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Excellente compréhension de nos besoins. Une mise en relation avec les pompes funèbres adaptées. Nous étions très satisfaits dans ce moment difficile.
October 17, 2023 | guillaume.muller65In these painful moments of separation, Pompes Funèbres Neuchâteloises are here to advise and accompany you, through our professionalism and quality of listening, in all situations and steps related to bereavement.
Besides Cernier, Val-de-Ruz is also home to several communes. Whether you live in Boudevilliers, Cernier, Chézard-Saint-Martin, Coffrane, Dombresson, Engollon, Fenin-Vilars-Saules, Fontainemelon, Fontaines, Les Geneveys-sur-Coffrane, Les Hauts-Geneveys, Montmollin, Le Pâquier, Savagnier and Villiers, you can count on Pompes Funèbres Neuchâteloises to assist you with the funeral arrangements and provide personalized support.
We're here to help you.
Listening, supporting and accompanying families. 24h/24, 7d/7 every day of the year, direct line.
Rapid care of the deceased at the family's home with our " stretcher/carriage " equipment in order to move the deceased with respect and dignity during the raising of the body.
Respect for the deceased by restoring his or her dignity during mortuary cleansing (15 years of experience and various diplomas allow us to have high-quality male and female staff.
Funeral arrangements adapted to the deceased's religious and philosophical convictions.
A wide choice of funeral equipment (coffins, cushions, urns, crosses, ornaments,...) to meet families' expectations.
Preparation of obituaries for the press, printing of announcements and thank-you cards.
Contact and coordination with those in charge of Temples, Churches and other ceremony venues, but also celebrants, organists, florists, printers, caterers, marble masons, etc.
Organization and procedures for transporting the deceased throughout Switzerland, but also repatriation from abroad or to abroad by hearse or plane.
Procedures and formalities with civil registry offices, communal, cantonal and consular authorities.
Funeral planning guarantees that your wishes, those you expressed during your lifetime, will be respected. All your decisions will be recorded and followed to the letter " My choices will be respected"
Excellente compréhension de nos besoins. Une mise en relation avec les pompes funèbres adaptées. Nous étions très satisfaits dans ce moment difficile.
October 17, 2023 | guillaume.muller65