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Legal protection in waadt-region

: 19 Entries
bonus.ch SA

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

bonus.ch SA

Place Chauderon 20, 1003 Lausanne
bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals: insurance, finance, ...

bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals in the domain of insurance, bank, finance, telecom and consumer products in Switzerland. Our users find on bonus.ch efficient comparison tools as well as useful information and tips for saving money. Our mission is to facilitate the contact between a consumer and the provider that offers him the best quality-price ratio for his individual situation and to provide a technical solution for the consumer to directly request an offer from the provider of his choice. bonus.ch was founded in 2004 and has quickly developed into a renowned consumer platform. Initially specialised in the comparison of health insurance premiums, other domains have rapidly been integrated into the portal. Since the day of its creation the platform has helped numerous consumers to realise considerable savings by changing to another provider. bonus.ch is financed partly by providing a technical solution for those companies that wish to receive offer request from users with an intention to change from their current provider. For the technical realisation of this contact providers pay a standard fee that is not a commission and that is due when a consumer sends a request regardless of whether or not he actually changes. Other than that, the price comparison portal bonus.ch is, because of its consumer orientation, a very efficient communication platform for providers that are interested to dialogue with their target audiences. Tags : Insurance, Health insurance, car insurance, home content insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, legal insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance, finance, home credit, credit, loan, investment, mobile, internet, car comparison, ...

PremiumPremium Entry
InsuranceHealth insuranceCredit institution
Place Chauderon 20, 1003 Lausanne
InsuranceHealth insuranceCredit institution
bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals: insurance, finance, ...

bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals in the domain of insurance, bank, finance, telecom and consumer products in Switzerland. Our users find on bonus.ch efficient comparison tools as well as useful information and tips for saving money. Our mission is to facilitate the contact between a consumer and the provider that offers him the best quality-price ratio for his individual situation and to provide a technical solution for the consumer to directly request an offer from the provider of his choice. bonus.ch was founded in 2004 and has quickly developed into a renowned consumer platform. Initially specialised in the comparison of health insurance premiums, other domains have rapidly been integrated into the portal. Since the day of its creation the platform has helped numerous consumers to realise considerable savings by changing to another provider. bonus.ch is financed partly by providing a technical solution for those companies that wish to receive offer request from users with an intention to change from their current provider. For the technical realisation of this contact providers pay a standard fee that is not a commission and that is due when a consumer sends a request regardless of whether or not he actually changes. Other than that, the price comparison portal bonus.ch is, because of its consumer orientation, a very efficient communication platform for providers that are interested to dialogue with their target audiences. Tags : Insurance, Health insurance, car insurance, home content insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, legal insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance, finance, home credit, credit, loan, investment, mobile, internet, car comparison, ...

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

 Closed – Opens lundi à 07:45
La Mobilière

La Mobilière

Avenue Viollier 8, 1260 Nyon
PremiumPremium Entry
InsuranceRetirement planningMortgage
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Rue des Terreaux 11, 1003 Lausanne
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Route d'Oron 1, 1010 Lausanne
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Rue de la Gare 32, 1110 Morges
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Rue de Neuchâtel 1, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
* No advertising material

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Legal protection in waadt-region

: 19 Entries
bonus.ch SA

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

bonus.ch SA

Place Chauderon 20, 1003 Lausanne
bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals: insurance, finance, ...

bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals in the domain of insurance, bank, finance, telecom and consumer products in Switzerland. Our users find on bonus.ch efficient comparison tools as well as useful information and tips for saving money. Our mission is to facilitate the contact between a consumer and the provider that offers him the best quality-price ratio for his individual situation and to provide a technical solution for the consumer to directly request an offer from the provider of his choice. bonus.ch was founded in 2004 and has quickly developed into a renowned consumer platform. Initially specialised in the comparison of health insurance premiums, other domains have rapidly been integrated into the portal. Since the day of its creation the platform has helped numerous consumers to realise considerable savings by changing to another provider. bonus.ch is financed partly by providing a technical solution for those companies that wish to receive offer request from users with an intention to change from their current provider. For the technical realisation of this contact providers pay a standard fee that is not a commission and that is due when a consumer sends a request regardless of whether or not he actually changes. Other than that, the price comparison portal bonus.ch is, because of its consumer orientation, a very efficient communication platform for providers that are interested to dialogue with their target audiences. Tags : Insurance, Health insurance, car insurance, home content insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, legal insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance, finance, home credit, credit, loan, investment, mobile, internet, car comparison, ...

PremiumPremium Entry
InsuranceHealth insuranceCredit institution
Place Chauderon 20, 1003 Lausanne
InsuranceHealth insuranceCredit institution
bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals: insurance, finance, ...

bonus.ch is one of the biggest price comparison portals in the domain of insurance, bank, finance, telecom and consumer products in Switzerland. Our users find on bonus.ch efficient comparison tools as well as useful information and tips for saving money. Our mission is to facilitate the contact between a consumer and the provider that offers him the best quality-price ratio for his individual situation and to provide a technical solution for the consumer to directly request an offer from the provider of his choice. bonus.ch was founded in 2004 and has quickly developed into a renowned consumer platform. Initially specialised in the comparison of health insurance premiums, other domains have rapidly been integrated into the portal. Since the day of its creation the platform has helped numerous consumers to realise considerable savings by changing to another provider. bonus.ch is financed partly by providing a technical solution for those companies that wish to receive offer request from users with an intention to change from their current provider. For the technical realisation of this contact providers pay a standard fee that is not a commission and that is due when a consumer sends a request regardless of whether or not he actually changes. Other than that, the price comparison portal bonus.ch is, because of its consumer orientation, a very efficient communication platform for providers that are interested to dialogue with their target audiences. Tags : Insurance, Health insurance, car insurance, home content insurance, home insurance, liability insurance, legal insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance, finance, home credit, credit, loan, investment, mobile, internet, car comparison, ...

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating

 Closed – Opens lundi à 07:45
La Mobilière

La Mobilière

Avenue Viollier 8, 1260 Nyon
PremiumPremium Entry
InsuranceRetirement planningMortgage
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Rue des Terreaux 11, 1003 Lausanne
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Route d'Oron 1, 1010 Lausanne
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Rue de la Gare 32, 1110 Morges
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
PremiumPremium Entry
Health insuranceInsurance
Rue de Neuchâtel 1, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains
Health insuranceInsurance
Groupe Mutuel Customer Services

The gateway for all your requests Do you have a question about your insurance contract, something to report or need information? Our Customer Services are your first point of contact: www.groupemutuel.ch/contactus Call us or write to us and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Our Customer Services are available Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.30: Hotline 0848 803 111 l Email clients@groupemutuel.ch One address for your medical invoices (original documents) and correspondence: Groupe Mutuel, Rue des Cèdres 5, 1919 Martigny prestations@groupemutuel.ch In close to 40 agencies and six service centres throughout Switzerland, our staff will be happy to advise you. Opening hours : from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00 (incl. on the eve of public holidays) Make your life easier thanks to your Customer Area • Scan and send your invoices instantly • View your documents and refunds • Modify your contracts and personal details Download the application from your App Store Do you have any questions about the Customer Area? • Your most frequently asked questions about the Customer Area - Groupe Mutuel • Call our hotline on 058 758 71 71 (Monday to Friday, from 8.00 to 18.00) • Write to us at customer.area@groupemutuel.ch

 Closed – Opens lundi à 08:00
* No advertising material