FilterHotel with Banquet Services in Glarus: 2 Entries Hotel und Restaurant Stadthof GlarusKirchweg 2, 8750 GlarusBook nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuHotel und Restaurant Stadthof GlarusKirchweg 2, 8750 GlarusHotel•Restaurant•BanquetCall*Book nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu Closed until 7:00 AMRating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings3.7 / 5 (3)Hotel Post GlarnerhofBahnhofstrasse 2, 8750 GlarusReserve a tableReserveReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menuHotel Post GlarnerhofBahnhofstrasse 2, 8750 GlarusHotel•Banquet•RestaurantRating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings3.7 / 5 (3) Closed until 7:00 AMCallReserve a tableReserveReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu* No advertising materiallocal.chGlarusHotelHotel with Banquet Services Glarus
Hotel und Restaurant Stadthof GlarusKirchweg 2, 8750 GlarusBook nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Hotel und Restaurant Stadthof GlarusKirchweg 2, 8750 GlarusHotel•Restaurant•BanquetCall*Book nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until 7:00 AMRating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings3.7 / 5 (3)Hotel Post GlarnerhofBahnhofstrasse 2, 8750 GlarusReserve a tableReserveReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Hotel Post GlarnerhofBahnhofstrasse 2, 8750 GlarusHotel•Banquet•RestaurantRating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings3.7 / 5 (3) Closed until 7:00 AMCallReserve a tableReserveReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Hotel und Restaurant Stadthof GlarusKirchweg 2, 8750 GlarusBook nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Hotel und Restaurant Stadthof GlarusKirchweg 2, 8750 GlarusHotel•Restaurant•BanquetCall*Book nowBookBook nowOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Closed until 7:00 AMRating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings3.7 / 5 (3)Hotel Post GlarnerhofBahnhofstrasse 2, 8750 GlarusReserve a tableReserveReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu
Hotel Post GlarnerhofBahnhofstrasse 2, 8750 GlarusHotel•Banquet•RestaurantRating 3.7 of 5 stars from 3 ratings3.7 / 5 (3) Closed until 7:00 AMCallReserve a tableReserveReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOther contact optionsOpen menu