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Physical therapy in Romanshorn
Therapie Unden Boegertherapie und Physiotherapiepraxis
Therapie Unden Boegertherapie und Physiotherapiepraxis
Physical therapy in Romanshorn
- Monday8:00 to 20:00
- Tuesday8:00 to 20:00
- Wednesday8:00 to 20:00
- Thursday8:00 to 18:00
- FridayClosed
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
Freitag und Samstag nach Vereinbarung
- Monday8:00 to 20:00
- Tuesday8:00 to 20:00
- Wednesday8:00 to 20:00
- Thursday8:00 to 18:00
- FridayClosed
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
Freitag und Samstag nach Vereinbarung
- Monday
Therapie Unden Boegertherapie und Physiotherapiepraxis – Contacts & Location
Therapy Unden - Practice for Boeger Therapy & Physiotherapy
Boeger therapy
Pain and restricted movement are often the result of adhesions and adhesions in the fascial system. Such restrictions can be permanently resolved with Boeger therapy.
Systemic scar therapy
Systemic scar therapy, developed by David Boeger, is a technique that can be used in physiotherapy to both diagnose and therapeutically release scars and inflammation-related adhesions.
The release of visible and invisible scar tissue is possible regardless of the age, size, depth and type of scar. As soon as the scars and adhesions have been released, the patient can free themselves from their posture.
The Boeger-Therapy® technique is individually tailored to the patient's connective tissue. After just a few minutes, it is possible to check whether the chosen method is having the desired effect. The result can be felt and measured immediately by the patient and therapist.
iXpending® is the advanced stretching concept of Boeger-Therapy®. It is based on the knowledge that the human body consists of over 80 percent fluids. As an organ that shapes the body, the fascial tissue is both a packaging material and a sewer system.
If the venous drainage is impeded, it accumulates in the arterial branch of the blood circulation, which results in an "increase in tone" of the connective tissue. This restricts mobility and posture. Stretchability is therefore de-stretchability.
iXpending is used as a follow-up therapy after systemic scar therapy.
However, this must always be discussed with the therapist on an individual basis.
Stress affects the fasciae, significantly determines the functioning of the organs, leads to muscle tension and influences the cardiovascular system. REMovement® releases the stress-induced tension in the organ and muscle chains in just a few minutes and clears the way for mobility and vitality.
- English,German
- By telephone,In-store,Online
- Close to public transport,Close to train station,In city center,Parking site,Wheelchair-accessible parking
- Accepts Credit-Card,Accepts EC-Card,American Express,Cash,Contactless payment,Google Pay,Maestro,Mastercard,Postcard,TWINT,Visa
- Categories
- Physical therapyManual therapyPrevention and public healthDoctors