IBSA GroupIBSA ( Institut Biochimique SA ) is a Swiss multinational pharmaceutical Company , founded in 1945 in Lugano. Today, its products are present in over 90 Countries on 5 continents , through the Company’s 17 subsidiaries located in Europe, China, and the United States. The company has a consolidated turnover of 800 million CHF, and employs over 2,000 people between headquarters, subsidiaries and production sites. IBSA holds 90 families of approved patents , plus others under development, as well as a vast portfolio of products, covering 10 therapeutic areas : reproductive medicine, endocrinology, pain and inflammation, osteoarticular, aesthetic medicine, dermatology, uro-gynaecology, cardiometabolic, respiratory, consumer health. It is also one of the largest operators worldwide in the area of reproductive medicine, and one of the world’s leaders in hyaluronic acid-based products. IBSA has based its philosophy on four pillars: Person, Innovation, Quality and Responsibility.