Kebab House & MoreKlosterstrasse 3, 6390 EngelbergKebab Döner•Fast food•Takeout•Restaurant•CafésSuperSehr freundliche Bedienung und super Service!!26. August 2021, chiararohRating 3.8 of 5 stars from 12 ratings3.8 / 5 (12) Open until 7:00 PMCall*Reserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu
Pool Olf Sport AGFeldstrasse 80, 8180 BülachBilliards•Bar•Fast foodRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Open until 10:00 PMCall*Reserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu
Burger King FrauenfeldZürcherstrasse 288, 8500 FrauenfeldRestaurant•Fast food•TakeoutRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 1 rating5.0 / 5 (1) Open until 11:00 PMCall*Reserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu
Burger King Winterthur TössSchlosstalstrasse 1, 8406 WinterthurRestaurant•Fast food•TakeoutRating 3.8 of 5 stars from 11 ratings3.8 / 5 (11) Open until 11:00 PMCallReserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu
Buris GrillwerkLufingerstrasse 2, 8302 KlotenRestaurant•Takeout•Fast food•American cuisine•Grill, Barbecue•Swiss cuisine•Home delivery serviceSehr feinkann ich empfehlen6. July 2023, msRating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings5.0 / 5 (2) Closed until Thursday at 4:30 PMCall*Reserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu
Papej Kebab & PizzaCompognastrasse 39, 7430 ThusisKebab Döner•Pizzeria•Takeout•Pizza Take Away•Pizza delivery•Home delivery service•Cafés•Fast foodBester ImbissTOP12. July 2023, fede94_interRating 4.8 of 5 stars from 16 ratings4.8 / 5 (16) Closed until Friday at 10:00 AMCall*Reserve a tableOpen menuOther contact optionsOpen menu