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Naturopathy in Bern
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SAKE Bildungszentrum AG
All Naturopathy in Bern
SAKE Bildungszentrum AG
Naturopathy in Bern
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Welcome to
The SAKE training center in Bern offers high-quality trainingin western and eastern naturopathy.
With our range of training courses from traditional Chinese medicine to western naturopathy and conversation therapy, we aim to train both beginners and people with previous knowledge of healthcare to become competent therapists.
Practical work and theoretical training at a high level are intended to optimally prepare students
prepare students for their demanding therapeutic work. The integration of Eastern healing knowledge into
the western environment is an important goal.
The various training programs meet the highest requirements of the Canton of Bern, EMR and
SBO-TCM. With attractive further training opportunities, we accompany practicing therapists on
their career path. Ask for a personal consultation (Tel. 031 352 35 44) or visit our information evenings.
With our range of training courses from traditional Chinese medicine to western naturopathy and conversation therapy, we aim to train both beginners and people with previous knowledge of healthcare to become competent therapists.
Practical work and theoretical training at a high level are intended to optimally prepare students
prepare students for their demanding therapeutic work. The integration of Eastern healing knowledge into
the western environment is an important goal.
The various training programs meet the highest requirements of the Canton of Bern, EMR and
SBO-TCM. With attractive further training opportunities, we accompany practicing therapists on
their career path. Ask for a personal consultation (Tel. 031 352 35 44) or visit our information evenings.
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