kebab-doener in chatel-st-denis: 1 Entry Map view Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AMRating 4.0 of 5 stars from 9 ratings4.0 / 5 (9)Chez AladdinRuelle du Pont 2, 1618 Châtel-St-DenisBook nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuChez AladdinRuelle du Pont 2, 1618 Châtel-St-DenisKebab Döner•Pizzeria•Takeout•Hamburger•RestaurantRating 4.0 of 5 stars from 9 ratings4.0 / 5 (9) Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AMCall*Book nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu* No advertising materialRelated searches:Pizzeria in Châtel-St-DenisRestaurant in Châtel-St-DenisTakeout in Châtel-St-DenisIn other cities:Kebab Döner in Argovia (Canton)Kebab Döner in Around Lake Geneva / Lake Léman (Region)Kebab Döner in Around Lake Zurich (Region)Kebab Döner in Espace Mittelland (Region)Kebab Döner in Graubünden (Canton)Kebab Döner in La SarineKebab Döner in Lower Valais (Region)Kebab Döner in Nordwestschweiz (Region)Kebab Döner in Ostschweiz (Region)Kebab Döner in Région lémanique (Region)Kebab Döner in Sarine (Region)Kebab Döner in Waadt (Region)Kebab Döner in Zentralschweiz (Region)Kebab Döner in ZurichKebab Döner in Zürcher Oberland (Region)local.chChâtel-St-DenisKebab-doener chatel-st-denis
Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AMRating 4.0 of 5 stars from 9 ratings4.0 / 5 (9)Chez AladdinRuelle du Pont 2, 1618 Châtel-St-DenisBook nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Chez AladdinRuelle du Pont 2, 1618 Châtel-St-DenisKebab Döner•Pizzeria•Takeout•Hamburger•RestaurantRating 4.0 of 5 stars from 9 ratings4.0 / 5 (9) Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AMCall*Book nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AMRating 4.0 of 5 stars from 9 ratings4.0 / 5 (9)Chez AladdinRuelle du Pont 2, 1618 Châtel-St-DenisBook nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Chez AladdinRuelle du Pont 2, 1618 Châtel-St-DenisKebab Döner•Pizzeria•Takeout•Hamburger•RestaurantRating 4.0 of 5 stars from 9 ratings4.0 / 5 (9) Closed – Opens today at 9:00 AMCall*Book nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu