THE NAIL BOX URBAN BEAUTY BARPassage Marval 1, 2000 NeuchâtelNail cosmetics•Manicure•Foot care pedicuresRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed – Opens tomorrow at 8:00 AMCallBook appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu
Catherine Riedi Podologue PédicureRue de la Serre 4, 2000 NeuchâtelFoot care pedicures•PodologyDouleur au petit doigt corne profonde Moment top !!! elle à était douce et patiente je la recommande vivement11. July 2024, salvese30Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 15 ratings5.0 / 5 (15) Closed – Opens tomorrow at 6:00 AMCall*Book appointmentOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu