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Medizinische Massagepraxis Silvia Bütikofer
Kl. Massage, Triggerpointtherapie. Systemische Narbentherapie n. Boegertherapie, Manuelle Lymphdrainage und Ödem Therapie, BGM, Fascientechniken, Fussreflex,
med. Massagen (alle Krankenkassen anerkannt)
More in Bürglen
Medizinische Massagepraxis Silvia Bütikofer
Kl. Massage, Triggerpointtherapie. Systemische Narbentherapie n. Boegertherapie, Manuelle Lymphdrainage und Ödem Therapie, BGM, Fascientechniken, Fussreflex,med. Massagen (alle Krankenkassen anerkannt)
Opening times Medizinische Massagepraxis Silvia Bütikofer
Closed – Opens in 2 hours
- Monday *10:00 to 19:30
- Tuesday *10:00 to 19:30
- WednesdayClosed
- Thursday *10:00 to 19:30
- Friday *10:00 to 19:00
- Saturday *9:00 to 13:00
- SundayClosed
Days marked with * by arrangement
- Monday *10:00 to 19:30
- Tuesday *10:00 to 19:30
- WednesdayClosed
- Thursday *10:00 to 19:30
- Friday *10:00 to 19:00
- Saturday *9:00 to 13:00
- SundayClosed
Days marked with * by arrangement- Monday *