"Team AlguaThera, made up of health professionals, offers you a natural concept on a daily basis."
Our mission is to offer a response to the observation
that everyone makes about the state of the planet (soil impoverishment, water pollution) and the quality of our food. Provide concrete, effective solutions, accessible to everyone, based on value for money.
Propose ethical wellness solutions that are based on
scientific skills and respectful of the planet. Our vision is to work with authentic ethics, eco-responsibility and respect for human, animal and plant values.
The freedom to choose to do health prevention with naturalness. The values that are important to us: to offer quality products while respecting the planet.
Areuse, Auvernier, Bevaix, Biaufond, Bôle, Borcarderie, Boudevilliers, Boudry, Brot-Dessous, Brot-Plamboz, Lac des Brenets, La Brévine, Buttes, Cerneux-Péquignot, Cernier, Châtillon, Chaumont, La Chaux-du-Milieu, Chézard-St-Martin, Coffrane, Colombier, Corcelles-Cormondrèche, Cormondrèche, Cornaux, Cortaillod, La Côte-aux-Fées, Couvet, Cressier, Dombresson, Enges, Fenin, Fleurier, Fontaines, Fontainemelon, Fresens, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Gorgier, Hauterive, La Borcarderie, La Chaux-de-Fonds, La Sagne, Le Landeron, Le Pâquier, Les Verrières, Lignières, Le Locle, Malvilliers, Marin-Epagnier, Montalchez, Montézillon, Montmirail, Montmollin, Neuchâtel, Noiraigue, Perreux, Les Planchettes, Les Ponts-de-Martel, Rochefort, Sauges, Saules, Savagnier, St-Aubin, St-Blaise, St-Sulpice, Serrières, Souaillon, Travers, Valangin, Vaumarcus, Vilars, Wavre ,Peseux