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Foot care pedicures in Kloten
Fischer Sabine Fusspflege & Fussreflexzonenmassage
Fischer Sabine Fusspflege & Fussreflexzonenmassage
Foot care pedicures in Kloten
Montag - Freitag ab 10 bis 17 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung
Montag - Freitag ab 10 bis 17 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung
Fischer Sabine Fusspflege & Fussreflexzonenmassage – Contacts & Location
Foot care & foot reflexology Sabine Fischer
Certified cosmetic chiropodist since 2004 and certified foot reflexology therapist since 2007.
Foot reflexology is based on the knowledge that every organ is reflected on the foot. By applying pressure to the reflex zones on the feet, the corresponding organs are stimulated and the body's own healing powers are activated.
Services (cash payment only):
Foot care
- Cosmetic foot care
- Foot reflexology massage
Manicure with certificate
Hair removal (legs)
Sale of foot and hand products (SatisFeet FootCare & Flash Flower and Fruit Manicure)
How to get there:
Easily accessible by public transport! From Zurich Airport to Kloten Härdlen by bus 735.
Parking spaces available in front of the house.
- English,German
- Hair removal
- Close to public transport,Parking site,Wheelchair-accessible
- Foot care
- Cash
- Categories
- Foot care pedicuresReflexology massageManicure