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Physical therapy in Salgesch


Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 2 ratings

PHYSIObalance Salgesch GmbH

All Physical therapy in Salgesch

PHYSIObalance Salgesch GmbH


Physical therapy in Salgesch

Opening times PHYSIObalance Salgesch GmbH
Open all day
  1. Monday *
    Open all day
  2. Tuesday *
    Open all day
  3. Wednesday *
    Open all day
  4. Thursday *
    Open all day
  5. Friday *
    Open all day
  6. Saturday *
    Open all day
  7. Sunday *
    Open all day
Days marked with * by arrangement

Mo 8h00 - 11h30, Di und Mi 8h00 - 19h30, Do 16h00 - 19h30

PHYSIObalance Salgesch GmbH – Contacts & Location


Physical therapy

Reviews for PHYSIObalance Salgesch GmbH (2)

2 reviews & 1 comments for PHYSIObalance Salgesch GmbH

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars

Comments (1)

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars

Sehr kompetent, effizient, freundlich und hilfsbereit

Frau Crettaz ist sehr kompetent, effizient, freundlich, symphatisch und hilfsbereit. Vielen Dank!

August 3, 2023 | marianne.savioz

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* does not want any advertisingSource: Swisscom Directories AG