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Gynaecology and obstetrics in Aarau
Geburt und Familie
Geburt und Familie
Gynaecology and obstetrics in Aarau
Gallery (10)
- Monday8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
- Tuesday8:00 to 12:00 / 13:15 to 18:00
- Wednesday8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
- Thursday8:00 to 12:00 / 13:15 to 17:00
- Friday8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 18:00
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
Telefonzeiten MO-FR 08:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 17:00
- Monday8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
- Tuesday8:00 to 12:00 / 13:15 to 18:00
- Wednesday8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 17:00
- Thursday8:00 to 12:00 / 13:15 to 17:00
- Friday8:00 to 12:00 / 14:00 to 18:00
- SaturdayClosed
- SundayClosed
Telefonzeiten MO-FR 08:00 - 12:00 / 14:00 - 17:00
- Monday
Geburt und Familie – Contacts & Location
Birth and family practice
In the practice run by Dr. Werner Stadlmayr (FMH gynaecology and obstetrics, as well as FA interdisciplinary focus in psychosocial & psychosomatic medicine), the following offers are made to you
.Our philosophy
Pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period are often a time of successful and happy experiences in the development of a woman, her partnership and her family. We would like to encourage you in this experience of 'good hope': you should be able to experience this positive development in a self-determined way. YOUR 'nature' is our guide. We want to provide you with a framework that will enable you to engage intensively with your inner and outer processes.
The development during pregnancy, birth and postpartum is revolutionary and represents a challenge for the woman on various levels that should not be underestimated; this includes intensive physical processes with their effect on the experience of one's own body, as well as the integration of the child before and after birth with the various bonding and letting go processes.
Our basis
We are guided by (I) depth psychological and attachment theory concepts of expectant motherhood and fatherhood; furthermore, we integrate (II) knowledge about relationship processes between the (expectant) mother and her child (dyad) and in the (expectant) triangle between father, mother and child (triad); in addition (III) the inclusion of body-related experiential processes, as known from body-oriented psychotherapy (e.g. according to G. Downing).
In addition, we refer (IV) to the model of living systems (including their system levels and their communication with each other), as described in the Theory of Human Medicine (Th. v. Uexküll, W. Wesiack); closely linked to this is the idea of the importance of a helpful environment.
.We also use (V) the insights gained by evidence-based medicine (to which modern medicine refers) on the basis of the scientific-objectivist approach. While the living systems model sees the human being as a being that communicates with itself and its environment, into which one can empathize - in the sense of a 'relationship partner' - 'communicatively' , the model of evidence-based medicine sees the human being as a system into which one can 'intervene' - from the position of an 'observer' - on the basis of physical and chemical models.
Our stance
We use both approaches, i.e. the communication-based and the intervention-based, in order to make room for and support the woman's "nature" in her OWN, i.e. individual, development during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.
"Nature" refers to the idea that living - biological-bodily & psycho-social - systems are INCREASABLE and that the "nature" of the pregnant woman / woman in labour / woman in childbirth leads to her processes being SELF-ORGANIZED. With this in mind, we work with you to support your self-organizing health and healing processes during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period; building on this, we address your worries and fears in an encouraging way.
Where the processes of stimulation and self-organization are threatened, we intensively apply COMMUNICATIVE OFFERINGS and, where not sufficient, INTERVENTIONS (such as caesarean section or epidural anaesthesia). From this perspective, interventions tend to be "second or last solutions" for us, in contrast to attitudes that do not give any, or any important, significance to self-organizational processes that are close to nature and therefore also like to use interventions as "first solutions".We want to carefully weigh up the opportunities, but also the risks, of "nature" for the physical and mental health of mother and child; we also take into account the individual life history and current circumstances of a woman and also support her if, after careful consideration, the decision emerges as sensible or necessary to avoid the physical and psychological processes of a vaginal birth by caesarean section.
Our claimWe would like to encourage you to RECOGNIZE and REFLECT your own processes, i.e. to "feel" and "think" about them, and to incorporate them into the obstetric care situation; where necessary and desired, we also offer you a consultation hour for therapeutic discussions.
We expect ourselves to constantly reflect on our own actions, our communication-based and our intervention-oriented ones. Ideally, we always try to recognize each woman and each couple as UNIQUE, i.e. as "individual", and to design our care accordingly.
Concepts of (expectant) motherhood/fatherhood and parenthood as well as expectations of birth and the puerperium should find a place in the OCCASIONAL obstetric consultation, where the biological processes form the starting point; we try to understand warning signs or undesirable developments, such as pain, weight changes, blood pressure fluctuations, infections, and much more, on the basis of the above thoughts and models whole.
We therefore strive to always REFLECT our care in the area of tension between the "biological & psychosocial" and between "communication & intervention".
Our commitment to women and their families after pregnancy and birth also includes the several-month postpartum period with all the possible questions, problems and crises that this time can raise. This includes, for example, coping with the birth experience and pregnancy processes, the integration of being a mother and the mother-child relationship, the experience of breastfeeding in the context of body experience, autonomy and bonding, general questions about being a woman (career, family, body, exhaustion), as well as many questions about family development, partnership and sexuality, and much more.
It is in the nature of the processes surrounding pregnancy, birth and the puerperium that they are woman-centered, primarily due to the direct physical involvement of the woman; however, it seems clear today that the man is also affected by major internal and external upheavals in his expectant fatherhood, his concern for the well-being of his partner and his own self-image as a man. Our aim is to give these processes the attention they deserve so that both partners can be a "helpful environment" for each other.
Our obstetrics
Outpatient care as part of preventive care during pregnancy and the postnatal period
.Outpatient care during childbirth at the Hirslanden Clinic Aarau (see general conditions there).
Supplementary psychosocial services relating to pregnancy, birth and the puerperium, e.g. for anxiety about a vaginal birth, processing a traumatic birth, or exhaustion and depression before and/or after the birth, and much more.
All services complement each other in a
You are welcome to contact us WITHOUT having to change your gynecologist; we are also happy to advise you in the sense of a "second opinion" or to look after you exclusively as an obstetrician during childbirth.
Our services can complement any psychotherapy or psychiatric treatment you may already be undergoing.
In general, we prefer open communication with you and between all those involved, obstetric and psychotherapeutic/psychiatric caregivers.If you are unsure, perhaps a short phone call will help?
Services (3)
Standard/Niedrig-Risiko-Situationen: Generell bieten wir ein hohes Engagement sowie breite Erfahrung in der Unterstützung für natürliche bzw. vaginale Geburten.
Komplexe geburtshilfliche Situationen: Wenn kein präventiver Kaiserschnitt gewünscht, so suchen wir auch nach Möglichkeiten der vaginalen Geburt bei Steisslage, Zwillingen, grossen Kindern und nach Kaiserschnitt.
Vorsorgeuntersuchungen in der Geburtshilfe (inklusive Pränataldiagnostik, DEGUM II)
PriceOn request
Vorsorgeuntersuchungen in der Frauenheilkunde (inkl. Brustultraschall)
Behandlung bei Brusterkrankungen
(z.B. Brustkrebs) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Brustzentrum Hirslanden Aarau.
Diagnostische Abklärung und nicht-operative und operative Therapien bei Inkontinenz (unwillkürlichem Harnverlust).
Gängige operative Methoden z.B. Gebärmutterspiegelung (auch direkt bei der gyn. Untersuchung, d.h. ohne Narkose im Spital), Ausschabung, Konisation (Entfernung auffälliger Befunde am Gebärmutterhals unter Erhalt der Gebärmutter), Bauchspiegelung (sog. «Knopflochchirurgie», z.B. zur Gebärmutterentfernung oder Eierstocksoperationen, z.B. bei Zysten).
Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch: Diagnostik und erste Behandlungsschritte in Zusammenarbeit mit externen Spezialsprechstunden.
PriceOn request
Schwangerschaft, Geburt u Wochenbett: bei Angst vor der Geburt und Trauma nach der Geburt sowie bei depressiver Entwicklung (z.B. postnataler Depression), Bindungsstörung zum Kind sowie Partnerschaftsprobleme vor und nach der Geburt.
Fragen rund um Sexualität und Partnerschaftskonflikte – Einzel- oder Paargespräche
Psychotherapeutische Begleitung bei Kindsverlust, sowie bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch (vor, während oder nach einer Kinder-wunschbehandlung)
PriceOn request
- German
- By telephone,Online
- Annual check-up, gynecological preventive examination,Bladder problems and urinary incontinence,Breast cancer,Breast issues,Emotional support,Reproductive medicine,Sterility assessment and treatment,Vaginal rejuvenation
- 3D 4D ultrasound,Birth planning and discussion,Deliveries, including cesarean sections,Postpartum care,Pregnancy care,Prenatal checks for high-risk pregnancies,Prenatal checks for normal pregnancies,Prenatal diagnosis
- Hysteroscopic surgeries (via hysteroscopy),Laparoscopic surgeries (keyhole technique), including supracervical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus),Sterility assessment
- German
- Categories
- Gynaecology and obstetricsDoctors
Forms of contact
Surgical procedures
Treatment languages
Reviews for Geburt und Familie (1)
1 reviews & 0 comments for Geburt und Familie
Services (3)
Standard/Niedrig-Risiko-Situationen: Generell bieten wir ein hohes Engagement sowie breite Erfahrung in der Unterstützung für natürliche bzw. vaginale Geburten.
Komplexe geburtshilfliche Situationen: Wenn kein präventiver Kaiserschnitt gewünscht, so suchen wir auch nach Möglichkeiten der vaginalen Geburt bei Steisslage, Zwillingen, grossen Kindern und nach Kaiserschnitt.
Vorsorgeuntersuchungen in der Geburtshilfe (inklusive Pränataldiagnostik, DEGUM II)
PriceOn request
Vorsorgeuntersuchungen in der Frauenheilkunde (inkl. Brustultraschall)
Behandlung bei Brusterkrankungen
(z.B. Brustkrebs) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Brustzentrum Hirslanden Aarau.
Diagnostische Abklärung und nicht-operative und operative Therapien bei Inkontinenz (unwillkürlichem Harnverlust).
Gängige operative Methoden z.B. Gebärmutterspiegelung (auch direkt bei der gyn. Untersuchung, d.h. ohne Narkose im Spital), Ausschabung, Konisation (Entfernung auffälliger Befunde am Gebärmutterhals unter Erhalt der Gebärmutter), Bauchspiegelung (sog. «Knopflochchirurgie», z.B. zur Gebärmutterentfernung oder Eierstocksoperationen, z.B. bei Zysten).
Unerfüllter Kinderwunsch: Diagnostik und erste Behandlungsschritte in Zusammenarbeit mit externen Spezialsprechstunden.
PriceOn request
Schwangerschaft, Geburt u Wochenbett: bei Angst vor der Geburt und Trauma nach der Geburt sowie bei depressiver Entwicklung (z.B. postnataler Depression), Bindungsstörung zum Kind sowie Partnerschaftsprobleme vor und nach der Geburt.
Fragen rund um Sexualität und Partnerschaftskonflikte – Einzel- oder Paargespräche
Psychotherapeutische Begleitung bei Kindsverlust, sowie bei unerfülltem Kinderwunsch (vor, während oder nach einer Kinder-wunschbehandlung)
PriceOn request