Conservative dentistry - care on the dental crown: treatment of caries, dentinal hyperesthesia, etc.
Endodontics - care inside tooth roots: endodontic treatment ...
Surgical endodontics - surgery of dental root tips: removal of granulomas and cysts, etc.
Surgical dentistry - tooth-related surgery: avulsion of wisdom teeth, impacted canines, etc.
prosthetics - anything to do with the reconstitution of lost tooth substance or the replacement of missing teeth: crowns, bridges, removable prostheses ...
periodontology or periodontics - treatment of periodontal diseases (pathologies of the tissues surrounding the teeth)
Surgery: avulsion (extraction) of impacted or impacted wisdom teeth or canines or any dental organ too decayed to be restored
Implantology - replacement of missing teeth with artificial titanium "roots", fixed in the bone
Orthodontics or Dentofacial Orthopedics - treatment of tooth alignment and jaw meshing
Pedodontics (or pediatric dentistry) - dental care for children