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Surgery in German Switzerland (Region)

: 1212 Entries

Surgery in German Switzerland (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Surgery in German Switzerland (Region), top rated on local.ch

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 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:00
Prof. Dr. med. Schmid Stephan

Prof. Dr. med. Schmid Stephan

Toblerstrasse 51, 8044 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
OtorhinolaryngologyHead and Neck SurgerySurgeryPrivate clinicPlastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryDoctors

Horizon SwissCare AG

Industriestrasse 57, 6300 Zug
PremiumPremium Entry
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryDentistDental clinicAesthetic medicineSurgeryClinicDoctors
 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:30
Fuss-Praxis Bern

Fuss-Praxis Bern

Kramgasse 63, 3011 Bern
PremiumPremium Entry
Orthopaedic surgerySurgeryOrthopedics (not included in doctors category)PracticeDoctors
* No advertising material

Surgery in German Switzerland (Region)

Surgery in German Switzerland (Region), recommended by local.ch

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Surgery in German Switzerland (Region), top rated on local.ch

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Surgery in German Switzerland (Region)

: 1212 Entries
 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:00
Prof. Dr. med. Schmid Stephan

Prof. Dr. med. Schmid Stephan

Toblerstrasse 51, 8044 Zurich
PremiumPremium Entry
OtorhinolaryngologyHead and Neck SurgerySurgeryPrivate clinicPlastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryDoctors

Horizon SwissCare AG

Industriestrasse 57, 6300 Zug
PremiumPremium Entry
Plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeryDentistDental clinicAesthetic medicineSurgeryClinicDoctors
 Closed – Opens morgen um 08:30
Fuss-Praxis Bern

Fuss-Praxis Bern

Kramgasse 63, 3011 Bern
PremiumPremium Entry
Orthopaedic surgerySurgeryOrthopedics (not included in doctors category)PracticeDoctors
* No advertising material