the efficiency and quality requirements of the food delivery service. Designing Professional Kitchens for Restaurants and Pizzerias Under the Rystotech brand, Antidoto SA excels in the design of professional kitchens for restaurants and pizzerias. Our projects focus on optimising space and implementing intelligent solutions to improve operational efficiency and reduce preparation times. Innovation in Restaurant Designing Rystotech stands out for its ability to create innovative designs, transforming restaurants into functional and aesthetically appealing spaces. Our expertise covers every aspect of restaurant design, ensuring tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. Customised Solutions for Pizzeria Design The design of pizzerias requires a specialised approach, which Rystotech can offer thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the sector. From furnishing to the optimal layout of equipment, we design pizzerias that are not only beautiful to look at, but also incredibly functional, for fast, quality service. Visit our website https://www.rystotech.com/ to discover how our design solutions and electric ovens can revolutionise your restaurant or pizzeria. With Antidoto SA and Rystotech, you have a reliable and innovative partner at your side.

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Industrial design Product designFood DeliveryHotel supplyInterior architectureHome delivery serviceTakeout
Via alla Chiesa 1, 6883 Novazzano
Industrial design Product designFood DeliveryHotel supplyInterior architectureHome delivery serviceTakeout
Antidote SA and Rystotech: Excellence in Professional Kitchen Design

Sale of Electric Ovens for Food Delivery Antidoto SA is positioned as the undisputed leader in the sale of electric ovens for take-away pizzerias, offering technologically advanced solutions that guarantee perfect pizza cooking. Our range of electric ovens is designed to meet the efficiency and quality requirements of the food delivery service. Designing Professional Kitchens for Restaurants and Pizzerias Under the Rystotech brand, Antidoto SA excels in the design of professional kitchens for restaurants and pizzerias. Our projects focus on optimising space and implementing intelligent solutions to improve operational efficiency and reduce preparation times. Innovation in Restaurant Designing Rystotech stands out for its ability to create innovative designs, transforming restaurants into functional and aesthetically appealing spaces. Our expertise covers every aspect of restaurant design, ensuring tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients. Customised Solutions for Pizzeria Design The design of pizzerias requires a specialised approach, which Rystotech can offer thanks to its in-depth knowledge of the sector. From furnishing to the optimal layout of equipment, we design pizzerias that are not only beautiful to look at, but also incredibly functional, for fast, quality service. Visit our website https://www.rystotech.com/ to discover how our design solutions and electric ovens can revolutionise your restaurant or pizzeria. With Antidoto SA and Rystotech, you have a reliable and innovative partner at your side.

 Closed – Opens today at 8:00 AM
 Open all day
Osteria Manciana con alloggio

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 8 ratings

Osteria Manciana con alloggio

Via Cantonale 95, 6838 Muggio

For our hostess Simona and her team it will be a pleasure to tantalize the tastebuds of their guests with seasonal and regional recipes and dishes that are always prepared with local products. In keeping with the Ticino tradition, the kitchen recommends the ever popular “Ossobuco” from Piera with polenta from “Mulino di Bruzella”, as well as the braised beef (“Brasato”) and the the flat or tall “Formaggini” that is produced in the valley. Cheeses can be enjoyed including the Ticino cheese “Formagella”, that is made nearby on the slopes of Monte Generoso. Finally, you can taste the local sausages with the excellent bread baked in the valley, as well as the wines of Mendrisiotto. The tradition of typical dishes will also be carried on by Simona according to family recipes including the famous osso buco with polenta “della Piera.” This and more await you in a typical and cozy environment. We have carefully selected for you different wines at reasonable prices from the different wineries in the Mendrisiotto. Of course, the Merlot dominates, but there are also various assemblages and wines that are stored in barriques to emphasize the bouquet of the wines. Our wine list also contains some representative wines from neighboring Italy, from Barbaresco to Sangiovese and finally Prosecco and Spumanti, made according to the classic method (Champagnoise), as well as, of course, with the common aperitifs, our grappas and nocinos (walnut liqueurs). The name of the Osteria refers to the family name Manciana, the maiden name of the grandmother “nonna Agnese”, who has run the Osteria since the 1950s when she took over the work that her mother Giuditta had started in the 1930s. From 1970 until today, her daughter-in-law Piera has taken care of the entire management of the restaurant; she has always welcomed all visitors warmly and has cooked for thousands of guests with passion over the years. The “osso buco con polenta della Piera”, a dish whose recipe remains a secret and has now been continued by four generations, remains famous. Simona, Piera’s daughter-in-law, will take over the management of the Manciana after the renovation, maintaining the direction and traditions that have shaped this historic osteria of the Valle di Muggio and Monte Generoso region over the years. From 2021 the Osteria will be able to offer its guests a large room for 40 people and two terraces for around 15 people, including a new one with a view of the valley. The Osteria is a typical mountain inn, which has adapted to the progress and changes of the visitors over the years but has retained its character as a daily meeting point for the residents of the Muggio Valley and those passing through. In the Osteria, farmers, bricklayers, hikers and seasonal workers who returned from central Switzerland after the Second World War, border guards who lived in the village and soldiers in times of war always enjoyed meeting each other. In the 1960s smugglers who carried their goods in “bricolle” (jute sacks full of cigarettes) to Italy, also took a stop there. Even today the adventures of the “spalloni” (smugglers) are told who tried to escape the border guards in order to bring their “bricolla” to safety. For almost 100 years the MANCIANA was a reference point for the village and the visitors, who once traveled for commercial and now for tourist reasons, between Switzerland and Italy, Como Lake (Italy) and Lugano Lake (Switzerland). Hospitality and tolerance were and will remain a hallmark of the Manciana.

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HotelRestaurantBarSwiss cuisineBed and Breakfast
Via Cantonale 95, 6838 Muggio
HotelRestaurantBarSwiss cuisineBed and Breakfast

For our hostess Simona and her team it will be a pleasure to tantalize the tastebuds of their guests with seasonal and regional recipes and dishes that are always prepared with local products. In keeping with the Ticino tradition, the kitchen recommends the ever popular “Ossobuco” from Piera with polenta from “Mulino di Bruzella”, as well as the braised beef (“Brasato”) and the the flat or tall “Formaggini” that is produced in the valley. Cheeses can be enjoyed including the Ticino cheese “Formagella”, that is made nearby on the slopes of Monte Generoso. Finally, you can taste the local sausages with the excellent bread baked in the valley, as well as the wines of Mendrisiotto. The tradition of typical dishes will also be carried on by Simona according to family recipes including the famous osso buco with polenta “della Piera.” This and more await you in a typical and cozy environment. We have carefully selected for you different wines at reasonable prices from the different wineries in the Mendrisiotto. Of course, the Merlot dominates, but there are also various assemblages and wines that are stored in barriques to emphasize the bouquet of the wines. Our wine list also contains some representative wines from neighboring Italy, from Barbaresco to Sangiovese and finally Prosecco and Spumanti, made according to the classic method (Champagnoise), as well as, of course, with the common aperitifs, our grappas and nocinos (walnut liqueurs). The name of the Osteria refers to the family name Manciana, the maiden name of the grandmother “nonna Agnese”, who has run the Osteria since the 1950s when she took over the work that her mother Giuditta had started in the 1930s. From 1970 until today, her daughter-in-law Piera has taken care of the entire management of the restaurant; she has always welcomed all visitors warmly and has cooked for thousands of guests with passion over the years. The “osso buco con polenta della Piera”, a dish whose recipe remains a secret and has now been continued by four generations, remains famous. Simona, Piera’s daughter-in-law, will take over the management of the Manciana after the renovation, maintaining the direction and traditions that have shaped this historic osteria of the Valle di Muggio and Monte Generoso region over the years. From 2021 the Osteria will be able to offer its guests a large room for 40 people and two terraces for around 15 people, including a new one with a view of the valley. The Osteria is a typical mountain inn, which has adapted to the progress and changes of the visitors over the years but has retained its character as a daily meeting point for the residents of the Muggio Valley and those passing through. In the Osteria, farmers, bricklayers, hikers and seasonal workers who returned from central Switzerland after the Second World War, border guards who lived in the village and soldiers in times of war always enjoyed meeting each other. In the 1960s smugglers who carried their goods in “bricolle” (jute sacks full of cigarettes) to Italy, also took a stop there. Even today the adventures of the “spalloni” (smugglers) are told who tried to escape the border guards in order to bring their “bricolla” to safety. For almost 100 years the MANCIANA was a reference point for the village and the visitors, who once traveled for commercial and now for tourist reasons, between Switzerland and Italy, Como Lake (Italy) and Lugano Lake (Switzerland). Hospitality and tolerance were and will remain a hallmark of the Manciana.

Rating 4.9 of 5 stars from 8 ratings

 Open all day
 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
PopMusicSchool di Paolo Meneguzzi

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

PopMusicSchool di Paolo Meneguzzi

Via Franco Zorzi 20, 6850 Mendrisio
Scuola artistica di canto, danza, teatro, cinema, strumenti e lezioni online

La nostra scuola artistica e’ stata fondata ed e’ diretta artisticamente dal noto cantante ticinese Paolo Meneguzzi Dopo più’ di 20 anni di carriera, di esperienze, di conoscenze e dopo aver girato il mondo con la sua musica, in parallelo alla sua attività’ di cantante, Paolo Meneguzzi, ha deciso di creare una scuola POP creata con un’ idea nuova, un metodo su misura per le esigenze di oggi, per chi ha il sogno di diventare un’ artista e la speranza di trovare la strada per poter vivere fianco a fianco con la sua passione. La scuola si avvale solo di professori professionisti che hanno scommesso con Paolo nel progetto di creare qualcosa di bello, fantastico, serio e unico in Ticino per le arti POP. A oggi, dopo 4 anni, contiamo oltre 700 iscritti a corsi provenienti da tutto il TICINO GRAZIE PER LA FIDUCIA A TUTTI I SCRIVITI o informati anche tu, senza impegno, per iniziare i tuoi corsi da subito. SEDE: MENDRISIO via ZORZI 20 (nuova sede) STUDIO DI APPOGGIO: PORZA/LUGANO al MONDO DELLA MUSICA Vai incontro al tuo destino, lui e’ pronto ad accoglierti per proiettarsi con te nel futuro.. Paolo Meneguzzi LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE PRENOTA LA TUA PROVA GRATUITA IN QUALSIASI MOMENTO DELL’ ANNO I CORSI SONO PER PRINCIPIANTI O AVANZATI, PER TUTTE LE ETÀ I nostri corsi seguono il calendario delle vacanze scolastiche 9 PAOLO MENEGUZZI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SIMONE TOMASSINI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SARA ORLACCHIO - CANTOPOP CANTOLIRICO/SOLFEGGIO ELENA RUSCITTO - CANTO - PIANOFORTE MODERNO ANDREA MATTIA GENTILE - CHITARRA ARRANGIAMENTI/PROGRAMMAZIONE PIER TARANTINO - BATTERIA/ARRANGIAMENTI MUSICALI VERONICA TORRE - BATTERIA/MUSICSTAR...T! CARLO UBOLDI - PIANOFORTE MODERN/JAZZ/BLUES/POP/CLASSIC FRANCESCO CARCANO - BASSO/CONTRABBASSO MARGHERITA REMOTTI - RECITAZIONE TEATRO E CINEMA FERNANDO CORATELLI - CORSO DI SCRITTURA E SCENEGGIATURA MASSIMILIANO MALNATI - DEEJAY MAURO MARCHESE - L.A.STYLE HIP-HOP/STREETJAZZ/HOUSE LINO SPERANZA - STREETDANCE360 HIP HOP OLD SYLE/TOPROCK SILVIA BRICHESE - DANZA CLASSICA E GIOCO DANZA BAMBINI BBOYCIRINO - BREAK DANCE SANDRA MARTELLOTTA - ARTE POLE DANCE ANNALISA LAMBRUGHI - ARTE POLE DANCE LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE Il tariffario viene spedito soltanto su richiesta via email o telefono (anche WAPP) Contattaci con i tuoi dati per richiedere il tariffario e il programma stagionale dei corsi a info@PopMusicSchool.ch oppure richiedilo al +41 76 – 463 55 42 IL PROGRAMMA SETTIMANALE DEI CORSI SOTTO RIPORTATO E’ SOLO INDICATIVO E ALCUNI CORSI NON SONO INDICATI POICHE’ SONO VARIABILI ANCHE SE NON DOVESSERO CORRISPONDERE ALLE TUE DISPONIBILITA' CONTATTACI TROVEREMO UNA SOLUZIONE PER LE TUE ESIGENZE

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Art schoolSinging school, voice lessonsDancing schoolActing schoolMusic instructionRecording studioCourses
Via Franco Zorzi 20, 6850 Mendrisio
Art schoolSinging school, voice lessonsDancing schoolActing schoolMusic instructionRecording studioCourses
Scuola artistica di canto, danza, teatro, cinema, strumenti e lezioni online

La nostra scuola artistica e’ stata fondata ed e’ diretta artisticamente dal noto cantante ticinese Paolo Meneguzzi Dopo più’ di 20 anni di carriera, di esperienze, di conoscenze e dopo aver girato il mondo con la sua musica, in parallelo alla sua attività’ di cantante, Paolo Meneguzzi, ha deciso di creare una scuola POP creata con un’ idea nuova, un metodo su misura per le esigenze di oggi, per chi ha il sogno di diventare un’ artista e la speranza di trovare la strada per poter vivere fianco a fianco con la sua passione. La scuola si avvale solo di professori professionisti che hanno scommesso con Paolo nel progetto di creare qualcosa di bello, fantastico, serio e unico in Ticino per le arti POP. A oggi, dopo 4 anni, contiamo oltre 700 iscritti a corsi provenienti da tutto il TICINO GRAZIE PER LA FIDUCIA A TUTTI I SCRIVITI o informati anche tu, senza impegno, per iniziare i tuoi corsi da subito. SEDE: MENDRISIO via ZORZI 20 (nuova sede) STUDIO DI APPOGGIO: PORZA/LUGANO al MONDO DELLA MUSICA Vai incontro al tuo destino, lui e’ pronto ad accoglierti per proiettarsi con te nel futuro.. Paolo Meneguzzi LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE PRENOTA LA TUA PROVA GRATUITA IN QUALSIASI MOMENTO DELL’ ANNO I CORSI SONO PER PRINCIPIANTI O AVANZATI, PER TUTTE LE ETÀ I nostri corsi seguono il calendario delle vacanze scolastiche 9 PAOLO MENEGUZZI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SIMONE TOMASSINI - CANTO/COMPOSIZIONE SARA ORLACCHIO - CANTOPOP CANTOLIRICO/SOLFEGGIO ELENA RUSCITTO - CANTO - PIANOFORTE MODERNO ANDREA MATTIA GENTILE - CHITARRA ARRANGIAMENTI/PROGRAMMAZIONE PIER TARANTINO - BATTERIA/ARRANGIAMENTI MUSICALI VERONICA TORRE - BATTERIA/MUSICSTAR...T! CARLO UBOLDI - PIANOFORTE MODERN/JAZZ/BLUES/POP/CLASSIC FRANCESCO CARCANO - BASSO/CONTRABBASSO MARGHERITA REMOTTI - RECITAZIONE TEATRO E CINEMA FERNANDO CORATELLI - CORSO DI SCRITTURA E SCENEGGIATURA MASSIMILIANO MALNATI - DEEJAY MAURO MARCHESE - L.A.STYLE HIP-HOP/STREETJAZZ/HOUSE LINO SPERANZA - STREETDANCE360 HIP HOP OLD SYLE/TOPROCK SILVIA BRICHESE - DANZA CLASSICA E GIOCO DANZA BAMBINI BBOYCIRINO - BREAK DANCE SANDRA MARTELLOTTA - ARTE POLE DANCE ANNALISA LAMBRUGHI - ARTE POLE DANCE LE ISCRIZIONI SONO SEMPRE APERTE Il tariffario viene spedito soltanto su richiesta via email o telefono (anche WAPP) Contattaci con i tuoi dati per richiedere il tariffario e il programma stagionale dei corsi a info@PopMusicSchool.ch oppure richiedilo al +41 76 – 463 55 42 IL PROGRAMMA SETTIMANALE DEI CORSI SOTTO RIPORTATO E’ SOLO INDICATIVO E ALCUNI CORSI NON SONO INDICATI POICHE’ SONO VARIABILI ANCHE SE NON DOVESSERO CORRISPONDERE ALLE TUE DISPONIBILITA' CONTATTACI TROVEREMO UNA SOLUZIONE PER LE TUE ESIGENZE

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

 Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AM
 Open all day
Ostello di Scudellate

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

Ostello di Scudellate

Via Cantonale 124, 6838 Muggio
Ostello di Scudellate - Valle di Muggio

For decades, the Scudellate Ostello has been a reference point for school groups and groups of friends wishing to discover the Muggio Valley region. After major renovation work on the building, the hostel is now suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a convivial stay, surrounded by nature and characterized by a modern and youthful structure. The Scudellate Ostello is the ideal place for groups and school parties. You can book the ostello for special occasions such as birthdays, parties, sports retreats, mountain schools, team-building trips and group travel. Depending on your needs and the number of participants, the Ostello team is ready to present you with individual offers. In the picturesque village of Scudellate, located in the upper Muggio Valley, is the Scudellate Ostello. The Ostello has recently been refurbished to accommodate families, couples, backpackers, groups of friends, school groups and work colleagues who want to enjoy a stay on the slopes of Monte Generoso. The surrounding landscape is suitable for all lovers of nature and local food and wine. From here, it is possible to set off on various excursions on foot and by mountain bike between Switzerland and Italy. A dense network of paths allows you to admire the typical flora and fauna of the region. The Osteria Manciana, located just a few meters away, is happy to delight guests of the Ostello, from breakfast to dinner, with typical regional dishes and drinks. The Ostello offers two types of rooms. There are three rooms with shared bathroom and shower and one private room with its own bathroom. On the first floor of the Ostello there is a brand-new terrace with a unique view of the valley. Thanks to the youthful and versatile furnishings, guests can spend time together, relax or enjoy the breathtaking view while enjoying a local aperitif. On the ground floor there is another terrace, but this is covered and suitable for activities even if the weather is not favorable. The common room is located on the ground floor. Here guests will have the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and share their stay. As well as for socializing, this area is suitable for relaxing, working or holding meetings. Board games, books and a guitar are at everyone’s disposal. There is also the possibility of listening to music both inside and outside the building. There is also a big screen for filming or presentations. Keep an eye on the Ostello’s social profile, @OstellodiScudellate, to find out about activities and events. The building was built as the Scudellate school between 1907 and 1909 when it was inaugurated by the entire population of Scudellate and Erbonne. In fact, it initially housed the children of the two villages, which are still in Switzerland (Scudellate) and Italy (Erbonne). As many as 51 pupils between the ages of 6 and 14 attended the school every year. The infrastructure built by the local population (see original list of benefactors of 1909) remained available as a kindergarten and school from its creation in 1909 until 1965. In the upper Muggio Valley there were also other schools in Roncapiano and Muggiasca. From 1965 to 1982, the current Ostello was mainly used for local festivals, which were very popular with the population of the entire upper Muggio Valley and beyond. On 22 August 1982, the building was given a new lease of life, and after partial renovation, the Scudellate Ostello was opened and remained open all year round. From 1982 to 2019, the sole manager was Mr Guerino Piffaretti, who managed the facility in an exemplary manner, hosting several generations of young people from schools in the Mendrisiotto area and beyond. Since 2019 the infrastructure has been taken over by the Fondazione per la salvaguardia dell’alta Valle di Muggio (Foundation for the Protection of the Upper Muggio Valley), which has assembled the old facilities with a third adjacent building (former Cooperative), creating 24 beds in 4 rooms as well as new and separate toilets. The refectory and kitchen have also been modernized and made more usable not only for guests but also for meetings/presentations etc.. Finally, there has been built a magnificent terrace of approx. 35m2 offering a spectacular view over the entire Muggio Valley. On 23 July 2021, the new Ostello was inaugurated. It will be managed as part of the Albergo Diffuso of Monte Generoso with the adjacent Osteria Manciana, the Foresteria di Scudellate and the Capanna dell’Alpe Caviano.

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LodgingHotelBed and BreakfastSwiss cuisineBar
Via Cantonale 124, 6838 Muggio
LodgingHotelBed and BreakfastSwiss cuisineBar
Ostello di Scudellate - Valle di Muggio

For decades, the Scudellate Ostello has been a reference point for school groups and groups of friends wishing to discover the Muggio Valley region. After major renovation work on the building, the hostel is now suitable for anyone who wants to enjoy a convivial stay, surrounded by nature and characterized by a modern and youthful structure. The Scudellate Ostello is the ideal place for groups and school parties. You can book the ostello for special occasions such as birthdays, parties, sports retreats, mountain schools, team-building trips and group travel. Depending on your needs and the number of participants, the Ostello team is ready to present you with individual offers. In the picturesque village of Scudellate, located in the upper Muggio Valley, is the Scudellate Ostello. The Ostello has recently been refurbished to accommodate families, couples, backpackers, groups of friends, school groups and work colleagues who want to enjoy a stay on the slopes of Monte Generoso. The surrounding landscape is suitable for all lovers of nature and local food and wine. From here, it is possible to set off on various excursions on foot and by mountain bike between Switzerland and Italy. A dense network of paths allows you to admire the typical flora and fauna of the region. The Osteria Manciana, located just a few meters away, is happy to delight guests of the Ostello, from breakfast to dinner, with typical regional dishes and drinks. The Ostello offers two types of rooms. There are three rooms with shared bathroom and shower and one private room with its own bathroom. On the first floor of the Ostello there is a brand-new terrace with a unique view of the valley. Thanks to the youthful and versatile furnishings, guests can spend time together, relax or enjoy the breathtaking view while enjoying a local aperitif. On the ground floor there is another terrace, but this is covered and suitable for activities even if the weather is not favorable. The common room is located on the ground floor. Here guests will have the opportunity to meet, get to know each other and share their stay. As well as for socializing, this area is suitable for relaxing, working or holding meetings. Board games, books and a guitar are at everyone’s disposal. There is also the possibility of listening to music both inside and outside the building. There is also a big screen for filming or presentations. Keep an eye on the Ostello’s social profile, @OstellodiScudellate, to find out about activities and events. The building was built as the Scudellate school between 1907 and 1909 when it was inaugurated by the entire population of Scudellate and Erbonne. In fact, it initially housed the children of the two villages, which are still in Switzerland (Scudellate) and Italy (Erbonne). As many as 51 pupils between the ages of 6 and 14 attended the school every year. The infrastructure built by the local population (see original list of benefactors of 1909) remained available as a kindergarten and school from its creation in 1909 until 1965. In the upper Muggio Valley there were also other schools in Roncapiano and Muggiasca. From 1965 to 1982, the current Ostello was mainly used for local festivals, which were very popular with the population of the entire upper Muggio Valley and beyond. On 22 August 1982, the building was given a new lease of life, and after partial renovation, the Scudellate Ostello was opened and remained open all year round. From 1982 to 2019, the sole manager was Mr Guerino Piffaretti, who managed the facility in an exemplary manner, hosting several generations of young people from schools in the Mendrisiotto area and beyond. Since 2019 the infrastructure has been taken over by the Fondazione per la salvaguardia dell’alta Valle di Muggio (Foundation for the Protection of the Upper Muggio Valley), which has assembled the old facilities with a third adjacent building (former Cooperative), creating 24 beds in 4 rooms as well as new and separate toilets. The refectory and kitchen have also been modernized and made more usable not only for guests but also for meetings/presentations etc.. Finally, there has been built a magnificent terrace of approx. 35m2 offering a spectacular view over the entire Muggio Valley. On 23 July 2021, the new Ostello was inaugurated. It will be managed as part of the Albergo Diffuso of Monte Generoso with the adjacent Osteria Manciana, the Foresteria di Scudellate and the Capanna dell’Alpe Caviano.

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

 Open all day
* No advertising material