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Health and sports massage in Malleray

Piaget Valentin logo
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Rating 5.0 of 5 stars from 6 ratings

Piaget Valentin

All Health and sports massage in Malleray

Piaget Valentin

Cabinet de massage médical / Masseur médical avec brevet fédéral, certifier CRS. / Masseur Médical Brevet Fédéral
Piaget Valentin logo

Health and sports massage in Malleray

PremiumPremium Entry
Opening times Piaget Valentin
Open by appointment – Closes in 2 hours
  1. Monday *
    8:45 to 21:30
  2. Tuesday *
    8:45 to 17:30
  3. Wednesday *
    8:45 to 21:30
  4. Thursday *
    9:15 to 17:30
  5. Friday *
    8:45 to 17:00
  6. Saturday *
    9:15 to 14:00
  7. Sunday
Days marked with * by arrangement

Lundi-Mercredi, Vendredi à Malleray Jeudi, Samedi à Bienne

Piaget Valentin – Contacts & Location


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Terms of payment

Health and sports massageLymphatic DrainageReflexology massage

Reviews for Piaget Valentin (6)

6 reviews & 1 comments for Piaget Valentin

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars

Comments (1)

Rating 5.0 of 5 stars

Soulagement rapide

Toujours disponible et aimable. Soulage nos douleurs avec efficacité et compétence. Propose des solutions immédiates à domicile (exercices, bains de sel, argile, etc) avant les rendez-vous proches.

June 10, 2020 | chantal.piaget-paroz

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