Realfid Immobiliare SA
Via Landriani 2A, 6900 LuganoReal estate brokers and agencies•Property management•Real Estate•Management of real estate•Audit firm•Sales consulting and sales promotion•RentingRealfid ImmobiliareRealfid Immobiliare is a company of Arkai Group. Realfid Immobiliare has its operational headquarters near the Parco Ciani in Lugano. Realfid Immobiliare specialises in real estate consultancy services throughout Switzerland, supporting its clients with high quality services, guaranteeing from the very first contact an efficient service in compliance with the principles of absolute confidentiality . Real estate administration mandates for income properties or condominiums are carried out in a strictly professional manner, as are all requests for assistance with the sale and/or rental of real estate. Realfid Immobiliare's experience is at the client's disposal in order to assist him in strategic decisions so as to minimise risks during the delicate process of sale and purchase.
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